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Posts posted by DesertFox

  1. 35 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

    To go for an armistice, as even everybody else knew,it was the sensible thing to do. As long as there was a chance of winning they supported the regime. Kind regards and happy gaming

    Everyone knows about their motives, nothing new here. All researched to maximum level by multiple historians, published and open to see including the primary sources.

  2. 2 hours ago, chuckdyke said:

    I didn't say it was your intent, it was a popular myth as goal to accept the rearming of the West German army. Speidel Rommel's adjudant became inspector general of NATO.

    Just to avoid some possible confusion here that Speidel was involved in whitewashing the Wehrmacht. He wasn´t:

    It was Franz Halder (Hitlers Chief of OKH General Staff until 09/1942) who was basically responsible for re-writing the Wehrmacht Eastern Front history with the intent to wash himself and others white of all warcrimes. He was also the only german general who was both decorated by Hitler and the POTUS (1961, he was awarded the Meritorious Civilian Service Award for his service in the US Army Hisorical Division).

    Hans Speidel on the other hand was actively involved in the resistance against Hitler and the 20th July bomb plot and tried to win over both Rommel, von Kluge and after his suicide his successor Model. He was arrested after the plot and imprisoned. He was the only major player in the 20 July Plot to survive the war.

    You can look up both biographies online, more than enough information available on both former generals.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Lethaface said:

     I think the integration with German army is a good idea. 

    I also think that and I also think the franco-german brigade is a good example that this could work on a larger, lets call it NORTHAG / CENTAG / SOUTHAG scale for the whole EU, at least I hope so, but we are not there yet and lets be honest, without US support the EU isn´t capable to supply and defend itself against any large scale aggressor for any meaningful time. However we need to get to that point better sooner than later, because it really would be more than shameful if US-boys would have to come across the atlantic again for a third time within two centuries to save half of europes asses from an autocratic aggressor going on a rampage across europe.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Beleg85 said:

    The group is under direct auspices of Ukrainian intelligence (their TG channel has photos from for example Snake Island). While consisting of various fishy far-right folks, it's very hard to believe they acted on their own.

    All in all, it does look like it may end as relatively minor incident. Probably even Putin would need something on the scale of Budionnovsk or Bieslan to escalate into full-fledged war. Not that it would matter much, as he already run out of conventional options anyway.

    Yep. Just for starters, look at the immaculate state of their uniforms, gear and boots. I know how you look like after 72 hours out in the wild under combat conditions. No way those pics are for real.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Beleg85 said:

    Short summary- it seems there is a rift between various groups of Russian volunteers there, and these responsible are smaller hardcore goup. Also, I previously missed fact that RVC and Russian Legion are two separate entities fighting under different banners and with different ideologies; the fact they are supervised is true, however;  ethnic Russians cannot bear arms in service of Ukraine just like that)

    So an allegiately drug dealing lunatic is trying to do his own thing here? Begs the question how he managed to travel the at least 100 km from the ukrainian border to Bryansk without getting any prior support from Ukraine? I guess there is more to this which might be revealed the next days.

  6. 9 minutes ago, LongLeftFlank said:

    Yes, either my usual OSINT go to sources are honouring OPSEC, or the source report on this counterattack is a little over the skis. ...That said, the UA wouldn't blow a weir if they had nothing at all in mind.

    If Google translator doesn´t fail me, he (Wolski) warns to be overly optimistic:

    I caution against treating this counterattack as a breakthrough. If it succeeds, at best, the situation for the AU will return to the state it was before February 19. This is a local counter-attack, not an AU offensive, but of course even such a tactical victory for SZU is very satisfying.



  7. 2 hours ago, Haiduk said:

    UPD about claimed explosions on Belaruisain airfield Machulishchi

    Belarusian sourse "Belaruskiy Gayun" claims A-50 "AWACS" can be damaged because of ammunition was dropped from the air. Likely drone attack. Still no confirmations. If this true, this can interfere to coming missile strike, because A-50 on the eve of strikes and during first salvo usually try to detect our AD positions. 


    I really hope they got the A-50!



  8. In case someone had any doubts:

    Nine years ago, Russia invaded Ukraine and seized Crimea – a clear violation of international law and of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.  The United States welcomes the efforts of Ukraine’s Crimea Platform to focus global attention on Russia’s continued occupation.  The United States does not and never will recognize Russia’s purported annexation of the peninsula.  Crimea is Ukraine.

    Crimea Is Ukraine - United States Department of State

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