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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. The USA main contribution is to have prevented the Russian to overrun the rest of Europe. </font>
  2. What would happen if GOD would judge us the way you are judging other people? You are quoting so often the bible, but it seems, as if you never really understood the message. we all deserve nothing else from our own deeds but death (and yes, even the fire), it is only jesus who can save.
  3. Far away from history. These IAF ME109 were bought in/from Czecheslovakia. In 1948 Germany was rubble filled with hungry people and not at all able to sell / grant fighters, own weapons. German / Israeli Weapon exchange started years later. As far as i know these czech Me109 had different motors which made these MEs extremly difficult to fly. little info with pics
  4. As far as i know nearly every german fighter (except the bi-planes in 1939) was equipped with 20 mm cannons (or even worse) and only the allied fighters were reduced to MGs. And it was Hitler, who urged to use fighters as bombers (FW 190, ME 262), even though they weren't usefull at all in this role.
  5. The AI often tried to press difficult countries into its alliance. There is a fair chance to "convience" Spain and or Turkey to join your alliance if you spare enough points. Often enough the AI failed to get them and all its precious politic/pressure points were gone... L L That were the pre-internet days. Unfortunatly the designers of many SSi titles are still lost. I would like to write the guy who wrote "Sword of Aragon" to do a deluxe edition, same game system but 500 times bigger map. It was so much fun to rule my own fantasy empire, sigh ... [ October 10, 2003, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  6. yes, SC is a real bargain when you start to play it: don't act like in COS (read the strategy guide, do yourself a favour)
  7. I just downloaded COS and that's exactly what keeps happening even with a bootdisk. Now I''l probably never get the chance to play that one. </font>
  8. Riprocket: Buy SC, it is worth each cent. What is better in SC: STRATEGIC BOMBERS (forget this idiotic strategic bombing from COS, which was very buggy as well) Units can achieve experience (just like in Panzer General) Neutral Countries have more and better armies No purchasing limits (buy hundreds of german battleships if you like / play against me ) The hex-color changes instantly into the color of your country if you move on enemy territories What i miss from COS (apart from the already mentioned features): -the history replay (was always great to see the entire war compressed into 20 seconds...) -Strategig SEA war (send ships / subs to raid / to hunt raider). BTW: Sea Battles ARE fun in SC! -ordering fighters NOT to intercept incoming planes -Mullberries (place your own harbor) -deadly tanks (they are much more vulnerable in SC) What i miss from Storm across Europe: Garissons-strengthpoints anti-air-strengthpoints fake armies / airfleets REAL paratroopers techs to research (Transports, amphibs, escorts, mech.infantry, tac air, paratroopers) [ October 09, 2003, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  9. Finland?!? Or Denmark?
  10. In own a couple of books about WW2, but only 2 of them have some numbers about the poland campaign. Both with max. 282 lost german planes (Cajus Bekker / Janusz Piekaliewicz). Unfortunatly most of my Books doesn't tell any numbers about this war (G. L. Weinberg, Raymond Cartier p.e.). [ October 07, 2003, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  11. In my opinion there should be such a small chance which obviously brought you this lucky lucky lucky lucky victory. I think this happens not very often, so why don't you simply enjoy your lucky day?
  12. from where did you get these numbers? I could only find the amount of 282 german planes lost in poland!? Btw.: Polands anti-air units downed appr. 100% more polish planes than the german anti-air-units
  13. Finlands Air Force was very mixed: Italian Fiat G50, British Gloster Gladiator, US Brewster F2B Buffalo, French Super-Morane (Morane-Saulnier MS406), captured Russian I-16 & SB2, german ME-109 (Mersu) and many more. The pilots were excellent trained. --- Poland-Campaign (Fall Weiss): as far as i know the german Luftwaffe lost 285 planes (among them: 109 bomber/dive-bomber) and Poland lost 333 planes (among them: 82 bomber)
  14. Bill Macon: I agree with your post 100%. Without Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and these years where he agitated and slowly poisened the minds of so many people (not only germans) history would have wiped him away. JerseyJohn The politicans of the Weimar Republic let the german economy intentionally collapse to prove the world that Germany would never ever been able to fulfill it's duties recording to the Versailles treaty. And there was no way / chance to negotiate about the terms of the versailles treaty, because the entente powers didn't allowed any germans until they were called to sign and accept the terms. They paid a to high price (just like germany) to accept anything but a total and utter victory. They would have invaded germany in 1919, and the Reichswehr wouldn't have been able to stop them anyhow and anywhere. Ludendorff wasted every reserves in the 1918 offensives. The result: in autumn 1918 german soldiers had to use toilett paper as bandages...
  15. There was a (late) Windows 95-Version of this game (same system like Allied General), which should run perfect on your system.
  16. Rannug won playing the allies against me as axis, i just surrendered. My French campaign was a bloody mess, and with the (massive) russian war entry at hand i have no other choice but to put out the white flag once more. Jarl Gunnar, this old viking, is simply a to strong player for me. Congratulations Gunnar, and go for gold in the final round. I would feel much better knowing that only the later winner of this tourney was able to stomp me into the ground. JerseyJohn & Disorder: Thank you for your time & work, and of course for all the fun in this tourney!!! The new scenario was to challanging for me against a stronger player like Rannug, but it became my favourite scenario when playing against the AI, bringing some pepper & spices back to SC . Well done!!!
