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Posts posted by DesertFox

  1. 4 minutes ago, chrisl said:

    Now I'm going to have to bash Germany for not requiring each major company to use a word that starts with a different letter after the "Deutsche".  I thought y'all were much more organized than that. That would limit you to 26 big companies with two word names, but you can always go to three or four to keep the abbreviations unique.


    Oh we still have the good old german grammatical option to use "zusammengesetzte Substantive", which gives us way more than 26 options and could result in things like this:

    Deutsche Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftswirtschaftsprüfungsinspektion

    German Danube Steamship Company Economic Audit Inspectorate


  2. 3 minutes ago, keas66 said:

    You guys sound like you really are only a few steps away from splitting asunder if push came to shove . So much for European Unity ? . I hope at the Political level  at least there is a little more consensus .

    It only shows that there is still a long way to go until we have something like a really "unified europe". On the other hand let´s be gratefull. In the not so distant past a lot of terrible wars were fought in central europe due to various reasons. Hopefully we are beyond that point and can focus on the one bad guy right now.

  3. 5 minutes ago, danfrodo said:

    So if RU thinks it's current offensive slaughterhouse strategy is forestalling UKR spring offensive, it will continue to burn up men & material in amounts that will come to haunt when the spring offensive comes. 

    Yes. If I got the figures correct then RU currently suffer the highest amount of daily losses since the lunatic genius started his 3-day "military operation and peace" theatre piece.

    Russian soldier death rate highest since first week of war - Ukraine - BBC News

  4. 1 minute ago, The_Capt said:


    For this war to end, Ukraine and Russia would have to accept a lasting peace between their two nation states - and I am pretty sure that ship has sailed for a few generations at least.  Watching the Ukrainian and Russian political levels, something has dawned on me - they have already figured this out and are waiting patiently for the rest of the world to catch up.


    Yep, also my prognosis. I guess we will see some kind of new "Iron Curtain" like we had in Europe until 1989 for the next few decades seperating the eastern EU/NATO border from Mordor (Russia and Bielorussia)

  5. 21 minutes ago, Lethaface said:

    Regarding 3%, does Germany have 467 operational Leo2A6 (14/0,03)? 


    Laut der Liste verfügt die Bundeswehr insgesamt über 312 verschiedene Leopard-2-Panzer verschiedener Baureihen. Davon seien im Mai vergangenen Jahres allerdings 99 für Instandsetzungs- und Reparaturarbeiten bei der Rüstungsindustrie gewesen, einer bereits in der Aussonderung.

    In der Liste seien daher unter der Überschrift "Bestand Truppe" 212 Leopard-2-Modelle aufgeführt. Unter diesen seien sowohl die verschiedenen Modelle 2A5, 2A6, 2A7 und 2A7V - die modernste Ausführung des Waffensystems, von der am Stichtag 22. Mai 53 Exemplare zur Verfügung standen.

    According to the list, the Bundeswehr has a total of 312 different Leopard 2 tanks of different series. In May last year, however, 99 of them were for maintenance and repair work in the armaments industry, and one was already being sorted out.

    The list therefore contains 212 Leopard 2 models under the heading "Stock Troops". Among these are the various models 2A5, 2A6, 2A7 and 2A7V - the most modern version of the weapon system, of which 53 copies were available on May 22nd.

    Panzerdebatte: Bestand an "Leoparden" offenbar längst bekannt | BR24

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