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Everything posted by tooz

  1. Jean, je vous remercie infiniment! I forgot to mention that I do have Glantz's IP book, but alas, that too is tucked away in Connecticut. I am working on an operation, not a battle, so it should be different from the other two battles available in CMBB, not to mention larger in scale. What I need is an accuarte OB, as listed above. If you have a detailed OB for the 18th Panzer (this is the focus of the op, their crossing and breakthrough), and not the 7th Panzer. True, having Mk IIIs is better than Czech tanks, but most of the main battle tanks here will be the MkIIIs with the 37mm gun. How they stand up to the T-34s (making their first appearance in Barbarossa) and KVs is left to be seen. Some of these MkIIIs were submersible, carried over from the cancelled Sea Lion Invasion but sadly, CM cannot depict their amphibious abilities. The op follows the 18th Panzer Regiment, therefore I need a company level OB for most of the troops. Any detail will be welcome.
  2. I'll have to cast a yes vote for the trains, their inclusion in CMx2 will allow more options for scenario designers. Both sides (German and Russians) used these. Most of the Russian usage was early in the war--were they didn't last long, and the Germans used these continuously in their occupied areas. I could envision quite a few nasty Partisan battles. :cool:
  3. Thanks for the response, but my references have the 18th Danzer Division doing the fighting here at Borisov (sources; Panzer Leader, Hitler Moves East, Road To Stalingrad) which confirms the OBs used in the previously released CM conversions of the old COI Scenario "Breakout From Borisov". I was able to find some good sites, but my search engines here are limited. So the question remains, was it the 18th Panzer or, as you write, the 3rd Panzer Division? This is what has plagued me and other researchers for years, different works give different info. Do you have a link I can browse that supports your OB? For the Russians I did find info on the "Borisov Tank School" which consisted of cadets being forced into the fighting, but I can't find what tanks they used. I know the Moscow Motorized Divison had T-34s and KVs(and those sorely missed T-28s)plus the usual allotment of "crap" BTs and T-26s. My main handicap is that all of my books are in storage back in the 'states, hence this request for help. Any info you can provide via weblinks to confirm your view will be appreciated.
  4. COOL!!! Now I DON'T HAVE TO DO ANY MYSELF!!! So can anyone feed us greedy modsluts some good looking whitewashed winter HTs? Please, please.
  5. I always look forward to your mods. Any sneak peaks or hints of what mods are presently cooking?
  6. Well, the only thing we gamers have to whine about is that the game isn't available yet. Right now I just have the same old questions; "When can I buy it" and "Hey, where's the Greeks?"
  7. What? Do something by ourselves??? Nooooooooo!!! :eek: :eek: Add 1 to the bmps of the winter grey hts and that's it? Cool! :cool: Now how about a nice winter white PzIVG (late)?
  8. Welcome to the wonderful world of winter white mods!!! Put your sunglasses on if snow blindness sets in. :cool: I opt for the aerial recognition flags also to ease the eyes. If you have problems seeing each unit don't forget to switch the unit bases on--press Shift + B. Now get to the 'base! I highly reccomend any winter mod done by Gautrek or Kingfisher. All are good but these two guys have a good eye for the winter white stuff. Enjoy!
  9. BLUE AND WHITE STRIPED SHIRTS!!! Yah baby!!! :cool: Now that is a great, great mod. Why couldn't the mid-late guys have them? They didn't wear them after 43? Regardless, NOW let me play some Crimean scenarios! Outstanding!!!
  10. Well, this is something for the BFC guys to consider with CMx2. Personally, I'll wait until everything is ready before it gets shipped. Hey, by then I'll have three CM titles to satisfy my cravings. I'd love to see real looking IS-3s, SU-76(i)s, and a Wespe that does not look exactly like a Marder III, to name a few. Since CMBB is THE BEST game on the market now, I want CMx2 to be THE BEST NEW GAME when it's released. The nly way that will be acheived is by paying attention to the details. This is what WE, as devoted customers expect, and even demand. Nothing but the best is what we expect. Right guys?
