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Posts posted by tooz

  1. From "Bitter Victory, pp 284-285: "This is supported by the postwar report prepared by the Historical Office of the Italian Army which states that the commander of Mobile Group E split his force of light tanks (an estimated thirty-two ten-ton Renaults, sixteen three ton tanks and several even smaller World War I tanks) in half."

    If memory serves these FT-17s referred (inferred?) to above were labeled R-3000(?). I know that these little buggers are in the Italian countermix in the ASL Module "Hollow Legions".

    Thanks for the tip about the Italian site--good stuff. I am still scratching my head and trying to figure out how to make a decent--and fun op on these Italian/German attacks.

    It won't be a project that's rushed. Thanks again for the help--I'll appreciate everything you guys can help me with. smile.gif

  2. My solution--
    OOPS! redface.gif

    Before I offend the scenario designer let me explain this a bit further--MY solution. Just because I am too inept to have success in this battle does NOT mean the op isn't very good. It WAS fun, but became frustrating. So, I just moved on to the next op/battle. Now I spend most of my time testing at the Proving Grounds (I have always enjoyed playtesting--it de-emphasizes winning and focusses on helping others create something fun.)or fooling around with QBs--and that is primarily to get those great new mods into action ASAP.

    So, this will be a good, useful thread for those of us that can use some helpful hints. Uh oh, is that mom over there? Will this thread by transferred to the Scenario Discussion link? :eek:

  3. There's Carlo D'este's book, which I read a few years ago. It seemed to over a plausible overview....as of course do both the British and American official histories (though the official histories offer more on the logistics as usual)

    Yes, that book is named: Bitter Victory, The Battle For Sicily, 1943. So far it is the most detailed. D'este is known for his biography of Patton.

    The Battle of Sicily (mentioned by Dorosh) is also very good and I also recommend it.

  4. Yeah, I got cloberred too. :mad: By the time the Matildas arrived (big lumbering Bren guns, considering that their 2 pounder AT shot does nothing)there wasn't much infantry left to support.

    I spent much of the second scenario getting dizzy watching my infantry swirl in circles (looked like a bunch of cockroaches on the kitchen floor when you turn on the lights :eek: ), then wore out the mouse cancelling "Sneak" orders. I also noticed that my units would not sneak towards a friendly held trench, but WOULD sneak towards an enemy held trench :confused: :rolleyes: . Anyone else noticing this?

    Yes, I did use smoke, yes I did use real tactics, yes I tried many things...

    My solution--play something else. :(

  5. If you want to have a lot of whitewashed german vehicles faster for Ardennes scenaries, you can use the winter mods for CMBB, or at least the most of them (compatibles) as halftracks (sdkfz250 or 251) or reconaissance vehicles (psw222, 221, 223, 231 ... etc). I did it without problems. Later you can modify the mods.

    Well, I began to fool around with some mods with mixed success. So far only AndrewTF's SS Winter Dot and SS Winter Oak mods proved successful. The others--particularly the Marders was unsuccessful. I really do not like going into the bmp's to delete anything, but, conversely I also don't want superfluous mods "swimming around" in the bmp file. I have a few winter QBs set up just for the purpose of checking the winter mods, and judging the reults.

    The great news is that your four mods look terrific!!! So, I appreciate everything you (and Wicky) are doing right now. Also, what makes your mods different from the CMBB winter mods are that Wicky's and your mods are "snow covered" as opposed to "whitewashed". Hence, they are IMO, better suited for winter mods in CMAK.

    Winter white uni mods appeals to me due to the completely different German uniforms in CMAK. Seeing guys in their camo or tan helmets run around in the snow makes things a little unsightly.

    So, thanks for the tip (also junk2drive had offered similar advice) but my experience with the Marder mods (not appearing in my winter QBs) has made me proceed to cross over CMBB mods with much trepidation.

    I'll wait, the results of your (and Wicky's)labor are worth it.

  6. Hans good thread! What about FT 17s? The Italians also had some, plus their own version of similar design(I only have some of my sources with me, the rest of my books are in boxes, in storage, any website that you can suggest will be appreciate). I can't remember the appellation.

    From "Captured Tanks in the German Army" they also mention that the S-35s were deployed in Sardinia, although under which control--German or Italian is unclear.

    Victor Madej's "Handbook on the Italian Army" and "Italian Order of Battle" (reprints of US Army manuscripts) also have some info on these units and those R-35s mentioned above.

    Good stuff. I'm in the preparation stages now for a Gela campaign. At present there are more questions than answers. Chris "Jr Evil" Orosz'es "Panic At Gela" is a fun battle, but I'm trying to design a large op that has the US defending, then counterattacking, similar to the great campaign game in Talonsoft's "West Front". Also, I want to get the Rangers into the fight.

    Your thread has helped--thanks! :cool:

  7. Alexocar, using it now in a QB--looks great! Welcome to the modding world! Me, I'm just a humble modslut! :D

    I'll happily download and use any winter mod you make. As Wicky said, you finish the Germans, Wicky does the Allies (AndrewTF does the winter white uni's(?) smile.gif ) and the rest of us design and/or playtest winter scenarios (I'm trying to recreate some Bulge CMBO battles and ops--sans the King Tiger :mad: )and woo hoo! we're living large!

    It's always better to surprise people than disappoint. I'd say your debut is a success! :cool:

  8. junk2drive, nice mod idea, but I believe that emblem patch was for the 5037 Composite... Regiment, (forget the complete appellation)er, Merrill's Marauders unit that fought in Burma. That sun on the top left corner is the 13 pointed white sun, symbol of the Guomingdang (or Kuomintang) Chinese army. Darby's Rangers had the simple curved stripe that reads "Rangers"--similar to what is worn by Captain Miller in "Saving Private Ryan".

