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Posts posted by tooz

  1. I run Windows Xp Home Edition and my laptop has all of the new bells and whistles. However, I ALWAYS receive a "Windows cannot open this file. In order to open it, Windows must know what program..." message. This happens irrespective of website or even attachments from my email. Zip files work without any problems. Consequently, I am unable to Download ANY scenario from your very good site and this proves disappointing.

    Any way to bundle everything and send them as zips? The problem lies with any file labelled as cme or cmf. My Dell computer refuses to open it. Pity, I sure would like to have those scenarios/ops. :(

  2. If you find yourself working too hard to come up with a camo scheme, then DON'T! IMO I feel that the original needs to be beat up and dusty/rusty. Maybe add an aerial flag on top? I think your MkIVG looked great with that flag.

    Even foliage haphazardly draped across would look cool--and NOT really be ahistorical. Hey, I'll take anything that just looks better. ;)

    As far as the winter version you have more options. You could give it a Kingfisher-like rusty whitewash or just "dust it" with new snow. Whatever you choose I will consider as "a gift from God"--like your "Bogdan" handle's definition :D !

  3. Different locales had different types of bunkers and each nation had there own tweak on the design. In addition to bunkers there were also "bombproofs" and command bunkers, but these may be outside the scope of CM. One unusual looking command bunker built by the Germans can still be seen (but not entered) at Carpiquet Airfield. It's more of a long rectangle and only stands about three feet above ground.

    Then there are the cupolas which are weakly (IMHO)depicted by using dug-in tanks. In fact, somone at BFC should realize how important (and effective) Panther turret cupolas were in defending the many fortified lines in Italy. Will CMAK have these? Probably not. Even Omaha beach had many old French tank turrets--both cannon and MG sprinkled along the line.

    There is so much that can be done but alas, only so much that the modders and BFC can do. :(

    I sure hope these boys at BFC ask us for feedback with the new X2 engine.

  4. Summer of 2004 is whenI will be touring Europe again. My Chinese wife hasn't seen much of the world so there will be two of us. I also will be looking up other CM Europe buddies while there.

    One aspect of the gaming community are the friendships made because of a game. I am fortunate in that I have made many friends from my SL/ASL days (my days of "pushing cardboard" are over) and will be looking them up as well. Just knowing that someone likes the same wargame as you is enough of a common bond that ties us together.

    So, if you ever come to China...

  5. What does the concrete need? Well, how about CAMO? Even just a camo netting would look a lot better than plain grey. If camo'd (is that a word?)bunkers are harder to see then GOOD! More realism at the expense of eyestrain. Well, what do you think of camo? Just the fact that these will look cool is enough for me.

    It's too bad we can't have damaged bunkers like wee do with buildings. It would just be eye candy but I would get a kick out of seeing a destroyed bunker looking beat up with chunks of concrete torn out and twisted rods protruding thrugh the hholes in the concrete. I have been to Pointe du Hoc and will never forget the sight of those destroyed bunkers--one which is lying upside-down.

  6. I'm interested, and I would use these bunkers if and when available. Since there is only one size available in the game we can't get too fancy--MG bunkers were a lot smaller than ATG bunkers which in turn were smaller than artillery bunkers (Normandy Coast leaps to mind) and then there were the almost invisible observation bunkers. So, I agree that the one default bunker available could use a change. I'll go prepare a new folder... :D

  7. Since I don't plan on playing a lot of open desert scenarios (I think I will get carpel-tunnel syndrome from the repetitve motion of cancelling the far too many "sneak" and "run" orders) anyway, but I guess I'll just take what they give us. No real choice is there? Moon DID say that we will be able to recreate SOME CMBO battles--and note that he did not say ALL. So, I guess we'll have to see what BO battles we CAN revise for CMAK.

    Conversely, if they limit the vehicles for this game for hstorical accuracy then how can they justify leaving out the Greek Army? In exchange for no KTs and Jumbos then give us the Greeks! They didn't have too much supporting artllery and maybe a few tin cans, anyway. Besides, what support weapons they DID possess should already be in the game as these were all purchased from foreign powers--many of which came from Italy.

    If I need to sacrifice for history's sake, then let's make it as historical as possible. How can we fight in Crete without Greeks? Anyone ever hear of the Battle of Galatos? Just one example of how many good scenarios could spring from their inclusion. Then there's the Albanian Campaign. Give us enough options for variety and perhaps we won't miss BO TOO much. If you do, then just play CMBO again and try not to cringe at the drop in graphics. It's still a good game, but BB is great! Now CMAK has to outdo BB.

    In exchange for not having KTs and Jumbos, let me start enjoying CMAK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

  8. Thanks for the response, all baby blubbering asides redface.gif I am presently playing TWO scenarios and BOTH have the Stug IIIE. I doubt that these were ever camo'd (is that a word that we CM players invented?)but I just would like to see this thing beat up and dusted--or something! Considering how great those recent Stug IIIF's -Stug IVs mods look why are these busy buggers being ignored? I have Canon's Stug IIIB mod so I can keep using this one--until the next best thing comes out, as always, but the Stug IIIE is crying for a makeover IMHO. Most of these assault guns were refitted during '42 with the longer 75 guns so I don't really know if whitewashing these would be historical. So, TO HELL WITH HISTORY! I'll gladly take a white Stug IIIB and IIIE! Other modders have mentioned how much work it is to "snow dust" a tank, so whatever can be done will be appreciated and used immediately.

    A lot of BFC Forum surfers have remarked on how hard it is to discern whitewashed vehicles in snow scenarios. I think the answer for this problem is just add optional aerial flags (or have a new eye exam tongue.gif ) to allow easier viewing. With the flags and bases turned on, winter white mods are never a problem. Just imagine what similar problems will surface in CMAK with desert color camoflage. ;) Thank God for larger monitors!