  11. Shoot! I was better off not knowing about those blue and white shirts! Now I feel like whining! Wah! Oh well, I'm sure if there was a way to do them you would have figured it out. So, now we know what we want to see in CMx2 right? I hope I live long enough to use this new CMx2 engine! Regardless, as soon as I see ANY of your mods or mod updates I go right to the 'base and grab it. What's left to mod, though? Half of the fun of waiting for CMAK is to see what mods arise--and I'm sure to keep an eye out for your future designs. But this raises one question: since your mods are far superior (IMHO) to what BFC cranks out, why don't they enlist your help? :confused:
  12. Well, CAN we have Allies vs Vichy French battles in CMAK? I still can't tell if this is an option. Can someone fill me in? If so, then let's see some of those US vs French tank battles that occurred in those French colonies. Crank out as many of these as you can, nothing beats variety IMHO. Next tell me if there can be Vichy French vs Free French scenarios. These will be interesting, I'm sure. Last, if there are KTs in CMAK (hope so)then let's see as many remade CMBO gems converted to CMAK. Then my CM appetite will be sated long enough to await CMx2. That enough for you? Bill, by the way, I still have those early SL mods you designed back in the early 80s. Remember them?
  13. Looks great! Love the camo, I eagerly await its release. Good job!
  14. To all the grogs out there...I am currently researching the battle of Borisov in '41 for an upcoming op. I don't have my books with me (I live and work in China) and the internet search engines are limited to Yahoo! Does any one have any detailed info they can share with me on the battle? I am looking for a good OB (more detailed than "18th Panzer Divison", for example). I have a GREAT map but looking for details, details, details. If any one can send me links for webpages that describe this fierce battle I'd appreciate it. Russian websites are also welcome (I speak and read Russian). How do I say "grognard" in Russian? Bolshoye vam spaseba!
  15. Very cool! :cool: Love the shade of green and the dirt. Keep 'em coming!!!
  16. Hey Kingfisher!!! Scroll down a little more on the webpage and see the two flags? Click on the English Union Jack and voila! the site is now in English. (About time I helped YOU out! )
  17. The only mods I DON'T use are the sound mods. Me two stoopid, dun kno howe.
  18. All right!!! So the problem is NOT with MY computer! I also have a T-38 hybrid--I call it the "seagull tank"--white head grey chassis. I THINK the problem lies here--the non-winter T-38 has two different hull chasses: #12161 and #15221. However, the winter mod (and I agree-a good looking mod too!) has only one: #62161. is THIS the reason? I guess the computer gets confused? Thanks for posting this topic--I was too reluctant to do so myself, after all, I am a cyber-idiot. Would be nice to have an all white winterized T-38.
  19. If it doesn't include motorcycles, horses (cavalry and horse drawn carts) and parachute drops I'll... :mad: I'll... :mad: I'll just whine and complain on the brand new BFC CMX2 Forum. So, BFC, I'm warning you...
  20. Now I'm feeling like a pedant. "Never ruin an apology with an excuse."-Kimberly Johnson Here's why I now feel that we NEED this mod--there is a cool scenario designed by "Rune" available from The Scenario Depot and Boots and Tracks, named "Clash of the Titans". It is a hypothetical scenario that pits all of the big cats from both sides against each other. It also includes the IS-3s!!! Perfect, except for one small problem--the Stalin 3s and Stalin 2s ARE THE EXACT SAME VEHICLE! :mad: So Bogdan, I am looking forward to your Jagdtiger mod now (has anyone answered your question yet?) AND I suddenly wish I had a Stalin 3 mod FROM SCRATCH! The IS-3 was the forerunner of the T-55 and later models of the Soviet Union's main battle tank. Compare photos of the IS-3 with T-55, T-60, et al., and you will notice the similarity with the turret design. The Stalin 3 did NOT resemble the Stalin 2! So, please go ahead and finish that Jagdtiger mod. Now about a possible IS-3 mod...
