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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. Oh thank you. Btw Zapp has proven that the best players are outside of this iscl league .... @zapp you rusty bastard of SC-Ex-Veteran player...let´s have a game with a sandclock
  2. As long there were official league games which is some time ago there was a rule called landing rule which forbids to DOW and land in the same turn in a major power (USA,Russia,Italy) Only if both players agreed not to use this rule the italian gambit was allowed.
  3. Hi my friends I like this kind of discussion. Normally i would say you are both to weak to claim No 2 but this time knowing that i did not play in the past months i better shut up I had this funny discussion with rambo a couple of months ago....which resulted to his 10th comback and a showdown between us which ended with a 1:1 after 40 hours playing ...one game was even going 24 hours straight AFAIK :cool: .....yeah rambo i know its because of Dragonslow With the bad weather coming and still not having SC2 it´s time to enjoy SC1 again...for some ppl it´s death but not for all...... I dont care if i win or loose i dont care if i m no 2 or no 10 ...i m back to enjoy my time and have fun .....so if you see me arround dont hesitate to ask me for a game. Cya Dragonheart
  4. I think it´s the opposite. A good allied player need much more than to be a good axis player. You need much more ideas and strategies to stop or slow the axis conquest. As axis there are no new strategies as its always the same...Blizzing Poland,Denmark,France....collecting all minors as fast as possible and then crushing russia or the western allies ...that´s it. And if you feel that your axis opponent is very skilled as axis you have to raise the bid....no new bid system required therefore.
  5. Partisan dont wanna bother you but with this huge bid you should play for the long run of the game and not make suicid attacks with french. With 4000 MPP for USA and some saved GB MPP´s you are able to make a very strong western front later in the game. With a better eastern defence this time you can give Terif a hard fight for his victory.
  6. Let´s forget to play about figures...this doesnt make sense Let´s wait for SC 2 and let´s hope having a huge ..competitive league. Maybe even a league for teammates.
  7. Dalmatia better you play me...i ´m not that evil like Terif is At least you can expect me making huge mistakes too...making our duells so exciting
  8. Huh :eek: Nah i dont care they are our brothers.
  9. No i dont. I think that actually there are more Nazis in america than here. This is not to insult you or your country but i fear it´s the truth.
  10. Rambo before you judge about Euros and their behavier and what kind of ppl they are you have to understand where is the orgigin of all americans. Americans are a multicultural mixure of ppl all over the world...most of them coming of those lands you are calling stupid Euros...consisting of ppl emigrated on their own will, persued ppl, outcast ppl,criminals,adventurer, carried off ppl from africa...... Can you name me one settler who called himself american?? The only true american would be the indians IMO but they are a minority as they were almost all killed during the 17,18 and 19 century. That´s it so take care what you are talking and use your mind to find out where are your origin. [ August 25, 2004, 04:42 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  11. Ah this would explain why i never became No 1 despite a long winning streak in which i beat also zapp,Rambo,avatar several times. (zapp ...i m talking about the time of my long winning streak not the time where i lost 3 times in a row ag you ) And finally Liam became No 1....who never won a game ag me :eek: sorry Liam this is not to insult you but it´s the truth.
  12. Thats rite Zapp...you can see no league system is perfect Best thing to find out is still making a best of 5 deathmatch.
  13. I already stated my arguments about this ****ing system in May when i quit the other league. If you can remember i was not once No1 despite a 30 games winning streak (about 20 in the league) I have nothing to add there. But playing in a league is not life so i dont care.
  14. Well had some terrible training sessions so far I will stay out of this league because this system is crap....this was the reason i left the old one. But i m open for all ppl wanna play me although i will not play that much i did before. Cya
  15. :eek: ...... I´m there were you are my friend, so i ´m happy seeing you still no. 2. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=003644 http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=003644
  16. Dont worry Dalmatia in my first game after months i forgot to DOW Denmark. Thanks god i did not continue until Barbarossa
  17. Sombra average?? LOL I rather believe you are looking for some newbies to headcrack
  18. Now you will really learn Rambo´s RACK Sombra With ruling the sea...i fear this game is over ..Sealion is coming soon.
  19. Well i finished every of these games...and i even have some more names in my mind....Bards Tale 1-3 which will come soon (2005) on PC which was still a C64 game. Icewindtale,Lands of Lore,Pool of Radiance,Eye of Beholder i played too....yes also Platetscape Torment....Return to Krondor,Buck Rogers,...and still missing many many names........one i still have Ishar 1-3....and another one Albion... Huh sorry wrong Forum
  20. Great game Condor...you had a good chance to challenge Terif...as you had an unusual early and good France against him. But from that point you lost the point to do the rite thing. This bombing missions and rockets ag london were a bad mistake as you can only play ag a newby in this way. But you proved anyway that you are one of the best players out here. Good luck to your next game against Terif.
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