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Posts posted by tooz

  1. Yep, I agree with MikeyD about CMBO RIP. But CMBO dies to help create a better CMAK. I am looking forward to BO-AK conversions! I am hoping that now that there are additional height levels (right?) in the CMAK game, this will lead to designing more accurate maps of Normandy and the Ardennes. I especially loved those historic maps created by those gamers that live in France and Belgium. I especially look forward to those KGP adaptations which better depict the many elevation changes.

    I guess we will have to wait for the CD to see what AFVs "made the cut".

  2. Great question--hope the BFC boys thought of this. ASL used a generic "sangar" counter to represent any sandbagged position/gun pit, hastily built or prepared in advance. I sure hope this great question didn't get asked too late. I would love to see this fortification. Speaking of which, any signs of realistic 3-D roadblocks (don't have the demo, my crap ISP would explode if I tried to D/L it) in CMAK?

  3. Great question--hope the BFC boys thought of this. ASL used a generic "sangar" counter to represent any sandbagged position/gun pit, hastily built or prepared in advance. I sure hope this great question didn't get asked too late. I would love to see this fortification. Speaking of which, any signs of realistic 3-D roadblocks (don't have the demo, my crap ISP would explode if I tried to D/L it) in CMAK?

  4. Elvis, great, just great. here I am on the other side of the world, missing my Eagles and Flyers, and you have to post this! THANKS FOR ADDING TO MY HOMESICKNESS!!! tongue.gif

    Just felt like talking about Philly for awhile. What part of Philly are you from? I'm originally from 29th and Allegheny--then moved up to Roxborough (a loooooong time ago). I MISS DALESANDRO'S CHEESESTEAKS!!! Yep,getting weary of this Chinese food. If you ever meet a Chinese person asking for a glass of "wooder" ;) or asking "jyeet?", you'll know that he or she was one of my students! GO BYRDS!!! :D

  5. I am unable to download this Mod from the "base--I keep receiving an "Invalid Archive" message--usually three hours into the download. :confused: I don't see anyone else siting this same problem, Tanks A lot--any idea as to why? I don't want to bother cozog as he has enough mod work on his hands. I also tried to email this to you but your spam blocker will not allow me entry. :( Hey, I am NOT SPAM. "Spam, spam spam spam spam spam ..."

    Any solutions? Sure would love to use these along with those GREAT big building mods. Thanks, tanks.

  6. All right Wicky, you solved the dilemma. smile.gif I was just about to send you off an email with a turn orders file, but now I will not have to do this.

    Lesson learned. I am presently involved with another op (this one is on Borisov in '41) so I am putting all of my attention to the details of the new design instead of the old design (Return To Borisov).

    My opinion on Return to Borisov is obviously biased, since I helped design this. Of course I recommend it--I am playing two PBEMs of this op and having a lot of fun with both games.

    Okay Sheriff Moon and Matt, lock this thread up. Thanks for the help (and the bad jokes--to be honest, I enjoyed them).

    Let's see if this spotter can now find a good position without getting shot up. :rolleyes:

  7. Well, still no luck with this cursed spotter. Fortunately this scenario will end and I will have a nice second story building with a nice view for him in the next battle.

    I am out of ideas and will just accept this weird bug as I watch this thread become "a cheery moldy obstinate mortar spotter with maggots" thread. :rolleyes:

    Thanks for the help, I guess I'll just live (and watch my men die) with this situation.

    Again, the spotter is in command, in good order (ready and fit),no orders except for move towards--and through all stationary vehicles (which are all stationary and also in good order, without orders) in his path. :mad: :confused:

  8. This is a PBEM game. I never have sent a screen shot before, so, you better give me step by step, idiot proof instructions on how to do this--I tried before with the "print screen" button and got no result. It truly is hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

    I am also sending over a haltrack, in hope that the driver can entice this recalcitrant spotter into the halftrack with the offer of free vodka. (my turn for the bad jokes) tongue.gif So far he has turned down two different trucks.

    He is in good order-but out of command, has NO fire mission planned, and the vehicles also are in good order. Other units get the "embark" order if I point their move orders to the trucks so I know the vehicles are fine. This is very perplexing. Meanwhile my guys at the front are getting clobbered.

    Now if only the Forum would make spell check an option for these messages available I would no longer misspell mortar. ;)

  9. Truck is empty and stopped, spotter has no orders--except for "move" but no matter where I position my curser I cannot get that "embark" order. If I try other units they get that order without difficulty. I also talked to the designer of the op and he assures me that this guy is carrying a radio and NOT a field phone. Oh well, thanks for the help and suggestions, but this guy insists on walking. :mad: :rolleyes:

  10. Bogdan has a good point about the beams. In the "damaged" frames the beams are different (as they should be?)that is if that IS the same building. Good eye, Bogdan.

    The good news is that these are superb--irrespective of the beam issue. I have been keeping an eye out for this and thought that it got buried somewhere in the CMmod crash. Absolutely stunning--can't wait to see their appearance at the 'base. :D

  11. Okay, why won't my Russian mortar spotter (82 mm) embark in ANY vehicle. He is a Transport Class 1. I have trucks that are transport class 8. According to the manual (yes, I have read it), vehicles can transport units with a transport class equal or less than. Uh, isn't 1 less than 8? :confused: :(

    I have tried different trucks, even halftracks but he seems to see "that's all right comrade, I'll walk." :mad:

  12. The only foreseeable problems with redoing CMBO in CMAK are with the armor. I remember several threads ruminating about the inclusion of Pershings, Comets, Archers, King Tigers, JagdTigers, et al. Since these were not available in Italy (NOT positive about the British tanks mentioned) will they NOT be included in CMAK? :confused: If not, then many a great CMBO game cannot be revised.


    Was there any additional--better yet, "official" word on this subject?

    But at least there will be Elephants (or were they Ferdinands--don't havemy books with me). :D

  13. Count me in for the PTO. put me in charge of the maps--I live five hours north of Shanghai, three hours from Nanjing, and five hours south of Tai er chuang--the site of China's first victory over the Japanese.

    Dull? If you like CM just for the tank battles then I say "to each his own". What you lose with armor engagements will be offset by the rich diversity in forces. Chinese vs Japanese; Red Chinese vs Japanese; Red Chinese vs Chinese (there would be a ton of cool Chinese Civil War battles pitting Red Army Jap Chi-Ha tanks against Nationalist Stuart tanks with human waves being conducted by BOTH sides); Russians vs Japanese (three time periods--1938 at Lake Khasan--near North Korea; 1939 at Khalkin Gol--Russian title; or Nomonhan--Japanese name; 1945 Manchuria; British/Commonwealth vs Japanese; Early war (1941) US AND Philippines forces versus Japanese, Philippine Guerillas vs Japanese; and there are also the "Chih Hua Pu" [sic] which are US equipped Chinese forces kicking butt in Burma and southern China; French vs Japanese or French vs Thai battles; and then there is also the recondite "Indian National Army fighting as Japanese Allies fighting against the British/Commonwealth. :cool:

    Dull? I think taking out Jap AI bunkers and caves will be a lot more realistic than watching--and laughing as the AI attempts an armored attack. Maybe by 2012 CM will have an engine that can effectively recreate landing craft and amphibious vehicles. Doesn't sound the least bit dull to me. Yep, bring it on. :Dtongue.gif

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