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Korut Zelva

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Everything posted by Korut Zelva

  1. The last time people 'took the fight to the enemy' by running backwards a country fell in 6 weeks.
  2. I had one or two chances to activate Italy early, like March/April but I messed up in my HQ set-up(Runstedht supporting approching corps instead of airfleets, and causing von suck to support airfleets instead of the army on the frontline) for my french campaign. But when all that UK air showed up that really spoiled the party. They showed up just about when the luftwaffe started to show tiredness. I had kept losses low up to that point but my land unit started dropping like flies. [ June 22, 2005, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: Korut Zelva ]
  3. you're the only one left I have to face in the tourney. (in fact, you have a lot of SC players looking for you) and answer your damm emails for a change! I'd rather lose vs you than get a stinkin' default win! SO MOVE IT, DAMMIT!
  4. I see you have a hotmail account, I've added you to my msn. now get online and get your win legit. I don't want no cruddy default win!
  5. Going to Scandinavia is my standard opening response to an Ireland attack. I usually can spare the unit vs a more passive defense (and a 1/5/20 bid) but to make things worst I failed to cover the LC forrest square (brain freeze) and trying to advance from there was hell. I thought the scandinavia money would have been enough to force my way thru france. Well I was wrong, even after the italians activated(2*LC+Poland+Denmark+Norway+Sweden). I had no money to replace the land units destroyed by Hellraiser's well placed counter-attacks. [ June 19, 2005, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: Korut Zelva ]
  6. my msn address is featured in my "Korut store opens" tread and in my profile
  7. ...hellboy how about taking care of your tourney games fist? :mad: (godammit)
  8. omg I think we have a breakthru in weaponery with God! Let's remplace all the USA army men weaponery with sling shots and let's see if they keep kicking the insurgents ass.
  9. Well marginal victory yes took back rome and took london before scenario end at Expert but +0 exp
  10. A good question, that begs the following one: Appart of himself, to whom is he a legend?
  11. hehe I'd like to thank Rannug for giving it his all. After such a rough start he kept playing when others have been sent into retirement for less than that. I'd like to dedicate this victory to Cry-O and his legendary lack of sportsmanship. His cowardice allowed me to shine, if only briefly, in the big league.
  12. TRAPP you son of a mother don't you ever answer your mail? We got a tourney play to do!
  13. Why not? and better write it for 50 straight wins too. Just to make sure it's 'spectacular' enough for a 'legend'. LOL [ June 16, 2005, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: Korut Zelva ]
  14. It's a pretty cruddy comeback tour if you need feeble player like me on your list. HA!
  15. Russians punch thru around Konigsberg, take control of harbor and kill 3 (or 2?) armies including the resilient 'Old men army'. Chase of the american corp in North Affrica ended when the remains of the unit finally surrendered Italians land unit count approach 30 but there force see little action. Yet.
  16. Russian puncture an opening at Konigsberg, bring another germany army at 1 Just south of Konigsberg there's an army unit named 'Old men army' LOL USSR and UK have Jet 3 USA and Germany Jet 2
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