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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by tooz

  1. I have been following this game since the GI Combat disaster. I DLed the demo, and said forget it. I doubt that this will supplant CM but if it's decent enough, it may afford a decent change of pace. The scale is a lot smaller--you actually control individual soldiers of each squad. However, I just am not yet completely sold on the engine and graphics. Plus, a lot of the screen is eaten up by game related data. My question, do I buy this (slated to come out soon), or just wait for CMAK AND BATTLEFIELD COMMAND?

    I am yearning to return to the European battlefield, but can't seem to take the step down in quality from BB to BO. CMBB has me spoiled.

    EYSA is also designed to be "mod friendly", so that is something to consider, plus there are additional modules (theaters) to follow. I'll probably sit back and await the reviews. Every gamer, I believe,is always waiting for the "next best thing". CM will still be hard to top. If you want to follow the game, you should visit Matrix Games website, then enter the Squad Assault Forum. Compared to the BFC Forum, it's a weak sister.

    I figure I'll allow others to take the gamble, then jump on the bandwagon if it is indeed good. I'm leaning towards waiting for CMAK and then see if Battlefield Command lives up to its really cool Downloadable trailer. From looking at the trailer, it is designed to play like a movie. Too good to be true?

  2. I just finished my op playtest. Yep, the ENTIRE MAP was in my control. I had all the corners, and even the middle of the map edge controlled by platoons. Yet, the AI still gave itself room to have a set up. So, regardless if how much map you take, the AI must have room to place its units, hence the ubiquitous isolated friendly units. This is just in the situation where the entire map is yours upon scenario end. Why this also occurs even when the AI has plenty of room to place its units is another question. I can understand the AI giving itself room to set up, but why does it do this when it DOES have room? A bug? Or is it just inherent in the game engine? What do we do? Take important ground and PRAY that the AI allows us to keep it? Beats me. :confused:

  3. I have the same beef. I mostly play ops and have noticed that NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, you will NOT get a continuous front and ALWAYS have some units cut off--even if they were adjacent to units who in the next scenario who are in the new set up zone. :confused: :mad: I have screenshots to offer upon request. Then, I notice the AI gets to place his units in these vacated zones, sometimes on top of my men. :eek: This has occurred in the last three battles of the op I am playtessting (it's an airfield defense, very good, and unique). So, like yourself, I have to start every new battle trying to link up with these stranded-for no-reason platoons. Yep, I have read the manual, and keep my forces connected and make certain my front is continuous. It doesn't matter. :mad:

    A lot of the Forum hounds tell me that the AI DOES NOT give itself some advantages.

    Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

  4. Looking at that picture of the camo BT made me realize that the Russians used camo before the Germans. Hmmm, I never realized that(and I do have Stephen Zaloga's East Front Armor book). I like the yellow and green camo. I'll take as many camo Russian tanks as I can get. Grey just seems to be kinda boring after a while. I would leave the ISUs and ISs alone. I can't imagine anyone doing a better job than Mikey D and Gordon did with theirs (I hope I don't offend those modders who also did similar tanks, just that those last two versions were way cool.) :cool:

    If any of you would mod some of the bland tanks--like the T-26s, SU 76s, Lend Lease tanks, with a camo scheme I'd definitely appreciate it and enjoy it in my games.

    Looking forward to these T-34s. I still liked Mr. Noobies camo T-34/76 (late) and his T-34/85 (late), but I could stand a change. I guess these new ones will be available "when they're done". tongue.gif

    I'm looking forward to them. Keep 'em coming, and thanks guys for enhancing this great (and frustrating) game.

  5. I want to see KTs in CMAK--but only for use in remakes all of those favorite CMBO scenarios. I'm yearning for CMBO with the latest graphics. So, I hope I speak for a lot of us CMBO fans out there and say...GIMME KTs...GIMME Pershings...JUST GIMME GIMME GIMME. For me CMAK will be CMBO 2 with some desert scenarios thrown in just for variety. I am getting a bit burnt on BB but just can't seem to go back to BO.

    Thump! (the sound of coming back down to earth). But realistically, I'm sure there is a limit on how much they can do. I hope that I will be having so much fun with my multi-turreted Lees, Grants, and even M11/39s that I won't pine so much for the Ardennes battles.

  6. This just in...Playing "The Byeli Road" with mucho tanks in deep snow (I thought that the "Christie suspension", low ground pressure, and wider tracks of the T-34 minimized the chances

    of bogging). I have many five platoons of tanks. Four are bogged (three of which IMMEDIATELY became immobilized and will now sit out the rest of the scenario in comfort--out of LOS of any German unit), three of these bogged/immobilized tanks are HQ tanks. Nothing slower than out of command Russian tanks. Okay, so I am the unluckiest player in the world? Well, I think I have found a solution--I'll just drink more beer and maybe a few shots of tequila while playing. :rolleyes:

    (Burp!) Ah, that's better! :D

    So, to avoid the frustrations involved with out-of-command tanks I am sending these guys out to be anti-tank spotters. Ka-boom! Look there's a gun over there...Ka-boom! Look, there's another ATG over there...

  7. This is just one of many perks the AI seems to give itself. I wonder if this is done to allow the AI to put up a good fight.

