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Posts posted by tooz

  1. What else am I playing besides CM? Well it sure as hell

    IS NOT GI: Combat or SQUAD ASSAULT. ;)tongue.gif:rolleyes:

    Nope, like other posters here I am waiting--and hoping that Wartime Command lives up to the previews. However, just saw that this game ALSO had its release date postponed (now available in winter 2004). Sheesh! Sure hope I live long enough to see these new designs--and CMx2 released.


  2. "Seems people have migrated a bit back to CMBB."--Panzer76

    Well, thanks to my ongoing CMBB PBEMs I never LEFT CMBB. ;) However, I would say that this is a good topic for its own thread. At first, I wasn't too thriled with CMAK--too disappointed with a CMBO rehash (with sand and mountains). I was hoping either for a Blitzkrieg or Pacific theater. Over time, my enthusiasm for CMAK has increased--thanks to many great new battles and ops. Now I'm growing fond of the desert battles. Conversely, playing the Italian theater scenarios aren't as compelling and engrossing as those offered in CMBB. Please remember that this is only MY opinion. Playing NW Europe CMAK battles okay, but I wish I had a mod that gets rid of those mediterranean uni's and AFVs (the camo'ed tanks are great, but using the yellow AFVs for 1940 seems out of place).

    CMAK was afterall, merely released as a complement to CMBB with promise of a better engine. As is, CMAKs good, but IMO, nothing beats the Russian Front for drama scope. So, happily I play both, while awaiting the new engine (do I dare mention "Wartime Command" :confused: ;)tongue.gif )

    Getting back to this thread's topic--hey MikeyD, PLEASE keep those CMBB mods coming. My only CMBB lament is that their are so many more winter mods needed and not yet available(the winter camo'ed ATG ROCKS!).

    Hmmm, new engine, T-35s and T-28s. Woo-hoo! Can't wait.

  3. "but can't seem to find it in the usual places. Where can I download this please?"--foamy

    It's on the CMAK disk. I have been playing it as German vs AI because none of my PBEM buddies seem interested in playing this beast.

    I agree with Bogojuvolev's high opinion of this battle. I am just fooling around with this as a German player vs AI (recommended for PBEM only)it IS fun although the AI does not offer a good, logical defense, then counterattack. Note Runes' caveat about slow computers having difficulty with this monster. Each turn takes a while to load. If anyone is willing to play this as a PBEM let me know. smile.gif

  4. Funny that you mentioned "Ghosts of Napoleon"...

    I was playing the AI as the German and I noticed something similar; no matter where I placed my 88 on the map the AI would hit it with an opening turn barrage. I tried four times to place the 88 at different places on the map. Even while at the extreme map edge, out of all and any LOS/LOF the AI barrage landed on this 88. If I tried to move the 88 with a "fast move" order the AI saddled my prime mover with a 14 second delay (why?). Yep, all four times the 88 got whacked. No matter what. Thus perplexed I continued with the op (shameless plug here ;) ) without my 88.

    Yep, I agree Fredrock--what's up with this? I'd like to know but I don't think this can be explained away with anything but a bug problem. :mad: I doubt that CMBB will get a fourth patch. :rolleyes:

  5. Hey WWB! Nice tip! I'm already playing Team Desobry. However, I cannot find many maps. it is this dearth of CMAK maps that spawned this thread. Real Life prevents me from doing any design work, but I am more than willing to playtest. I would like to see some of those Ardennes maps mentioned above redone with the added height elevations allowed in CMAK. These would be smoking! :cool:

  6. What happens to AFVs that you voluntarily remove from the map--are they returned on map during the next battle or gone forever?

    If you tell me "check the manual" note that I have already done so. At least tell me what page --in the CMBB manual, my CMAK "booklet" doesn't tell me much.

  7. Well, despite the lack of response (everyone too busy playing CMAK?) I must give my pal Wicky a thumbs up here. I have been saving my FAVORITE CMBB op--"Third Battle of Kharkov' on my computer for over five months. Not only is it a killer op but visually stunning as well. For modsluts this op is ideal--use AndrewTFs SS winter uni's, JorgeMCs mid Russian winter uni's, plus the many whitewashed AFVs (including the Tiger)and you have an op that beats anything CMAK has yet produced. My one regret about CMBB is that the modders did not complete the game--there are many vehicles left.

    In this op what still sticks out in its camo scheme are the mid MkIVGs gelb. The greys have been done, but not all of the gelbs. I have been waitng and waiting to finish this op with all of the units decked out in their cool winter outfits. For me, the eyecandy is half the fun.

    So, hats off to Wicky--a rising modder star! :D

    Am I alone with the sentiment that CMBB is still the best of this trilogy? CMAK is good, but BB still reigns supreme!

  8. Hans, did you say Stonne? How are you going to do THAT without French tanks? I have been to Stonne with my old ASL pal Pedro Ramis (he designed the "Stonne 1940" HASL module for Critical Hit!)and we walked the battlefield together. Unfortunately, I do NOT have my photos--they are in storage. However, the memories are fresh in my mind if you want me to critique the map.

    At your service.

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