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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. Wow. I never do that! The most I do is move some units to some place and face them in the right direction, to see what happens next... GaJ
  2. I used to think this, strongly. Then one day something clicked and I realised that plotting paths is so easy if you use lots of points and just click where you want the thing to go, the whole way. Like tracing the path. For me it's now clickclickclickclickclick along the curved route the unit should take. If I change my mind, I hold down backspace and do it again. The work of seconds. It used to be "click, look, think click" for each point where the vehicle should turn. But since there is no cost to waypoints, this is not necessary. It'd be fascinating to look over each other's shoulder as we do this ... it might be something that can only be appreciated when you see what the problem is. If it would help you to have moveable waypoints, I can certainly appreciate that. I'm not arguing against them per-se. I'm just sharing that I used to wish for them, then realised I don't need them, so maybe this might help you too. I might post some pics when I have a chance... GaJ
  3. Thanks! Coming from CMx1, where "Broken" was _way_ worse than "Panic", this was really confusing me!
  4. So if the HT is already stationary, and you give it orders as you describe, is there no risk that the troop will leap out before it starts moving? (It sounds like not, just checking!) Good to know! Do you mean that the troops, don't head towards the moving vehicle and converge with it, rather they "know" where the last waypoint is and head direct there? GaJ
  5. OK. I'm a dummy. Can someone help me out understanding troop state. Simply. I have one unit showing "Panic" in the "morale" attribute indicator, and they are running away out of my control. I have another unit showing "Broken" there (which is worse, right?) and they are doing what I am telling them. Neither has more than one thin line of red in the supression indicator. GaJ
  6. I think it is a very fair question to ask "what is the right level to push your troops for optimum performance in the duration of a battle", separately from the specific battle. For example, one very skilled player once said to me "never end the battle with any ammo left" (CMx1). While this is a generalisation the point is clear, right? Wisely applied, it's good advice. There might be a similar point about the troop status. Is a perfectly planned attack one where all the troops are rested at the end, or where they are all Tired, or where they are all Exhausted? There will be pros and cons for each. Same with Status: maybe if your troops aren't all rattled at the end, you weren't pushing them hard enough. Or maybe if they are all rattled at the end, you know that you pushed too hard and at the end of the game you were suffering from bad troop performance due to rattled... GaJ
  7. Yeah, we do need something like that. For their email as well. We'll try to get it into 2.x It depends where you're looking. The latest in the H2HH Dropbox Share is 1.3.11 Beta. On CMMODS, only "stable" releases get posted, the latest there is 1.1.3. GaJ 1.3.11 Beta - Enhancement: Protected against strange file extensions in dropbox - Enhancement: Added option to turn off taskbar flash for Windows - Enhancement: Added the "Mark played turns with ~" feature - Enhancement: (minor) Say the name of the app that will be launched - Enhancement: (Windows) Make the taskbar icon flash when there's something interesting... - Enhancement: Icon display - Enhancement: dont raise log window if the error is not so important - Enhancement: Help and Bug Report on Help Menu - Enhancement: Tidy up drop box option - Enhancement: End Game function - Enhancement: reset functions available - Enhancement: Launch App - Enhancement: Open Game File Folder 1.1.3 - Enhancement: Make chat file get updated less often - Enhancement: Growl support for Mac - Enhancement: Remember from session to session who last said something 1.0.0: - Mac support - French, German and Spanish localisation - Chat support - Sounds - Windows remember positions - Basic synchronisation operations
  8. FWIW, the fact that 40 rounds is your total allocation, and out of that 40 the maximum smoke you can ask for is 10 rounds has been extensively discussed and justified. You might want to search for that topic. GaJ
  9. I presume it was in the middle of a WeGo turn: the OP is saying "when the tank found the mine, the jeep TacAI should have cancelled its orders to enter the minefield". The problem with this is that it is relatively straighforwards to imagine a scenario where someone will complain "I ordered this jeep to go through this minefield because I wanted to take the chance: why does it keep cancelling my orders?" GaJ
  10. There is a pile of data in the "WW2 Mortars and Artillery" thread. If you can summarise for us that'd be wonderful GaJ
  11. I too find it irritating when someone says that they don't want something I want Sorry about that. I just found it hard to imagine why you'd want tweaking when it is so quick to delete and replot. I also thought I wanted my tanks to be smarter about going smoothly around corners, but I have surrendered the idea that they will work it out themselves, and now I just draw the path I want them to take. It turns out OK, just many more waypoints than I used to plot ... but actually no slower to do! In fact, I like the finer control now... GaJ
  12. Yeah this can be frustrating. The "face" command is your friend, here, or judicious choice of covered arc equally controls facing... GaJ
  13. There is absolutely no need to tweak waypoints. Just delete the ones you don't like and plot again. There are no command delays, so there is no penalty for replotting, hence no need for moveable waypoints. GaJ
  14. I just read that "Danger In The Morning" is definitely not for H2H play, FWIW, even though it says it is. Also "Barkman's Corner": again, not balanced for H2H play. I wish I could edit the first post and put a growing list of what we know in it... GaJ
  15. The reason (by my reading of events) is that GJK is not interested in CMSF, and nobody showed any interest or support when GJK came here and offered to add CMBN to The Scenario Depot. I'm guessing that the best way to make CMBN happen at TSD would be for a bunch of people interested in that to go over there and become supporters (IE make a decent donation), and start showing interest. The advantage of this would be, as Erwin says, TSD is THE place for CM scenarios. Similarly/Alternatively, the way to get Scenarios supported at CMMODS would be to start posting mods there, announcing them in the BFC Scenarios and mods thread, and keep asking "why isn't this notified automatically?" The advantage of this would be that I would implement a different scenario rating system than TSD GaJ
  16. Good on you! I played Buying The Farm as the Axis in CMBN V1.0, when the trenches and foxholes were worse than useless. With better setup zone and improved (if they are?) foxholes and trenches, it will certainly be a lot better. Maybe also bump up the experience of the Axis troops.... .... Ah: and make sure there's a "Destroy Units" objective to credit the Axis will kills (and the Allies as well, I guess) GaJ
  17. Hey Sergei - are you the author of Cats & Dogs? Wonderful map! I have some feedback I'd like to pass on about the briefing, if ever a re-release of this scenario would happen. GaJ
  18. It is really quite disappointing, I agree with the OP. Unless I'm mistaken, I think I'm being shown the panic status of the enemy unit... that's just not right... GaJ
  19. Yeah, we definitely need a site like that. A shame no-one showed interest when GJK offered... ... I'm not really motivated to do it myself either, unless the block that BFC put on CMMODS is taken down, so the site can cross post here when new scenarios/mods are posted. Without that, the visibility is too low: posting of scenarios and mods gets too fragmented and no site can get critical mass. GaJ
  20. That is a _really really good_ idea... (though I'm not sure how it takes care of free foxholes, it's still a good idea!) GaJ
  21. Title says it all really I don't mean "which scenarios kinda might work out OK for H2H play?", I mean "Which scenarios are designed for H2H play, and have been playtested for this?" Thanks! GaJ
  22. Yes, there is a big gap at the moment in terms of a good place to store, tag and review scenarios, eh? Right now I don't know how we are supposed to know what a scenario is designed for? If I were a scenario designer I'd make that darn clear in the briefing at least. GaJ
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