    AI tanks are snipers, HQ tanks ALWAYS bog first--or get that all too common "Gun Damage" result. I have also noticed how AI artillery NEVER MISSES! I tried this with the Kiev op playtest (which is pretty tough!). I set my infantry to the right, the armor to the left. Yep, AI barrage hits the infantry. I then try moving things around, even keeping units well to the rear--and out of any possible line of sight. It doesn't matter, the arty always found my squads.

    In another playtest, my FOs are in a locked set up. Turn two, here comes the AI arty, there goes my fire missions, and of course the broken/routed FOs sneak off the board edge.

    In all consideration, I think this is just an edge given to the AI to make the games more challenging. One advantage the human player always has is that we can just quit the scenario, and start the scenario again--this time knowing where the AI has placed his troops.

    I don't cheat and look at the AI OB before a scenario, but I will quit it and restart one if I'm getting clobbered and taking the heat. It is just a game--I keep telling myself this.

  8. Any chance of adding an optional Turret stripe/cross? Since we're being ahistorical anyway, why not add a few more eye-candy tidbits? I personally think stripes are wicked cool. Maybe a slogan on the rear turret (to avoid that dreaded "mirror effect"). Regardless, I've got my new folders ready and waiting for these babies. Look great! Fantastic work.

  9. Admiral, this is just a quick "Thank you" note for all of your hard work. CM would NOT be the same without the Scenario Depot. Your site is easily THE place for scenarios. There are three top sites (IMO): BFC Forum, CMMOD database, and of course--the Scenario Depot. Awesome work. Keep it up! :D

  10. Regarding Lcm's old eyes...my eyes aren't as sharp as they used to be (nah, can't be related to all of these hours looking at a computer screen--can't be) and I find that aerial flags work fine for me concerning winter mods. I like the turet crosses for the Russian tanks also, but I don't think these were applied to winter whitewash. Lcm, go for the "rusty mods" by zimordok or any "hasty' whitewash mods. Personally, theis winter Marder is perfect for me--just enough grey to offset the white, allowing my eyes to pick it out in the snow. Question: are you using unit bases?

  11. I just tell my girl that "the beatings will continue until your attitude improves". ;) (kidding) Eh, all I can say is that I am a middle-aged man still playing "army men". :rolleyes:

    Then again, my toy soldiers never screamed during play.

    Did someone mention GI Joes? I confess! I used to...used to...play with dolls! But my dolls were sticking bayonets into those little slits by the neck, legs and arms! THAT'S BETTER! Tell your wife anything, TELL HER YOU'LL MISS HER!

    It's just a game--a great freakin' addictive game!

  12. "School's out for the summer" and now I have enough time to drink, play CMBB, sleep, get yelled out by my girl, then play some more. Please send me this as a "zipfile", lest I receive that boresome "Windows can't open this file..." message. I like the idea. It's about time someone came up with a novel idea! Non-historical? Who cares? I think this idea has a lot of potential for fun. Bring it.

  13. Second tyr much better. Still got the rain but this time by using less waypoints I only lost one SPW 251/9 who bogged then IMMEDIATELY immobilized. (patch, yeah right! :rolleyes: )

    This guy didn't even smell an enemy unit. My problem is how to get enough concentration of forces across the one bridge in order to combat all of the enemy armor. Freedom to place units would help a lot in the set-up.

    I'm now into the second scenario after losing four Mark IVs. I haven't got into the village yet. Combat losses I can take, but too much "fate" losses get old real quick. What i like about this game is the absence of ATGs for the defender. Lately it seems like I am always fighting through tanks, then get pelted with withering ATG fire in the majority of scenarios I have been playing as of yet. Easy? Not for me. Still, it IS proving entertaining. If this is your first op then it's not bad for your debut. I always prefer ops to battles. With ops you get a better "feel" of fighting in WWII IMHO. No "beating the clock" as occurs with some battles. Now that my tears have dried from my crying about the first playing the game's entertaining. Ah, that's better. :D

  14. Well, I MUST suck, because I got fed up after turn eight as the Germans, bagged the game and will retry it later. The major problem came with the rainy weather. So, NOT surprisingly my HQ tank in the black set up zone predictably bogged, then immobilized :mad: (No officer, I WASN'T SPEEDING), had a second slow moving MKIV bog, and stay bogged :rolleyes: (yeah right, the patch FIXED this :rolleyes: ). I took out the two scout cars quickly, and then laughed in disgust as my OTHER HQ tank receives that all too familiar "Gun Damage" result :rolleyes: . THEN my crew exposed Mark IV that is stationary and with good LOS keeps missing a T-34 which--ON THE MOVE knocks me out! :eek: In exchange I get one T-34. So, maybe I'm just cursed, but I'll obvious try SOME OTHER TACTIC. I agree that having the Germans with a fixed set up provides you with ZERO options. How in the hell am I suppose to get my black sector tanks to the road without bogging? I like the looks of the op, and am a bit envious of those who had a cakewalk. If the map is small, then by all means try to enlarge it, although I couldn't get past the first recon screen. Usually i don't suck as bad, but man, two bogs and one gun damage result had me heading for the beer. Now, i feel better (burp!). Let's see what the second playing brings.

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