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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. yep i was introduced into his airgame yesterday. His agressive france costing me alot of MPP, i could not afford even a 5th AF and had to sell units to afford that many repairs he caused me. But IMO such a tactic will fail against Terif ...i would bet that Terif will counter that and will kill RAF air very soon...but we will see. Against Zapp i will have to change my france game in future as i have to admit i was near getting killed...the exposure of HQ´s for RAF sorties is a huge mistake against him.
  2. Hm rambo and me have a rather good knowledge about boths skills as we play both of them regulary and IMO it´s a clear 3:0 for Terif although i have to admit that zapp is the best allied player beside Terif. Whilst playing axis i m claiming 2-3spot but as allied somewhere between 4-5.
  3. Yep Zapp was playing a hitting and punching game with me. It started in France where he bought Monty early and was permanently intercepting and hitting my units. The odd thing was that i did not loose one ground unit but i had to sell one in order to repair my battered AF´s!!! I was not used such an agressive france play for a long time but i was patient and finally i managed it well. Also in russia i was facing at least 10 T-85 and Zukov near Kiev ....man this was a slugfest But when someone is investing in 15 Tanks then there is hardly something left for other things. Therefore this russia is rather weak, the few AF´s are not showing up, no Finland attack. In the west the opposite...alot of airunits but only few groundunits. When reaching Jet 4 like the americans i swifted my air to the west. And his units will have to leave or die in france. He cant make pressure with russia so the west is alone. It´s a matter of getting LR ...when i will get better LR i will kill the west otherwise i will go for russia.
  4. Aug 1942 During my reorganizing and repairs i was lucky and got jet 4 therefore i swifted my air to the west....the western allies loose Paris again and flee in panic. In the coming airbattle i lost 1 AF as not all of them were fully repaired...but i dont care there are still 9 AF´s left to trash the west. Also on the ground the italians lead the counterattack...heavy losses for the yanks. Only minor battles in russsia but my best units are still there. To be continued
  5. Stop my advance now to do alot of repairs... In the west paris fell into allied hands... heavy battles arround there
  6. Zapp seems to get some problems on the ground....almost 10 russian tanks now dead which means 3260 MPP...thats good but i suffered also alot..still no tech for german except jet 1 ..this is a joke!!!!!! rambo where are you
  7. Every turn 2-3 german and russian tanks are killed..no advance in russia. In the west allies train on poor italians and stand next to paris.
  8. ****ing russian play of my side....move my tanks without thinking...seems to be a bad idea to fight russian tanks....but at least we have some fun
  9. Dez 41 Barbarossa starts -germans perform quite good despite very low tech level -minors except portugal under attack no surrender so far -Brest is allied now the yanks are landing supported from levl 3 AF´s (germany lvl1)
  10. June 14 41 -Spain surrenders -allies leave bergen -usa will join next turn
  11. 2 March 41 -Sweden surrenders -Egypt corps died -Battleship hit near gibraltar by AF
  12. 29. Sept 40 -Norway converted -some turns before Suez taken -egypt under attack -Brest corps is dead
  13. 7 July -paris is burning and france surrenders -i lost one AF one turn before -material losses low but MPP loss was very heavy
  14. Next turn -Complete maginot cut off from the rest of france -another corps is dying -paris defended now with corps entrenchment 1 -italy joins
  15. June 41 -Line in the north totally broken -Paris is undefended tank 1 hex away now -very costy airfights going on
  16. April 41 -axis take elbow and go the norhtern way -another french army killed -French HQ pinged on the maginot line -still heavy airbattles arround
  17. March 41 -Second blood hex taken -manstein is very expenisve this time as victim of RAF
  18. Turn 3 -airfights in the west -polish line thined but still warsaw not taken -sub bring french battleship down to 2 -denmark corps killed and will fall next turn
  19. Turn 2 -Second polish army destroyed -poles and germans are builting a frontline -LC taken with tank+Army+1 AF
  20. Turn 1 Breakthrough in the north 1 AF used to weaken polish defenders denmark pinged subs raiding
  21. I play axis with 210 Bid It seems zapp wanna bring on his superalliedgame
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