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Everything posted by Blashy

  1. I don't consider SC as having "dice rolls". HC did a great job of this game not being luck based (apart from TECH). I've found that you pretty much get what the board states up top when you do battle.
  2. Me = WW1 scenario and Attila vs. Rome Edwin = Ancient Rome JP = Russian civil war Someone said they would work on a US civil war. I think SC2 will have a VERY VERY long life thanks to HC listening to us nagging for a robust editor.
  3. Good idea. If TECH is not luck based in SC:2 then it should not be an issue. IF it is VERY expensive. AND most of all, well balanced, meaning if all tech's are the same price, then all should give the same value.
  4. Historical, no FoW, leave tech as is. Sounds like a good fight IMHO, pretty much based on talent only. SC:Chess I like it.
  5. Just play the game with NO FoW, for one it will make it more difficult versus a human.
  6. Just play with no FoW, is this so hard to do? I guess not many are chess fans here.
  7. Bottom line is luck based tech is crap. Make it you pay you get it and make it EXPENSIVE. When it comes to SC, play the game with no tech and no FoW, that is when this game trully shines.
  8. I'll definitely quit SC, the game does not permit much strategic maneuvers, it is fairly straightforward on what you have to do. I expect SC2 to offer many ways to win a war.
  9. I wish more people would want to play that way, especially in the PBEM league.
  10. Turkey / Iraq will make a huge jump. Spain will create a significant one as well.
  11. You people should start playing with NO tech. IMHO, it would better indicate player skills. Every AAR I read 90% of them come down to who got "lucky" with tech. Play with no tech = more like chess No tech and NO FoW = IS chess, requires more cunning.
  12. Indeed, this one is really good though, you have fighting pretty much everywhere you had it in WW1 East - West of Germany Russian and Turkish Border And Africa (Egypt)
  13. I've made a WW1 campaign, I used the Fields of Battle game for starting units and the boundaries, I used other maps for the boundaries as well. Plunder received at start of game for Germans and Russians cancel each other out, works out. I gave the Rockets level 2 so you can a bit of range. Anti Aircraft is level 3, simply because planes were easily shot down if they attacked a city / resource. House rules are simple: - USA neutral (Don't argue this one Rambo ) - No Bombers - No Tech - Subs for Germany only Try it out, I've enjoyed it, has the feel IMHO. Get the French fast, the Prussians are coming. The Great War
  14. I like what SeaMonkey says about making Sea tiles cost more AP, because they are bigger.
  15. If a sub runs silent, you will NOT spot it in high seas. 50% just does not work. The sonars on a ship was crap, was only good for when a torpedo was launched, they would say where it came from and then they would have to be RIGHT on top of the subs AND get lucky to hear them, why do you think they carpeted the whole area with explosive barrels? They new the torpedo came from that area, the sub could be well gone from now. In CLEAR coastal waters an aircraft sub patrol could spot them underwater, you would not have spoted a sub like so in the North Atlantic, Spain and Mid to South USA you could have. A sub running silent might as well just not exist, even in todays high tech world, a sub runs silent by going so deep the atmospheric pressure hides all sounds it makes, while it lets a passive sonar trail up 2000+ feet and hears everything. The passive sonars are just a cable with microphones in them, they creat no noise in the water and active sonars (the ping you hear) will not bounce off, it is too small. Run silent = 99% undetectable, but in WW2 when they did so, they also could not spot the enemy as well. [ May 07, 2004, 10:21 AM: Message edited by: Blashy ]
  16. Gotta give access to everything the majors have access. If they get the $$$ for goodies, let them buy it. That is the whole point of this game, rewriting history.
  17. Ah man, I wanted to play you via PBEM so you can show me what that famous RACK strat is with Axis.
  18. I'm sure you vets have done it. In how many turns have you taken this country? And I gather you do so only after all Allies are in the war? This is virtually a Tank invasion from the middle east right? Terif might just do that against me since we are at a point where the option is more than feasible.
  19. Thought so, sucks. This won't be in SC2 I hope.
  20. 350 bid? Holly crap! Ok, I want to play one of the top players (Rambo, DragonHeart, Kuni, Zapp, Curr...) who will give me that bid for Allies. PBEM Rambo? I've always wanted to see this RACK strategy in action, how about it? And I'm rusty, just ask Terif, I'm blundering all over the place in our game as Allies. Not that it would make a difference if I were not, heh.
  21. I would just be content with a one screenshot of the full map.
  22. Once you create a campaign, if you want to go back on some changes like say I put Spain "joined" Allies and I want to change it back to neutral or joined Axis. Is there a way around this? Thanks.
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