    But it DOES look cool as hell-and I like your 101st mod a lot--great job! :D

  9. Tooz

    I, like you, prefer QB on premade maps. I have a couple on my website. Im playing these maps at the moment, when I finish these games I will do some more. Let me know if you like them.

    Nope. Don't like 'em--I LOVE 'em! I also downloadeded the marsh/swamp mod--which looks terrific! And a pretty good looking website too! :D

    How in the world did you get your email address past the censors? That has to be the funniest email address I have ever seen. :D Plus, I can, er, relate to it! ;)

    I'll take as many maps as you can make.I'm getting a little playtesting burn out so I am going to QB for a while.

  10. Where are the best sites for me to visit to D/L CMAK maps? After two and a half years of CM I have FINALLY decided to play Quick battles! :rolleyes: I guess I always preferred historical simulations, now I'm hooked! It has proven to be the best way to see all the new mods in action. Oh boy, NOW I'm hooked and shirking my work responsibilities! redface.gif

    Also, if any of the Belgium boys are redoing their TREMENDOUS Ardennes maps for CMAK I would be more than happy to playtest these new designs.

    NOW I can start my own scenario designs! :D

  11. That's the M4 chassis done - any requests for what next to snow up...

    Hell yes! :D US/UK vehicles (HT's, Trucks, jeeps, carriers, et al.); German AFVs and vehicles; Winter white uni's for all!

    I may be a modslut, but I'm a GREEDY modslut! :D;)

    My favorite battles/ops from CMBO were during the 'Bulge/Nordwind. Without snow and winter whites they just don't have the right "feel".

    Normandy/Battle for France battles/ops don't "feel" right with the Germans in their Med theater tan uni's. Plus there is no autumn foliage (for the Arnhem battles). So winter whites are definitely my #1 wish right now.

  12. Well, my server here in China can't access that link. Damn. For my part I am using books instead of webpages--books seem to be more reliable. There is plenty of info out there: We Led the Way (about the rangers), Rangers in WW2, Bitter Victory (Carlo D'este),The Battle for Sicily (Mitcham and Von Stoffenberg), Operation Husky (SWC Pack), Drop Zone Sicily (Breuer), Sicily; Whose Victory? (Martin Blumenson/Ballantine books)and other books aplenty on the Italian Theatre of Operations (Circles Of Hell, Tug of War, and others). The books listed are the only ones I have here in China, the rest are packed away back in the "States.

    I don't have a scanner.

    I also am having doubts, due to the size of the op. However, if you got one in mind on the Italians, then maybe I could focus on the HG attacks, and perhaps do a small op with the paratroopers trying to survive at Ponte Olivo and linkup with the beachead? A trilogy perhaps. I am still in the "hunter gatherer" stage with the info. I have enlisted the help Charlie Kibler--another ASLer and Mark Gallear. I don't care who gets the lion's share of the credit and kudos, I just want something good and FUN to play. Things are progressing, albeit slowly. Hey we have plenty of time to do something well.

    I am a greedy modslut and feel that I have to give SOMETHING back to the CM community.

    As soon as I collect and organize things better I will send you a quick email.

  13. Von Paulus, I too am looking at Gela--for an op. Care to collaborate? I have enlisted the support of some ASL old-timers. I have the title and enough research books (books are always better [iMO] than websites). The idea is to make an op similar to the Campaign Game found in Talonsoft's West Front. Problem is, the actual battlefield may exceed the current map parameters in CMAK.

    If you have something similar in mind and you are further along in the development then I could just join you, if you want additional help.

    If your doing a battle, then I'll just continue with my op. There is no need for two identical ops when ONE great op will suffice.

  14. Fantastic!!! Love the shoulder patches! PLEASE keep these uniform mods coming! As a downright modWHORE I find it the MOST fun when I get use a new mod right away. Cool! :cool:

    I know you don't do request, but if someone :rolleyes: (wink wink, nudge nudge) would do a set of winter white uni's for the US, Brit/Commonwealth and Germans I'd be thrilled (ever notice how the BFC boys LOVE to use the word "thrilled tongue.gif;):D )

  15. ABSOLUTELY STUNNING MODS!!! I am now enjoying them while playing the CMBO remake "...Going to Town". The best thing about mods is to see them inaction right away. :D

    Now, let's be a greedy modWHORE and ask the next favor: who is going to mod the Germans and Allies in their winter whites(NO need for Italians in white, I believe)? Rather than transferring BO mods to CMAK I'll just wait. Anyone?

    Oh yes, in response to the frequent "why don't YOU mod them?" question, allow me this simple reply--because I am a frigging computer moron who won't waste your time or mine with my pathetic endeaver! :rolleyes: Really, I AM that stupid.

    However, the one thing a modslut should do is at least playtest or collaborate on battles/ops in order to give something BACK to the CM community.

    This also gives the chance to congratulate Gary Krockover for the BEST NEW CM (IMO)site--the Proving Grounds. I find myself spending more and more time there. Check it out--the scenario designers can use the help and we all benefit from this labor of love. :D

  16. Oops! redface.gif There are so many mods I forget who did what. Regardless, great looking mods! I just playtested GP 8 Istimei (from the Proving Grounds) and the new modded bunkers looked great--before and after I knocked 'em out with FT's and demos (I call CM's demos "flying pizzas"--they look more like pizza boxes than satchel charges). :rolleyes:;)tongue.gif

    For those interrested, yes, the camo bunkers done by that OTHER Modgod works without a hitch for CMAK.

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