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Posts posted by tooz


    This is the second installment of the Borisov op trilogy, the first is "Return To Borisov". The third installment may have to await the arrival of CMx2--whenever that will be, as it will involve Partisans. Without horses, motorcycles, armored trains (will these EVER see their use in ANY game) and bridge demolitions, the current engine, IMHO, will not allow for a decent Partisan sweep operation.

    "Ghosts" was born from my old ASL friend Larry Winslow's proposed HASL (Historical Advanced Squad Leader) module "Battles for Borisoff (German spelling). Inspired by the classic SL scenario #20 Breakout From Borisov" (which still remains my all time favorite SL/ASL scenario), Larry and I worked on this project over six years ago. Armed with a detailed German topographical map we almost had this module completed, then real life took over and shelved the project. Now, it has been rehatched in a CM mode. ASL vet has reproduced a faithful version (sans the T-28s) and that too, is a great battle. However, the actual battle for Borisov was HUGE. Hence this op.

    NOW FOR THE SMALL SPOILER........................

    If you love early war armor battles on the Eastern Front, then this one may be to your liking. You will not find, IMHO, any battle or op that has so much armor! Here is a chance to use almost ALL of the early war Russian tincans, save but a few. Included is the obscure T-26 Artillery tank, as well as the OT flame. It also uses every BT model. Later, the T-34s and KV 2s arrive, and as the German player (recommended against the AI) you will face a serious challenge in dealing with these leviathans. You do get a couple of 88s later, but getting these things away from the Russian Borg artillery spotter is the problem.

    Additionally, the German player's main battle tank is the MKIIIF with its 37mm popgun. How the Germans were able to steamroll the Russian Front with these pea-shooters is a miracle. You will notice that even against the T-26 Ekr tank, the 37 gun will have problems. Want a challenge? You got it. For two player, have the experienced player play the German.

    This op brings me much satisfaction. I have always wanted a sweeping tank battle a la Kursk with early war tanks. I think we succeeded.

    I hope you enjoy this, as Mark and I have more battles and ops to contribute in the future. Being a ravenous modslut, I need to give something BACK to the CM community.

    Now for some CMAK ops... :D

  2. What's really surprising is that when I clicked on "post reply" I got an error message in Chinese from my Chinese ISP, then I see this double post!!! :rolleyes:

    Speaking about Shermans, I think I'm gonna get real tired REAL quick with battles with Shermans...Operations with Shermans...Byte Battles with Shermans...PBEM with Shermans...


    Of course BFC COULD HAVE tossed in some non-Italian theater Cromwell's but nooooooooooo!

    Anyway, since I'm goona hog this post, let me do it right! :D Anyone else besides me noticing the Wehrmact Insignia on the FJ helmets? Or did my mod go haywire?

    Helmet covers, how about helmet covers? In CMBB there is one great mod from Andrew TF (yep, the KING of uniform mods!) which had netting for the SS helmets. Any chance of getting a web netting cover for both the US and Brit/Commonwealth helmets?

    Am I a helmet head. (notice the period and not a question mark at the end of the sentence denoting a rhetorical question.) tongue.gif

  3. I prefer ops to battles. Battles are good for PBEM (ops take many months to complete via PBEM) and for a change of pace.

    A nice long op stays with you for awhile, like a good book, and gives you plenty of time to ruminate on your future strategy between playings. Plus, if you lose a key piece early on, chances are that it will be replaced later on, and sometimes refitted and returned to the fighting before the end of the op.

    Two problems arise: first, it seems that the AI has a tendency to place too many of its reinforcements in open terrain in later battles of an op. Second, the Main Line of Resistance and no man's land needs tweaking. Units scurrying unmolested up the flanks can enable a player to avoid a head-on clash and gobble up ground (this is currently the case in a city fight I'm playing now). Also, some advanced units can be sitting on ground for at least three turns but still find themselves in no man's land at the beginning of the next battle.

    Overall, I just love huge ops (and sometimes battles).

    Now if we can only get BFC to incorporate a campaign (similar to Talonsoft's Campaign series games: East Front II, West Front, et al.)--THAT would be the best, IMHO. I would love to see if I could follow one leader or unit through a few years of war, watching as they get promoted or turn from Green units into Crack troops (if they can live that long).

  4. Originally posted by GillFish:

    For the really honest players, here's a second question: have you ever replayed or reploted a catastrophic turn hoping for a better result? [/QB]

    Yep. ;) Better than deleting the battle file. I do this a lot--especially if I'm playtesting. However (and fortunately) you can't do this with PBEM. This, by the way, is far and away the best way to play. I've never had a TCP/IP game--my ISP is too slow here for that--and too expensive.
  5. Also...the best book on the Italian Forces, IMHO is "Hollow Legions" by Mario Cervi. This too, is out of print but invaluable. I would recommend searching for "QM Dabney books". Although expensive, their collection is extensive.

    For those ASL fans, yes, the Italian module takes this book's title as its name. ;)

    The BEST book about Italy in the Africa (actually East Africa) is Eritrea 1941, by Arthur Swinson. If ever their was a book written for scenario designers, this is the one. While researching Italy in WW2 for the then Avalon Hill Game Company, I found a dearth of books dedicated solely to the Italian Army in WW2. Most references are "side" references added by authors touting the DAK. I have never found a unit history on the Trieste, or--the best Italian Division (IMHO) in Africa, the Ariete (Ram)Division.

  6. So maybe I should change all of my aerial recognition flags on my early war German tanks to those flags that have the CMBB type Balkenkruez on them? :D

    I like the mods Mark--keep them coming. Andrew also took some heat for his SS runes mods. Andrew, love your mods--keep 'em coming.

    Guys. It's a game. It's a fun historical game, nothing more. Don't like the mods, don't use them. tongue.gif

  7. I wouldn't call wanting to change my flags from the weird looking Balkenkreuz to the historically accurate an obsession. In my opinion it is more of a request for realism than paying any homage to the Nazi regime. If anything, it's an obsession for ACCURACY. To each his own. If anyone finds these historically correct symbols offensive then don't use them.

    Historically the swastika was a symbol for prayer and hope--as any Buddhist shrine or temple will attest. Just because some egotistical psychopath chose this for his emblem is no cause to ban this symbol forever.

    Remember that the Finns--as did many denizens of the Baltic States, used a similar style for centuries.

    My family suffered much during the Russian occupation of Lithuania--many of my relatives were banished to Siberia. Do I find the hammer and sickle offensive?


  8. Yep, MY tank was the tank Wicky is talking about. But it IS an FT KV-8 so maybe this AFV is more volatile due to all of its flame ammo? I have seen AFVs knocked out by FTs before, but this baby had a very dramatic explosion. The other tanks didn't burn either, so this IS a good question.

    By the way Wicky, your FT team WILL PAY FOR THAT!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: "With death's last breath I spit at thee!

  9. My two cents based on two years as an ESL teacher here in China... The main cause of the Asian speakers having problems with the "r" sound is the simple fact that they never "roll" their R's. Example, all of my students have problems with words begining with BR, CR, PR, et al. In fact there are few sounds they make where they vibrate their lip or tongue. Chinese students have the most difficulty with the letters V and TH.

    Conversely, it is well nigh impossible for me to replicate THEIR Pinyin "R" words. Renmin (people) sounds like "Lenmin" to me.

    Refreshing to find linguistic discussion here on the Forum--puts me in a good mood for class. :D

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