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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. Zapp....Zaaaaaaaaap ....really....i dont care who has which place....but ....dont tell the ppl you have a positive winning streak ag me......just....just as you won the past 3 games before i stopped playing. Before i had a streak of at least 8 ...i repeat 8 games....and before in was a up and down between us. Since my winning streak in Kunis league was ended i had 35 victories in a row....i had a better rating then everybody.........but........to be no 1 was denied to me.......a couple of ppl can proove this and saw my rating...wondering why i did not get the 1 Rank. :eek: But thats irrelevant anyhow....i will accept you as alltime No.1 outside Terif´s world .....but dont talk about a posivtive streak ag me.
  2. In many of my games i never got AT tech with russians. AT is the most important thing for them as the germans will normally use alot of tanks and on the other side the line is not breaking that easy. Cosim is rite if he says that the tech for russia can be a gamebreaker.....as when russia comes into game it needs quick research results otherwise it cant hold the germans back. But as in the overall game you have to be patient also with russia ..if you dont get the tech...then defend not the usual defence line but let them fall back even deep into russia.....ok you loose alot of MPP and germans get more but deep in the motherland the supply situation for the germans is bad...and then you can counter sucessfully. I won with this strategy a game where i was behind about 900 to 600 MPP. Tech is tricky and unpretictable but that´s SC. IMO a low tech game, where each side doesn´t have much luck, are the best and most exiting games....as the fighting with JET 5 is a game breaker.
  3. Well the only secure poss to gain experience for carriers is the DOW on Irland...and sub hunting in the atlantik....all other possibilities are dangerous. The only possibilty is if you rule the channel then you can pound Brest or Bruessels maybe even paris or some units in this area. Genereally you should attack with your AF´s first..when there is no intercept anymore you can train your carriers savely. The problem will be that many expierenced axis players will prevent the training of carriers as everybody knows that they will be deadly weapons if they gain Ex.
  4. @Rambo You have the better situation overseas...you are No1 there ....here in europe there is much more competition....there is a bulk of good players as beside Terif there is zapp,kuni,avatar (now in Germany),sombra and some other good players. So enjoy to be No 1 of the world ..outside europe
  5. You cant have everything historically in that game, its a strategy game....or do you think the nazis gave the other countries a BID? Concerning Vichy ...if Dowed it should be dowed immedeately when france surrenders so the have at least 2 turns to dig in.
  6. Prior to Barbarossa we all normally take in the following order......Denmarc,LC,Norway,Vichy,Schweden,Spain some DOW also Greece and Portugal before.... but normally Portugal,Greece,Irak and Swiss is Dowed to the same time when Barbarossa starts.
  7. Well let´s say the axis player decides to attack LC,Denmarc,Norway,Sweden prior to Barbarossa then this untis are not allowed to leave their own country nor allied units may move there prior to their fall. (Bergen occupation after the fall of norway still exists). The same is also valid for Greece,Spain,Portugal,Irak,Swiss,Turkey. The land units of vichy must stay and their naval units are allowed to leave... But honestly would you really DOW Vichy? If you Dow to many countries you are doomed....the more countries you dow as axis the more time they have to organize,to dig in and the more mpps are provided for GBP....
  8. As the bids for the FW game are running higher and higher a found a new intersting system how to strenghen the allies. The axis player must DOW all minors he wants to capture prior to Barbarossa immedeately. This gives them the essential time to dig in and to organize their defences. Additionally the allies will get much more MPP from the start. The only restriction for GBP should be that they are not allowed to interfere with own units in these countries. In that way the axis player has to decide wisely which countries he really need before Barbarossa and will have much more difficulties to get them even when the allied player does not have any own units there. So new strategies will be needed and maybe even completely new situations will be born. Maybe this system could replace the Bidsystem but this should be playtested. Your thoughts?
  9. Yep only few players from the old generation are still arround....unfortunately....competition is reduced to almost zero. I can remember our latest dispute after i smacked you out of your SC break ended 1:1 and ended with the Burnout of myself Maybe playing 30+ hours straight was that good idea :cool: as i was really exhausted and dead afterwards.
