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Posts posted by DesertFox

  1. 1 hour ago, Combatintman said:

    To say it was challenging to research is an understatement as almost nothing of substance on 1 (BR) Corps task forces in the late 70s is readily available on the internet.  Most Cold War stuff that is readily available covers the period from 1985 until the end of the Cold War.

    Yep, not the classical wargaming period featured by John Tiller like Fulda Gap 85 or North German Plain 85. Thankfully some MoD documents are now unclassified and available at the National Archives at Kew. See Bibligraphy of the linked Word above.

  2. On 2/1/2023 at 4:50 PM, The_Capt said:

    As noted by Steve, we are well on our way and are planning for a release this year - content and full scope remains TBA.

    Great news. Can´t wait. Was born in Wolfenbuettel near Brunswick in Lower Saxony. 1st Dragoon Guards were stationed there in Northampton Bks and IIRC alotted the sector between A2-Highway and Harz mountains for delaying action.

    Microsoft Word - BAOR July 1989 Final Draft 9.0 (orbat85.nl)

  3. 46 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

        CMFB - expanded to include late war forces, including Commonwealth

        CMCW - move the timeline forward and some other fun stuff

    Thanks for the update. Most interesting for me. I can live without all the rest. Especially CMFB would make ETO complete (Overloon 10/44, Paderborn 04/45, Comets and Pershings?) and CMCW might give us Leopard 1 and 2 and BAOR Chieftain and Challenger 1s (?) to play. Great news overall. Please focus on CMFB and CMCW.

  4. 6 minutes ago, NamEndedAllen said:

    If not already mentioned, jets topic moves up a rung:

    “With the transfer of modern Western-made tanks now secured, Ukraine is turning its sights once again to advanced fighter jets, with France today stating that it had not ruled out providing Kyiv with combat aircraft from its own stocks. A French government official confirmed that unnamed Eastern European countries and Denmark were also possible candidates to provide fighter jets to Ukraine, while a Ukrainian Air Force spokesman says that a transfer of advanced Rafale multirole fighter jets is on the table.

    Speaking today, Thomas Gassilloud, chairman of the National Assembly’s National Defense and Armed Forces Committee, said that the French government could agree to supply Ukraine with the fighter jets that it so badly wants.”


    Lets hope so. The more the merrier.

  5. 33 minutes ago, Seminole said:

    In fairness, it does matter whether the 'Kremlin numbnuts' think it is war, because it affects their response.

    A legal/political determination in the West that we're not really at war won't stop incoming rounds.

    After all, if we didn't think what they thought mattered, why does the West show any restraint?

    I havent seen them attacking anyone else except ukrainian children, old women and helpless civilians. Oh and I forgot them torturing and raping, and looting washing machines. Silly me. If the second army grows a spine and would decide to go against NATO, then we are at war. Not sooner not later. It is a really easy concept, isn´t it?

  6. 26 minutes ago, Seminole said:

    How was it taken out of context?

    It may well be undiplomatic, ill-considered, and fraught with implications, but it isn't out of context.

    One doesn't need to love the Kremlin to observe that arming and training belligerents gets you closer and closer to being a belligerent.

    If someone observes the USS Greer operating the Black Sea we can get really concerned.

    We are at war once NATO troops start killing Orcs or Article 5 get declared. Not earlier, not later. Doesn´t matter what the Kremlin numbnuts think or say. Until then we help the Ukraine to cleanse their soil from this vermin. Whatever it takes.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Seminole said:

    Baerbock's comments played right into Russia's position that they are in a proxy war with the West which was triggered by decades of NATO expansion to their doorstep, vs. the West's position that they're simply supporting Ukraine against an unprovoked invasion.

    Of note, on Wednesday, Washington announced that it would send more than 30 M1 Abrams tanks to Kiev, while Berlin committed to a dozen Leopard II panzers, while encouraging Poland and other EU and NATO members to provide similar support. France, meanwhile, is "continuing our analysis" of the proposal to send tanks to Ukraine, after already promising several AMX-10 "light tanks" earlier this month.

    NATO members France and Croatia have explicitly refuted Baerbock.

    "We are not at war with Russia and none of our partners are," said French ministry spokeswoman Anne-Claire Legendre on Thursday, per AFP. "The delivery of military equipment… does not constitute co-belligerence."

    World_of_work_2018_-anne-claire_legendre Anne-Claire Legendre

    Croatian President Zoran Milanovic called Baerbock's comments "madness."

    "Now the German foreign minister says we must be united, because I quote, we are at war with Russia. I didn’t know that," he said, adding "Maybe Germany is at war with Russia, but then, good luck, maybe this time it turns out better than 70-odd years ago."

    w_56218419.jpg?itok=IP983JrQ Zoran Milanović

    "If we are at war with Russia, then let’s see what we need to do. But we won’t ask Germany for its opinion," Milanovic asserted. "Let them figure out who is the actual chancellor over there. I’ve been in politics for a long time, and our country has been through a lot, but I’ve never seen this kind of madness before," he continued.

    "Do you want us to enter the war?" he asked during a visit to the port city of Split, adding that Croatia "should in no way help" Ukraine militarily, Summit News reports.


    Obviously the Kremlin and Putin-Lovers try to capitalize on that, but it has been taken out of context.

    Russlands Angriffskrieg: Moskau fordert Klärung zu Baerbock-Aussage „Krieg gegen Russland“ - WELT



    Die Sicherheitsexpertin Claudia Major von der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik sprach am Freitag im ZDF-„Morgenmagazin“ von einem „extrem unglücklichen Versprecher“ Baerbocks, der nun von der russischen Staatspropaganda ausgeschlachtet werde.

    The security expert Claudia Major from the Science and Politics Foundation spoke on Friday in the ZDF "Morgenmagazin" of an "extremely unfortunate slip of the tongue" by Baerbock, who is now being exploited by Russian state propaganda.



  8. 13 minutes ago, Seedorf81 said:


    "Sweden didn't go for the Abrams because of it's poor performance in mud".

    Anyone knows if this is true? Is the Abrams bad in current Ukraine muddy terrain?

    That would be a bit of a bummer, wouldn't it?


    Thats bull****. M1 Abrams is as good or bad in mud as the Leo 2 is. We had numerous Leopards stuck in mud (Bergen Hohne and Munster) as well. Not getting stuck is primarily dependant on driver skill.

    On this "optimized for open desert" nonsense, I wont comment.

    Do a google on "leopard 2 stuck in mud" and you find numerous pics

  9. 26 minutes ago, danfrodo said:

    Is real?  as in not some older video?  Do you think it's recent?  

    I can´t tell. Those are A6 and it is in Germany. But of course could be a random unit going to one the battleranges. I fetched it from twitter, so it must be true, innit?

    Edit: Did some searching around. Last year in Thuringia. However it is the spirit that counts...



    "Richtig ist: Es handelt sich hierbei um Kampfpanzer des thüringischen Panzerbataillon 393 aus Bad Frankenhausen. Die Panzer hatten planmäßig an der großen Truppenübung "Wettiner Schwert" im Gefechtsübungszentrum in der Altmark (Sachsen-Anhalt) teilgenommen und kehren nun in ihre Heimatkaserne zurück."

    "It is correct: These are battle tanks from the Thuringian tank battalion 393 from Bad Frankenhausen. The tanks had taken part in the large military exercise "Wettiner Sword" in the combat training center in the Altmark (Saxony-Anhalt) and are now returning to their home barracks."


    Panzervideo sorgt für Aufsehen - LandesWelle Thüringen

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