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Korut Zelva

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Everything posted by Korut Zelva

  1. Crazy idea: you could invest money to boost industry of a city higher than 10 (let's say to a max of 15). However if those points would be reduced by bombardement or bombing, you would have to re-invest (ie lets say it drops from 15 to 9, it will go up at 10 but stop there) That could simulate gearing up the war economy, and create strategic zones of production. Germany, USSR, USA would benefit greatly from this. Discuss.
  2. This match needs a higher ante: The winner should get the title of 'Legend Killer'
  3. Which one will come out first: Age of Empire 3 or SC 2?
  4. hehehe It's obvious Rambo suffer a severe case of Pattonite (which you catch watching and quoting too many american war movies). Symptoms are color-blindness (so everything is seen as either totally white or totally black) and delusion about the awesomness of Idaho (j/k) .
  5. That's why the division info is good to appraise the number of people involved. I don't know how much division a SC army unit represents thought. Yeah 2-3 HQ was what I had in mind. Two should be enough. It's not like theirs a lot of person that would be eligible anyway to be HQ worthy. I'd prefer not to stretch it too much. As much as I like De Gaulle, he's been more a political leader. I'd narrow it to two among the following Pierre Billote (the son) Jean de Lattre de Tassigny Leclerc Marie Pierre Koenig
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_France Oh Wikipedia, is there something you don't know?
  7. Thanks for clearing that out. Indeed, in the link I posted it said Pierre was the son of Gaston but I missed it on first reading. However, now the question-> should the Billote son be included to remplace De gaulle in the list (since he was mostly a political figure anyway)
  8. Yeah I agree on De Gaulle. I had in mind stuff he wrote before the war about the use of armor, forshadowing the use of the blitzkrieg. Found out Bilotte seemed to be still in the picture for the free french, so he could make a return http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Billotte Seriously wounded in the countryside of France, he was made prisoner in Poméranie, he escaped and gained the USSR where he was interned until the moment of the German attack. It becomes then representing free France in Moscow. With other French, he was exchanged against Russian citizens and embarks in Arkhangelsk on a boat which enables him to gain London. Billote is then is a chief of staff of and secretary General de Gaulle of the committee of national defense in London. Brigadier general, it unloads in Normandy with the head of the armoured brigade of Leclerc division. He takes part in the release of Paris and captive fact von Choltitz. I guess this means we can drop one between Koenig, De Gaulle or Leclerc [ May 13, 2005, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: Korut Zelva ]
  9. Since Gamelin and cie shouldn't be around after liberation The france command list could have 2-3 new HQ available how about Marie Pierre Koenig - Rating 5-6? Koenig served as Free French delegate to supreme Allied headquarters under General Dwight D. Eisenhower. In 1944 he was given command of the Free French that took part of the Normandy Invasion. De Gaulle - Rating 6? Just because he's awesome, now if there's no event that would give you a De Gaulle after France fall, he could make it into the buying list 2 HQ should be enough but if he had to stretch it to three... Leclerc - Rating 5-6? Well, just because of name recongnition Discuss
  10. deja vu, the sensation of doing something you have done before http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=34;t=000699
  11. I remember reading there will be some kind of unit cap in the game. How will this works? Will it be a total unit cap or per unit type cap? Are the cap fixed by country or factors will affect unit caps? And if so, what would happen if you can't support your new cap limit?
  12. Good idea, paranoia is handy for beta testing
  13. I don't see the Axis France thing happening. People can play individual countries, a player could play France and USA or USSR. What would happen then? As leader of the French could he refuse the axis offer or would he play on the Axis and allied side at the same time. :|
  14. was not refering to his rating (what could it be? 6?), but the unit-strenght. UK got him, up to them to decide if it's worth renforcing it or just let it sit it there I'm wondering about France HQ situation. Would it be preferable to have a "Pre-fall" Leader list and a "Post-liberation" Leader list. I'm just saying that, I don't know if Waygrand, Bilotte or Gamelin were or not still in the picture after the liberation [ May 05, 2005, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: Korut Zelva ]
  15. Hehe, I'd see pop-up strenght 1 De Gaulle HQ in UK after france fall and he'd amount to nothing until he gets like a Leclerc tank unit
  16. I'd see a Terif-Rambo-Avatar 3-man 'beta team' army Terif for the game-mechanics and overall ownage Rambo and Avatar for developping devious cheesy-abuse strategies
  17. regarding that, in order to prevent this maybe SC2 could prevent French unit from operating once germans control some hex in France. You know, to simulate having all the roads jammed with fleeing refugee
  18. That man really knows it all. (he's outta be Hubert Avatar or maybe one of his split personality!)
  19. errrrrr too much what if The only effect of a 'France joins the Axis' option, will that players will disband their fleets/airfleets to make it unpalatable to the Axis player The only reason the 'France joins the Axis' option to be used after that would be for novelty or punish an allied player that managed to move half the French army to England
  20. Let's say you buy a HQ, will it be active to support unit on your opponent turn or they will only be activited on your next turn?
  21. Wonder if it's doable or desirable but here it is: When you buy a land unit you could select: Rush-training Extansive-training Rush-training would be faster to build and deploy Extansive-training, would be longer to build (and possibly more expansive) but your army would start with already one medal
  22. errrrrr imo If you buy a game fair and square, you can do what you want with it 'xept -altering and/or distributing the game for financial gain or evilness -Hacking to disrupt other people gaming experience (cheats etc.) Hubert provided SC-1 with an editor and has gone to great lenght to make sure about EVERYTHING will be editable in SC-2. Why is that? Modding enhance the game longivity. I suspect the only reason altering the terrain isn't included in the sc1 editor was that too much script and game AI relied on the current terrain so that altering it was an inpraticable/impossible obstacle for scenatio building if the guy wants a shot at it for his own use, he's not ruining it for you. If he manage to do it he's won't threaten anybody at gunpoint to install his mod, no?
  23. alliance with Turkey is possible if the UK is near surrender and Yugoslavia and Greece are under Axis control. Favorable status with fascist minors is also required for Turkey; i.e., Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria are activated and have not been attacked.
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