  10. To the offtopic there is nothing to add from my side as you are and stay No1 in smack talk Concerning the other thing...you saved my day yesterday (was a ****ing day in my job) as i was ROFL when reading this stuff with the different versions. I dont care any Bug or reload sniffer, i play ppl i can trust nothing else i can do. And i know also for sure that i can trust you as you were once smart enough to nullify a game where my starting chits with the allies were reduced. I dont crack my opponents but i can win ag everybody ...i dont claim any place ...just to know to be beyond the top is a good feeling
  11. If you wanna be on the save side...you better take along a HQ ...but after capturing norway you better run and leave Norway via Bergen.
  12. It seems to me you lost to many games ag germans or autrians and you are now looking for an excuse. Sure has the "Fritz or Hans-Version" advantages ag other versions...as this game is pro Axis what do you think. When you play ag a german opponent he will get a +1 Bonus in dicerolls. But also the research system is completely better as you will get 10,9,8 etc % chance for each chit instead of 5,4,3 etc. But rumors say that the swedish version gives one Jetadvantage ag all other versions...why do you think is zapp called "the Airking"...whilst the croatian version gives you a better chance of partisan activity ..but thats all nothing in comparison to the french version as this one allows you to switch off the fog of war during game. There is one player arround who has the master version of SC combining all these advantages ...guess who
  13. Well in the Panzerleage you are awarded at least with additional points beside the points for the game, but you will get also a medal into your pass if you are sucessfull. But honestly the lack of interest in SC is spreading arround the world. We have now 13 players of the PL interested into this tournament. There are still missing 3 ppl to get it started and i set the deadline to the 29th as i m not willing to wait endless. Well not only Rambo and Liam will fight for honer till end of time... i know also a couple of other players feeling the same....like Avatar,Sombra,me ....maybe also Comrade Trapp and a couple of others....and what about you?
  14. There is no roster yet only the tread with the subscribtions. Btw Dalmatia also played in our last tourney together with Rambo,Zapp,Oliva ....all well known here ;)and PL members too ....unfortunately he faced Rambo in his 2nd round.
  15. Cant PM you as you have disabled this funcion But you can give me your icq no so i can contact you in the evening.
  16. Are you member of the Panzerliga? If not it should be no problem then you play as guest player. But let me know if you wanna be signed in.
  17. Dalmatia currently you are signed in in our Tournament (Panzerliga). But this one will start only if we will get enough players. We are 12 for now but we will need 16. I set a deadline until 29.10 ...on this date it will either start or be cancelled. I will let you know in either case Cya Dragonheart
  18. Avatar nice attempt but i dont think that this system will work...although i know what you mean What about this one?....you do some smack talk, telling the others that you are the worhty No.2 and the others shall play in their own sandpit...and that you were unlucky ag Terif otherwise you would have been even No1 And then everybody who does not agree with your opinion should challenge you in a best of 3 or 5 series.
  19. Sry, but this is nonsens as only the first couple of moves are standart in Fall Weiss ...then everything depends what the allied player is doing...and dependant from the allied player skills the game can go every direction ...with many new situations and places to fight. I dont believe this FW is always the same story and i think many ppl will agree. Another great scenario is Fall Blau giving as well alot of possiblities for both players.
  20. ....Well there is another possiblity too Sombra was a victim of this tactic try only to delay the germans a little bit and put mininum efforts to defend your first defence line. And then make the defence of your south and moskau to the germans nigthmare. You have saved almost all heavy units....so time to die. Bah 1:1:92 ....this sounds like 0 8 15 for me which means just a ridicular figure Up to which Bid you guys go with this Bid? 50? 100?
  21. Is this a typing mistake or what the hell is 1:1:92????
  22. Without tanks you cant start Barbarossa sucessfully...with sucessfully i mean the cut off and destroying of all border armies+2 tanks+1 or even 2 airfleets.....later if you opponent has AT you can still use them for your defence and for breakthroughs.
  23. A third HQ is a must anyway..and the best choice is manstein.....as long you have not all units moved to the west you can go along with 2 hq and buy additional Air....but latest with the plunder of denmark or poland (depends who surrenders first) you buy manstein.
  24. Strategic help award ---> Terif Most serious posts award ---> Jersey Comeback of the year award ---> Kuniworth Smack talk award ---> Rambo Award of the best league runner ---> Curry Craziest post award ---> every name starting with Lucky
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