  21. Greetings from the land of piracy! Here in China EVERYTHING sold here is bootleg--even computers and computer systems. In fact, this computer, lent to me for use by my school, is made up entirely of bootleg software--everything! The only authenic things about my computer are the computer components (maybe). Add VCDs, DVDs and PC games to the list. What gets me is that these are NOT sold in some back alley, but sold in such name brand stores as WalMart, Park Lane, and Carrefour. I am now seeing boots of games such as Medal of Honor, East Front II and countless FPS games sold everywhere. These are all carefully packaged in authentic looking covers, and shrink wrapped. They all, however, bear some strange logo from some unknown software company (read: laboratory). There is no Talonsoft or Matrix games labels found anywhere. Amazing. I just got a chuckle when I saw GI Combat for sale (price 40 RMB, less than $5). Again, it did not bear the Freedom Games or Strategy First label. Yep, GIC is SO BAD that I still wouldn't buy it--even for less than five bucks! I have never opened any of these boxes and therefore do not know whether or not the bootleg player's manual is written in English or Chinese. My question is, if I DO see CMBO and CMBB available retail here in the PRC and it does NOT have the BFC lable affixed what should I do? Hey BFC, do you want to know about this? Then again, what can be done to stop it? I do admit to owning several bootleg CDs and DVDs, probably burned just down the road in Shanghai, but what choice do I have? Boots are the only copies to be had. Sigh. Fortunately for me, BFC DOES ship to the PRC and I eagerly await CMAK. At least I know I can get a real copy from BFC. Can you imagine reading the CMBB Player's manual in Chinese?
  22. Bogdan, mon ami, je suis desolee! I never intended to cause you embarassment. Nor was my post a slight by any means. Again, I appreciate--and use--ALL of your beautiful mods. I just wondered about whether or not all of the time and effort you are putting into this mod is worth the effort, considerring that the Jagdtiger did not see action on the RUSSIAN FRONT. Does the previous post depict a battle? The AAR sounds more like contact with the enemy, then run like hell to surrender to the Americans. Regardless, I have now taken up MORE of your time and caused you to divert your energy to my post. Again, I apologize for this. I am an old wargamer with experience and memories of previous wargames that portrayed the Russian Front--Panzer Blitz, Squad Leader/Advanced Squad Leader, and East Front II. During my days as a researcher and scenario designer I had scoured as many works as I could find and found NO mention of Jagdtigers on the Russian Front. But, if Jagdtigers are in the CM game engine, and you want to work hard and create a mod for this obscure beast, I'll mind my business, download your mod, and hope that I some day get to use it in CMBB. The whole premise of my post was to draw attention to the fact that the Jagtiger was not used--save for this one excerpt, in battle against the Russians. It's a common misconception. I have seen too many PB, ASL, and East Front scenarios using Jagdtigers. Since CMBB has the bmps for this AFV then it obviously is in the game--something I never knew before. I guess my question is best posed to the BFC group as to why it is included (is the IS-3 in CMBB?) Granted, they are fun (almost invincible--ever play that CMBO scenario as the US trying to hold off four Jagdtgers leading the attack?) to use and therefore if any one has a fictitious scenario--or one devised based on the previous post, using these, then please email me a zip copy or post it on the many fine scenario sites. I'd be happy to play it and use the new Bogdan mod. The first thing I thought about when I saw your post was of that beautiful snow camo'ed King Tiger that was released a few months back. It truly is the best looking mod I have ever seen. But I have yet to use it in a battle or op. I just can't seem to take the time to delve into a quick battle. I'm too much of a history buff and prefer historical/semi-historical battles. Forgive me for being too fastidious about historical realism and details. Now can someone please help my friend here with his original questions?
