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Korut Zelva

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Everything posted by Korut Zelva

  1. errrrr so the germans could relocate their fleet from the baltic to the atlantic without risking interdiction by planes or ships I don't like it
  2. If the Germans were being defeated without USA would the USA get directly involved and contribute American lives? Yes, to give fodder to Hollywood
  3. Jesus, I've been reading your suggestions for weeks Edwin I've come to the conclusion that is you ever design a game, it will the most complicated game mankind ever made and the instruction manual will weight 2 tons I'd rather have players design their own what-if scenarios than overload the game with too many ahistorical event and miscellaneous intricacies
  4. Opinion: In SC1, if a partisan rose, there surrounding would turn allied controlled stoping the flow of nearby partisan at the same time. If anything, there should be an augmented risk of partisan activity from those "partisan-liberated" areas. Discuss
  5. I don't mind a air unit only malta, as I said I would be all for a landing on occupied square as long it's not a city, ressource, forteress (exeption in part because of Malta and gibraltar)
  6. Can the game record a whole game? After a game is conceded and if the opponent agrees, someone could store and watch the replay of the whole game and see how the war was conducted
  7. Since I play a mediocre USSR I was wondering, could the game be playable with more than 2 players Let's say one guy play Axis, another UK/USA and the other USSR. Or maybe have it possible that each power have a different player. That would bring interesting possibilities for AARs Negociation on who get's what or what to invade next... Just thinking... Of course this would likely be possible only by TCP/IP
  8. To make a landing work, you gotta seize a city but taking a city is very hard since you have to spend like a whole turn right next to your target allowing the opponent to operate you to hell blocking eligible beaches Now the 2-turn landing system works to prevent sealion from being a walk in the park for axis and simulate interdiction by the royal navy. But could it be made that the allies can land the same turn they reach the shore? Or pershaps allowing me to land on a ennemy unit (outside a city) in a effort to drive him off the beaches? (and pershaps punish him from operating planes just to block my landing grrrrrrrr!) [ February 19, 2005, 06:20 AM: Message edited by: Korut Zelva ]
  9. I wonder if it could be possible to randomize the army placement of neutrals to avoid sure shot invasion plans. Neutrals with more than 1 corp would have like 5 possible positions for their army so you could get a few upset with Spain, Sweden, Greece etc. I'm just wondering what mechanism are planned to make neutrals a little more harder to chew than in SC1...
  10. Will there be a way to reflect ressource area outside the map Like let's say, one or two railroad point at the edge at the map that provide a large income for USSR and/or USA but if taken by axis provides none (just stop the flow of mpp) Something similar could be done with shipping lane in the atlantic for the UK, having subs nearby would disrupt the flow while interdicting those area with surface vessels would cut it altogether It would be interesting to have UK defends its shipping lanes
  11. Will the cost of elite reninforcing be dependant of the experience level? ie 4-medal troop cost more to reinforce (by each increment) than 1-medal ones?
  12. One thing that made air unit so powerful were that additional tech allowed them to overstreght over the standard 10 size Maybe it's a stupid suggestion, but here it goes: would the combat be more balanced if tech didn't increase the unit's overstrenght value?
  13. hummmm don't know about something that drastic as overt revolt, let's say there's no unit in the cities but an army sized unit in the country or a few kilometers from it in a neiboring country? maybe an unoccupied city could randomly lose (small %) 1-2 point from disorder
  14. I guess it could a feature of the "non-cooperative ally" on/off thing already implemented
  15. Yeah well sure Vichy France starting army doesn't scare nobody anyway but it would allow new bases of operation and revenues for the allies. Vichy defies simple characterization. It was possible, for example, to be pro-Vichy and anti-German, especially early in the regime. Assuming it was left alone one or two more years alone past the '42 it's not too far fetched to assume some degree of covert rearming would have been done when Nazi positions was starting to degrade on all fronts.
  16. I'm not saying they would have, but doesn't mean they wouldn't have tried to play their card to save their skin It would make just no sense for them to sit idle during a major sucessful anglo-american invasion, for one thing, it would been an untenable position at home. And it makes sense gameplay wise if the game allow the reunion of the both France after liberation
  17. Nah, I believe Vichy people would have made their move before Paris falls, to try to regain enough momentum of legitimacy to be reconignized as the real french gov and not a bunch of traitors but I guess their could be some more parameters for trigger to make sure the momentum is in the Allied side like," when Paris is about to fall, Italy has surrendered, USA is activated and UK/USSR lives." [ February 02, 2005, 08:50 PM: Message edited by: Korut Zelva ]
  18. They are too easy to pull, especially for the axis player Maybe the cost of transports could be higher for the axis. Since their pool for barge and crew to handle them was smaller so if they want get into heavy transport action, it's going to cost them.
  19. omg the über Hubert! please include both and you'll be my hero and I'll even forgive your canadianess
  20. What's happening with vichy France in SC2? -Will a neutral Vichy France join the allies if Axis-occpuied Paris is near falling? -If both France and Vichy France are allied and liberated, will France absorb Vichy France territories and units?
  21. Opinion: If that's not too much of a bother, I think this should be an on/off option I doubt Stalin would have permited USA or UK soldiers on USSR soil.
  22. yeah but I still prefer a destruction to disbanding and rebuilding units all the time my main grudge is VS a human player, HQs risk instant death by air even when it's far from the figthing
  23. yeah I know, I'd be all for a shore bombardment limit too but there's malta!
  24. Opinion: Air forces and bombers should be limited to reducing land units to half strengh, land units attack/or shore bombardement would be required to finish units off. HQs are too easy to bust by air. =(
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