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Everything posted by vincere

  1. Ukraine will hold a referendum on joining Nato http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-30176256 From the article: "Ukraine has been fighting pro-Russian separatists for most of the year" Which reminds me, I think media in UK has been downplaying Russian involvement. I wonder whether there's powers behind this as the economies can't take another shock.
  2. Thank you again Steve. You've really fired my interest to do more research and reading myself, and probably start my own notes in times of tension and conflict. You appear to have really gotten into researching this, and dare I say a real interest in Modern combat scenarios now. Re 2. Without sounding sycophantic, you, as many do on your forum, always come across as though you do your homework and think before talking ;-)
  3. What causes deep discomfort; pain even, is how quickly the British Army forgets lessons that have previously been paid for in blood. I'd anticipate that any medium to high intensity conflict would see early losses through forgotten lessons and a steep learning curve.
  4. +1 And I don't even wear glasses and sit desk close to a 23inch But this has been requested by a decent length thread years ago. ?:-/
  5. If you have time please paste your notes and summary of the Russian involvement beyond this date. Some very interesting and " New to me" data in your posts that is very much appreciated, especially as I can anticipate that you are busy.
  6. Two things 1. Yes, I believe that most Russians have a distinct overall culture; but also many sub and geographical cultures. Which is another reason why I'd like to hear more from everyday Russians about their perspectives. 2. Reassuring to hear that critical thinking is flourishing. I can understand it being strong in Russia, give its history. That said, having critical thoughts and having the ability to demonstrate them publically can be worlds apart.
  7. Western media also criticises the current and past governments. That does not happen on RT. RT- I catch it because it does show military clips that are not on other channels. But the shear level and constant output of anti-western does concern me. Especially as they dress up wacky conspiracy theories as documentary-news.
  8. Russians been there so long they're likely to start showing on google maps.
  9. Agreed, the creative back story and characterisation is really immersive and fun to read. Thanks for taking time with this.
  10. I was thinking that he could go for a quick destruction/ routing of Ukrainian forces in a broad swathe from the Power Station to the Service station. This would secure the South East and give him a secure rear. Set units for delaying action of relief force while he infiltrates the town. And holding the Power Station may give him flanking opportunities if the relief force passes on a northern approach.
  11. The clip won't give us a decent picture to current doctrine and practices for facing a high anti-armour threat. That said, in parts of it vehicles were scarily clustered and gave the impression of assumed dominance that I could not help thinking recent asymmetric wars may have left ingrained in some way.
  12. Vid of Brits exercising in Poland: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-30153224
  13. That's a fairly huge one. Not completely off topic. From war-game scenario view it could be adding pressure to Russia for a quicker 'win'. edited, and thank you for taking time to provide some information that's not so mainstream news.
  14. 1. I live in the West, and would love to hear much more from independent Russian sources. So please do post anything when you can. 2. Agreed it is difficult sometimes to screen out the propaganda, personal, and sociological biases. But many of us prefer the truth so strive to balance these and be as objective as possible. 3. "As well as many other economic hardships that aren't even connected to the diplomatic spats over sanctions". Please do tell us, or list examples of the other economic impact.
  15. Thanks Mark. AI ok at it's own force picking now? Last I played QB was ShockForce.
  16. Haven't picked up RT yet. But am wondering what the state of Quick Battles against the AI are like? The reasons I'm interested in QB are 1. I prefer Infantry vs Infantry. 2. A lot of the old scenarios used to often feel so scripted to be puzzle like. Prefer more open play.
  17. Awesome tool. I get a lot of satisfaction from looking at game stats like this.
  18. Yeah, that sew-saw, or at least keeping the battle competitive is a good idea. Could really make long battles interesting. Another idea about reinforcing apparent non success occurred to me. The different scales of analysis. Say operationally the attack is looking successful, but a tactical component is taking heavy losses. However that territory is important to the overall attack, and within that territory there are key terrain that costing a heavy price. The heavy price is bitter, and can look like failure but that key terrain still needs taking so reserves are committed to pay the price. Tractor factor in Stalingrad springs to mind.
  19. Yes, theory. There's so many variables that on CM's tactical level it's not worth worrying about whether reinforcements to keep an attack operation game viable is viable historically. Shooting from the hip: Theory- hey even the best most widely accepted theory/ principals are far from universally practised. Fog of War. Who knows that an attack has truly failed. The next echelon will surely break them now. Some theories conflict. Overlapping levels of conflict. Keeping the 'failing' attack going on the tactical level, is paying dividends on the operational level. eg keeping their unit tied, a communication route unusable, or the diversion feint going. We can implement that exact theory with the newly released reserves. On the tactical level we will not reinforce that costly failure area of the map, but the area where we've been having success.
  20. Awesome idea, and something that would really help unofficial operations on the larger maps.
  21. That is outstanding idea. Set plans at start. Amend plans by calling Orders group with company/platoon HQs. HQ out of contact or MIA, then no orders for them!
  22. In many situations yes. Many others less so. But heck we could be hyper critical and say that about all of them. Time compression, casevac, ammunition expenditure per KIA on and on. Nothing wrong with small maps in themselves, just the tactical options open up or are different with larger ones. And my largest hope is for some kind of player input for an operational scope. Alas, all hopes are on an ap that looks like it'll require manual transfer of data. In the meantime some large map based operations will be appreciated. :-)
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