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Korut Zelva

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Everything posted by Korut Zelva

  1. True to my cowardly behavior of only challenging people of lesser skill: I challenge you!
  2. yeah I know about the iraq moskov link but by the time it can be enabled the battle in the med is already settled most of the time
  3. I don't know if the UK base their had the facilities to repair ships there but I wondered if it could be made in SC2 that they can. One of the reasons the allies struggle so much in the mediteranean is that UK can't keep their ship fit while the italians can have theirs at tip-top shape. Opinions/Insults?
  4. One time, I researched Rockets with Russia (don't ask) and got a few techs out of it (lvl 2 or 3). When I had my siberian transfert I got a rocket unit. That was a first. Is there a link between tech levels and the stuff you get from the siberian transfert? And if so, does research in other fields influence the type and/or number of what you get?
  5. Sure. I could use a few pointers to beat roub since while I spent the past weeks training beginners he was training with Terif. However, I already told you my policy about that pustulent cesspool of software called ICQ. I'd rather die than install it on my laptop again. Either you install msn or we can work some game session in advance by email. I'm in the EasternTime so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
  6. well I guess that answers that question. *sigh*
  7. Hellraiser, if it's posted here, I think the issue is made public. Now, is Rambo so short fused he can't take a friendly poke? Jesus, you guys take this game way too personaly!
  8. Now I know what occured more! It's the number of time 'the legend' flashed his credentials! LOL Sometimes... just sometimes... Paranoïa is Paranoïa and sour losing is sour losing. Peace :cool:
  9. I mean if the condition for turks to join the Axis are more or less the same as SC1 we can safely presume it's not going to happen... ever... in a million games
  10. I wonder what occured more Retirement (and comeback) of Les the Sarge or People accused of cheating by Rambo
  11. errrrrrrr AI Axis with Turkey I doubt this is high priority. Sometimes I think you think too much Edwin.
  12. What in the bloody hell you're talking about, Kuni? I'm just asking because Guderian said during a game that this House rule "was all over this board". I was sceptical so I was double-checking his claim.
  13. is it? I thought most Axis player conquered LC on the second turn instead
  14. unrelated question will impovement in industrial tech will reduce the time to build units?
  15. Since units will require more than one turn to be built in SC2, will units "already paid for before the scenario started" will pop up during the game (for capital ships in construction) and the first few turns the scenario (for lands units) [ March 27, 2005, 06:43 PM: Message edited by: Korut Zelva ]
  16. who would be candidate for having a HQ in their setup? Finland, Spain? Greece so that italians can't invade them too easely? Dunno 'bout Sweden, they had a sizeable army but were they warlike enough to have a HQ? maybe if the Axis has been pretty naughty and evil.
  17. Like I said on the previous post, this week-end would be problematic Anyways, for pure scientific purposes you better take on those vets, i'll get the answer to my question anyway
  18. You know a hijack was sucessful when hubert shows up in the siberian transfert tread to talk about convoy.
  19. Oh hotdiggidydamm I can't play this weekend: I gotta walk the dog, eat breakfast, go to my car, drive to the grocery store, buy some bread, jump from a burning plane, land on the moon, shoot the president (to impress Jodie Foster), start a new protestant sect, win a nobel prize etc. yepp all of this, or maybe I'm just busy and I like the long-winded version better
  20. how are they for H vs H play? More balanced, Less balanced than the '39 scenario?
  21. how will it work in the sequel: will it be triggered by geographical, strenght comparison esoteric equation or will it be a time trigger like (X month after germany's declaration of war)?
  22. I'm an intermediate player and after using and after suffering the cookie-cutter about 4-5 times the strategy loses it novelty and the game some of its flavor. That's why I try to play beginners not yet infected by it, it allows me to try "not-so-optimum" strategies, getting away with it and having a good time. Right now I'm trying declaring war on the USSR before poland falls and before the USSR annexes the baltic state. I won vs the AI but that's no feat. I'm trying it vs a beginner now (with war in siberia on) and it's pretty even. I think I'm gonna win it but I'm sure I'd lose a rematch under the same condition. I like the dynamic of an early russia attack, the armies of my minor allies are actually precious, I can't tech anybody to death and I can't spare anything to do a rampant conquest all the minors. Since I play the slow-paced pbem (I can't host tcp/ip), I like to get in the action right away and not wait for a year and a half of build-up. Of course, the axis situation is hopeless unless the axis player is way better than the allied one but I'm looking at ways to balance the game for the rematch. Maybe having USA neutral, or some extra money/chits for Germany.
  23. Investing in egypt defense is very dangerous for the british, a HQ will likely be sacrificied in delay operation. In SC2 will it be possible for the allies to evacuate the med theather (from a port in egypt and/or Iraq) back to the atlantic?
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