    Hey Bogdan, ANYTHING new with regards to these Stugs will be downloaded as soon as they're posted. I know I won't be the ONLY ONE downloading whatever comes out. Oh yeah--LOVE the Panthers! :D

  9. Better yet, maybe a rendez-vous in Hong Kong? My girl is in the (lengthy) process of getting her passport (SHE needs one to go to HK and Macau, I don't, but I need one to return to the PRC) and we are making plans to go there this coming Chinese New Year (Spring Festival). Lucero is in the Philippines--interesting. :cool:

    Also, Tsingtao makes a decent 4-5% alcohol beer, it's my favorite Chinese beer. I still drink the crap "near-beer" like low alcohol Chinese beer after I have already got my buzz. By that point I don't need that much more alcohol.

    In Kunming I went and visited an old--nearly abandoned state park which has a monument to the China Hump aviators. Sort of sad to see this forgotton monument in a forgotten park, oh well. I also failed to find the "Flying Tigers Bar", so a trip back to Yunnan is definitely among my future plans. Did you happen to visit Jinhong in Xi shuang bana? This place is easily the most fascinating--it is more Burma/Thailand than China. Kunming was cool too. That's what I love about this country--everywhere you go the people, food, and landscape changes. Soon I'll be headed up to Manchuria and visit the old Russo-Japanese battlefields of '45 and MAYBE '39. I just discovered that "Khalkin Gol" (Russian name) and "Nomonhan" (Jap name) is part of China now. Its remoteness however, makes me wonder about its safety. Regardless, I'll hit Harbin, Mukden (Shenyang) and Dalien (Port Arthur). The latter I have already visited and it too, is beautiful.

    Maybe someday I'll stop by Switzerland. ;)

  10. "If you want, I can put the camo layer of my bicolor early Marder II to the early Marder III."

    Sounds good to me! I'd DL that baby in a heartbeat!

    Now, ahem, excuse me for being a pain the backside and acting childish but WAHHHHHH! I WANT A STUG IIIE!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! PLEASE!!

    Nope, now that I'm on summer vacation I DON"T have anything better to do than mod and play(test) CM and do some travelling. Cool. :D :cool:

  11. JEESH! :rolleyes: Sorry "Tools for fools" I confused you with Flesh (maybe because I'm killing time here while downloading his latest mods?). Welcome anytime to Yancheng. Be warned--there's NOTHING historic here--excepting for a really cool museum on the Chinese Northern Fourth Army. Plenty of material and info here for inclusion of the Chinese in any proposed Chinese/PTO mod. Listening BFC?

    If you play CM you are welcome any time in my home! The first requirement of friendship is a common bond. Play CM? You're my bud!

  12. OOPS!!! :rolleyes: My next to last sentence was NOT befitting an English teacher. What I wanted to say is that in addition to the free beer this is a good place to be if you're single. With over 6 billion Chinese girls (cross off those that are under 18 or over 40 and you still have, what-- three billion?)the odds are in your favor. :D

    My fiance is half my age and one third my weight! Best of all, she tolerates my CM mania. Yep, I just may stay here forever! :cool:

  13. Flesh, I live in a nondescript city callend Yancheng. It's northeast of Shanghai in the Jiangsu Province. I live at my college (actually a nice real comfortable apartment) and I DO have a second bedroom. If you're going to stay for seven months then why not teach English while you're here? If you have a college degree you're in. In addition to the free beer (I get Stella Artois from Shanghai and Hoegaarden [CHEAP!] from Nanjing.

    Regardless, if you do another China tour, by all means look me up! A few hot seat games would break my routine nicely! :D

  14. I asked awhile back this same request, so I'd figure I'd ask again for a Stug IIIE mod. This bugger keeps popping up in my new scenarios that I am playing/playtesting. Its mint condition appearance definitely sticks out--and it still has that "new car smell". :rolleyes:

    Anybody working on one? Dirty or whitewashed? I have more late model Stugs now thanks to the ModGods (love you all, free beer at my house) but these dunkelgrau early Stugs have been overlooked despite their frequent appearances in CMBB scenarios.

    Any works in progress? :confused:

  15. Head back to the 'base, and look for Kingfisher's 251/2--it's my favorite (THE most realistic and dirtiest mod available IMHO--even comes with an aerial flag) along with Canon's dusty/dirty 251/1 and 251/10. Canon used a unique shade of metallic gray for his mods making them distinctive, which comes in handy from the view point 6 or above--their light color alows them to stand out amongst the other vehicles for quick IDing. So, back to the 'base you go! Now git! And go get 'em! :D

  16. A dumb question from a cyber-idiot: If we download these new building mods, will the computer know when to use the German buildings (for scenarios closer to Germany) and when to use Russian buildings (will that Kremlin scenario now look like Berlin)? How will this work? I mean, it looks FANTASTIC!!! :D But...but...

    I warned you that this was a stupid queston. Yep, when it comes to computers, I am as dumb as dirt. :rolleyes:

  17. I'm not a modder but a moddee, and thanks for the site. SO THAT'S WHERE Mr. Noobie found that camo scheme. That mod just may be my favorite--it's so distinctive. So, I'll probably leave that mod alone and scout around for the other T-34s in a new mod camo scheme.

    Even tanks modded as per this website may prove pleasing-anything but dull, dull, dull...ZZZZZ gray! BUT, if I'm going to DL a monocolor mod--the tank HAS TO BE DIRTY OR DUSTY! smile.gif

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