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Posts posted by tooz

  1. Recently I have been downloading some vehicle mods--particularly the dusty Panther Pack and Sturmmorser, and, after waiting a half of an hour or longer for the downnload to complete, I receive a "Unable to open file, it appears to be an invalid archive" message. I receive this message AT THE END OF THE DOWNLOAD!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Are other modsluts experiencing similar problems or is this a bug in my computer and/or server? Some mods get through OK, others don't. :confused:

  2. Kingfisher, I'll do my best, but I will have to ask my fellow CM buddies for some help. As you already know, I don't have my books with me here in the PRC (although one of my buddies is shipping a lot of CMAK related books to me presently) so I will have to rely upon websites and memory, I guess. I have asked my old ASL buddies at Multi-Man Publishing to ship me my rare Russian Front books (these were used for the soon to be released ASL module: "Armies of Oblivion"), but this may take awhile. I will also have to understand the formula BFC uses for their rarity factors.

    What I DO know about Scout Cars is this: the US Army had used Scout Cars in their TO&E from the mid 30s. Their usage in WWII was limted to the Philippines and (I think) these were also used in some numbers in Operation Torch. Once these were supplanted by the M2, M3 & M5 Halftracks the remaining stocks were shipped to the USSR as part of the Lend-Lease agreement. If memory serves there were more Scout Cars shipped than any other AFV. They were deployed from mid '42 and served throughout the war. Their rarity factor should be quite high from late '43 on. Operation Bagration featured the largest commitment of Lend-Lease vehicles ever (source: Soviet Blitzkrieg, Walter Dunn)and all recon battalions were equipped with these cars. M5s it should be noted, were used mainly for HQ personnel and their staff. Another interesting fact is that almost half of all Lend-Lease trucks were used FOR FORCED CIVILIAN DEPORTATION instead of being used at the Front (source: "Blood on the Snow" documentary)as WWII was winding down in the East.

    SU-85s were designed to counter the new threat posed by the Tiger Tanks. Some sources mention their availability for Kursk but others refute this assertion. This is the one major problem with researching WWII--the more you research, the more conflicting the information. What is known for certain is that SU-85s peaked in early 44' then were slowly being replaced by the SU-100s, but still served throughout the remainder of the war.

    One AFV that gets ignored in CMBB is that worthless twin-turreted T-26AM31. This little tin can served as the HQ tank of T-26 Tank companies. These T-26s didn't survived Barbarossa and by '42 were no longer used in battle, relegated for use as training tanks for new tank crew recruits.

    One final interesting fact is that the BTs were still committed in force during "Operation August Storm" in Manchuria, 1945.

    There is so much to discuss that a seperate thread should be set up just on Russian tanks in CMBB.

    For this thread, can any grog out there lend me their assistance with Zimordok's request? I have no inkling as to the rarity formula employed. Once I get my books back, I will be better prepared. smile.gif

  3. I liked the link, who cares about captions when the photos are so cool (just like porn ;) )? I was surprised to see a Pzkw I FLAME TANK! The caption states that the photo was taken near Tobruk. Will this baby be in CMAK? Hope so. Great site. For those interested, Alta Vista has a free translation site--called babelfish, but I don't know if Polish is one of the languages available.

    Cool site!

  4. Kingfisher, no, I didn't like the BTs...I LOVED THEM! :Dtongue.gif I especially liked the rusting hulk called the BT-2. They're so ugly (but that's good!)they are a joy to kill!

    As far as what I want, well, I'll accept whatever is easiest for you. Any winter mod that fits in well in the frozen tundra of Russia is cool. I have always said that the main appeal of this game is the eye candy served up by you modders. I know you modders are really busy now with updating the cmmod database so I take what I can get, when I can get them. As a modder, I am sure that you like to experiment with different designs--great! I love the diversity.

    The only specific requests I make depend on what op (I think ops are superior to battles) I am presently playing. Right now I am looking for winter SU-85s and Scout cars for the Russians and the yellow halftracks (which has been requested by others)for the Germans.

    Perhaps other modsluts share my dream of a completely modded CMBB game. Yep, we're mod maniacs and proud of it!

    So,whatever you serve up, I'll be the first to download and use. If you have WIP posted than I will be more than happy to provide feedback. Most of the time I just say "Cool! Looks great! Bring it!" :D

    Now if there was only a way I could mail you some "Kingfisher" beers! ;)

  5. You say your a modslut LIKE IT'S A BAD THING! :D

    YOU think YOU got problems, how about us poor "users" and "enablers" that cannot wean ourselves off of these great mods! :mad: I think I download mods more than I now play! I find solace and relief through beer.

    I like the look of the mods but noticed that you do not have that splinter helmet cover for the Luftwaffe troops that you used before with your really cool blue uniforms. Will this remain as an option, or do I just have to save that bmp myself?

    I must be sick in the head because I never download music or movies, just mods. I just remember my motto: "DOWN WITH LIQUOR!" :D

  6. Cool! Thanks again, Andreas. Although you can never have too much info, at least I have enough info for a decent OB. I'm still looking for a detailed AAR. I had one, use six years ago which related how a daring tank commander "bounced" one bridge before the startled (or frightened)Engineer team could blow the bridge. The Russians fled, giving the Germans their bridge. Again, that info is also missing. :rolleyes: Maybe someone can unearth it or find a site?

  7. Thanks guys, Andreas, do you have a website I can check for the designation of these units and their respective number ID for those units that comprised the 18th Panzer? In other words, 1st Company, Recon Bttln ???, Panzer Pioneer Company ???, etc. I want to identify as many units as possible. Note that I had a detailed OB for both sides but this info is buried somewhere under papers and boxes in Connecticut. It has been a struggle to regain this data.

    Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate and will use all that you grogs can muster.

  8. I believe that BFC has already announced that the Free French have been included in CMAK, but no mention of the Vichy French. I believe that this MAY pose a problem for the programmers, having one country fighting on both sides. Then again, if this is NOT the case then will we be able to have the Italians fighting AGAINST the Germans? It happened--quite a bit actually. This option opens up a whole new field of cool battles and ops. So, Matt? Moon? a little help here... :confused:

  9. I lost interest in CMBO (haven't played a BO game now for half of a year)because CMBB is far superior--IMO, to CMBO in all respects. From what I gather CMAK will not be that much different from BB except for some new perks--larger mountains, multi-turreted AFVs, dust, etc. So, I THINK I will stll crave the Eastern Front for some time to come.

    The desert war does not fill me with excitement, but I am looking forward to using the Allies again, plus have them fight the Italians and French (eh, that IS possible in CMAK, right BFC? :confused: ). What I AM longing for is the ability to recreate all of my favorite BO battles and ops with CMAK.

    If I'm still playing CMBB I'm still crawling the CMBB Forum.

  10. Gautrek, there isn't one mod that you have done that I DON'T use! :D I am sure all modsluts have their opinions, but I place you in the top three (no other names listed in case they may feel slighted--where would this game be without you modders) modders in the CM gaming community.

    An extra "thanks" goes out to you for providing us mod maniacs with a quick fix while cozog (may God bless Cozog and his family)gets his #1 CM website (IMO) back up. Losing the CMMOD database is like losing a close friend.

    One positive side of all of this is anticipating all of the new mods that will be posted when the 'base is back up and running.

    Please keep them mods coming! :D

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