  23. Pardon moi, mon ami...I am a HUGE fan of your work but do you realize that the Jagdtiger was NOT used on the Eastern Front and ONLY saw combat in Western Europe? Since this is the CMBB and not CMBO Forum it also poses my next question: is the Jagdtiger IN CMBB? If so, why? :confused: I never bothered to check. If the Jagdtiger IS in CMBB then all of those guys requesting the Maus are now sounding less silly after all (no offense, Maus fans). If it is, well, I guess it will be fun for a "what if" quick battle. maybe pit these bad boys against Stalin 3s.
  24. This project began in 1998. Inspired by the classic Cross Of Iron Scenario "Breakout From Borisov" (which coincidently was converted successfully to CM by ASLvet). It was designed as a "three-in-one" CG. With one huge map gamers would have the ability to play three different campaigns: Blitzkrieg '41, Partisans '43, and the Russians return in '44. I hope that this long dormant project can now resuface with CMBB. The main obstacle with this trilogy is how to use the same map for three different ops. Can this be done? The next in this series will be the enormous '41 campaign. This op will be double the size and length and utilize another heretofore unseen portion of this huge map. The original HASL map was displayed at an ASL convention (named Oktoberfest) in Cleveland, Ohio five years ago. The map truly is beautiful and all credit goes to Larry Winslow, my good friend and erstwhile ASL opponent. If any of you ASL "old-timers" (damn, now I'M AN OLD TIMER) knows Larry, please pass on my regards as we have since lost contact. Larry now resides in Michigan. Getting back to the '41 op, there are three major hurdles to surmount. The first is with bridge construction--how do you rebuild a blown bridge between battles? The Germans were successful in taking one bridge intact, then ferried across reinforcements while the Engineers went to work building pontoon bridges under fire. This is not available in CM--nor in ASL, for that matter. For now, should all of the bridges be blown, the German player will have to mount a river crossing. The second problem lies with the absence of the then ubiquitous Russian tank, the T-28. Substitute T-26s and the Russians are too weak, substitute T-34s and the Russians are too strong. T-34s and KVs did become available, but only later as the Russians tried to crush the bridgehead. Third, the campaign was going to include armored trains. These trains are still not depicted in ASL or in CM. Pity, they would have added another novelty. Despite the fact that this campaign had been finished it never was released due to the project being dropped. All we can do now is try to recreate this op as well as we can within the limits of the CM system. The '43 op will be smaller, but will it be fun by using the CM system? This op would depict the massive Partisan sweep conducted in the summer of '43 by the Germans to eliminate once and for all the Partisan problem. In this op the Partisans blow bridges, raid barracks, and blow up sections of the railroad, then melt away into the dense forests that abound in this region. Three campaigns, three different OBs, same map. That was the idea. So, here is the first title. I wanted this to be different than the other fine ops available. The major difference is that it does not begin with the massive armored onslaught, as seen in Mark's "The Road To Minsk" operation. It starts small with neither side having that one "uber tank" or dense ATG belts that permeates throughout CM battles and ops. The Russian player's heaviest tank is the T-34/85, but the majority of the vehicles are Lend-Lease. The Russian player now has to face Tigers with Shermans, a la CMBO. The captured Stug and SU76(i) are added since, as according to sources, the Russians used these during Bagration. My primary reference for the inclusion of these obscure Russian AFVs was Walter Dunn's excellent book: Soviet Blitzkrieg. Ever since my SL playing days in my youth (when I could drink a 12-pack and STILL function) I had always ruminated over the strange counter that read "SU76(i). To the best of my knowledge no SL/ASL scenario had ever included them. Not one. So, before posters cite opposing views by authors refuting the presence of these rather tame SP's in this battle just consider one thing. Fun. I hope using the captured Stug and SU76(i) proves entertaining in its novelty. Fun is, after all, what this game is about. We hope you enjoy it, and will appreciate any feedback.
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