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Posts posted by DesertFox

  1. 2 minutes ago, JonS said:

    A lot of engineering and log equipment there. We are well past "surviving" and are now deep into "sustaining" and moving into "advancing", in terms of capabilities being provided.

    Yep! Engineering stuff to breach obstacles. Thermals and Optics stuff. HIMARS and HARMs, etc. Very important.



  2. 2 hours ago, kevinkin said:

    Is there a worse mental state than insanity?:


    "I’m afraid, gentlemen, everyone is answerable to God and missiles,” Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev, who held the title of Russian presidency under Putin from 2008 to 2012, said on Monday. “It’s quite possible to imagine how a hypersonic Oniks fired from a Russian warship in the North Sea strikes the court building in The Hague. It can’t be shot down, I’m afraid.”


    That guy is beyond hope. Needs to be put in a straitjacket in a nuthouse.

  3. On 3/19/2023 at 12:52 AM, Butschi said:

    In the future I'd like to adapt CMAutoEditor to one of the WW2 titles, I think CMFB or CMRT would be best.

    I would suggest CM:FB. Availability of data for the Netherlands, Belgium, Rhineland, NRW, RP, Alsace should be no problem. Furthermore export of CM:CW maps via Hexedit to CM:RT works flawless. CM:SF2 is the only real troublemaker with Hexedit. Oh and dare I mention it. There is great coverage in literature for Commonwealth troops 10/44 - 04/45 also. I hope the CM:FB addon will get released end of this year.

    The Battle of the Reichswald: Rhineland February 1945 (English Edition) von [Tim Saunders]

  4. 44 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

    Dead end of evolution I appreciate that description of the cannon fodder in trenches. Are Jaegers the equivalent of US Rangers? I don't speak Ukrainian but suspect it could be translated as hunters.

    Nope. Jaeger is the ordinary infantry man. A non mechanised, foot slogger. The poor bastards, who have to fight without IFVs like Marders, Pumas etc. If lucky they have a GTK Boxer available.

    Jäger erhalten „Kampfboxer“ (esut.de)

  5. Devastating judgement on state of affairs of german army:

    But Högl said that even if some new equipment was on its way, in 2022 “not a cent had arrived from the special fund”. She added: “If we stayed at the current pace and the existing framework conditions, it would take about half a century before just the current infrastructure of the Bundeswehr was completely renovated.”

    Germany’s military upgrade to take ‘half a century’ at current pace, says report | Financial Times (ft.com)

    German military in worse shape than before Russia's invasion -official | Reuters

  6. 41 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

     If true, then this was a carefully calculated move from Putin on down.


    It sure was. There is a pretty famous quote from the flic "Hunt for Red October" which perfectly fits here:

    Rear Admiral Josh Painter: What's his plan?

    Jack Ryan: His plan?

    Painter: Russians don't take a dump, son, without a plan. And senior captains don't start something this dangerous without having thought the matter through.

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