  17. Wasn't Triest & Süd (South) Tirol (sorry, i don't know the correct italian name for this region) part of italys gains after WW1? [ September 21, 2003, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  18. One and only = Chesney Hawkes Top 20 Hit in 1991 (one-hit-wonder) Kuniworth likes obviously male Euro-Pop-singers ... Mmmh, wasn't there a rumor about Kuniworth being, what was this specific word, happy? No. Funny? No. Ga - ga - ga y can't remember, sorry
  19. Piumarcobaleno I didn't wanted to say that "killing is bad" isn't true, but in a fallen world it is sometimes nescessary to take the sword, even the bible tells from wars ordered by god in the old testament. The point is: what can be done to stop a Hitler-like person if he has some power to hurt/kill his neighbors? Talk? Proven the wrong answer. Killing is BAD BAD BAD, but what else is left when someone tries to kill and is ignoring this message? This is why we need a police and an army. And better both act BEFORE something REAL bad has happened. I agree with you that our human nature is wicked, and yes, it is a shame. But this only brings me to think one step further, demanding an active police and army to protect me from the worst human beings. Italy left in WW1 their alliance with Germany-linked nations as well (because the entente powers promised more teritorial gains than imperial Germany / Austria-Hungary). Leaving the 3rd Reich in WW2 was the best decision italy could made, fighting against the 3rd Reich looked a bit like "we have no weapons and are guilty but we want to sit at the victors table to get some loot as well", even though it was of course honorable (same for France: i still don't understand why the french got their own part of Berlin and West-Germany after the war). --- JerseyJohn "the SS was simply drafting able bodied men who looked sort of Aryan and throwing them into their divisions". My grandfather became member (drafted) of the Waffen-SS this way in 1944 (not sure about the correct date). Before this he served in a 8,8 Flak unit. As far as i know these real blond-blue-eyed-nazi-fanatic SS divisions of 1939 were nearly completly wasted in their first battles, because these men attacked against ALL odds fanaticly for their beloved Fuehrer ("leader, instruct, we follow you"). [ September 20, 2003, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  20. What i still miss from people with your point of view is the alternative for killing people to avoid a costly war and further brutalities. If something can be learned from WW2, isn't it the lecture that you better act soon (even if innocent casualties can't be avoided) instead of looking aside or apease? Until spring 1940 every major offensive from france, england or maybe even italy would have had the result of Hitler's death. Maybe there would have some thousand innocent casualties, but their sacrifice would have left 50 millions alive. --- The bombing of dresden was a war crime, thousands of refugees and pows died as well a few DAYS before the whole rotten 3rd Reich went down for ever. The USSR's war against Poland and Finland in 1939 were war crimes as well. The A-Bombs were in my opinion no war crimes, because as far as i know the japanese leaders were willing to fight until the bloody end, so the unlucky inhabitants of Nagasaki / Hiroshima would have died maybe in an allied stalingrad-like siege anyway. The japanese honor codex would have brought the world a lot more dead people than these deadly bombs which ended the war. But i don't care about allied war crimes (this should the former allied countries do for their own sake), i feel sick enough when i see the crimes of my ancestors. I agree with my father (born 1938) when he stated that he couldnT understand (after he learned about what germans had done in 1933 -1945) that the allied and the russians didn't kill every german because of all this guilt. A lot of more germans should have been punished after the war, and the germans shouldn't have been allowed to judge their own people (many of the german judges were former nazi judges, so nearly everyone who wasn't executed after the war was free again in 1955) in these trials after nuremberg. I recently have seen a TV-docu about the german war crimes in greece (Gebirgsjaeger), where italian pows where shot after italy changed once more in history the sides in a on-going war. The movie "Corellis mandoline" (not sure if i spelled it correctly) with N. Cage covers some part of the massacre. The allied powers struggling in the cold war offered the comanding and responsible german general a position in the Bundeswehr AND accepted HIS demand for a (sorry for my bad english) statement, that the Wehrmacht fought a clean and honorable war. This statement was used to end war trials in germany and to set german war criminals free in the mid-50s. --- Did someone know a webside where i can find the english translation of Berlusconis last statement (something like "Mussolini wasn't that bad after all")?
  21. Hmm, in my opinion we (the free world) would have had trouble with the islamic arabs with or without the state of israel. The problem is the islam, not us or israel. As soon as the arabs got their oil-riches they were able to re-opening the islamic way of big-tent-revivals: take up the sword and conquer allah an empire. Look to Pakistan, Philipines, Grosny or where ever you want. These people want to fight for allah, israel or not. Their religion propose the paradise & 99 virgins if they die for allah while fighting the evil unbelievers. These people have nearly no education, no money, no social systems = nothing to lose but to gain paradise. Their holy book demands to conquer the whole world for the islam (something like "preach to them, and if they don't listen, teach them with the sword). So they would come for us after all. After the turks lost their holy war at the gates of vienna some centuries ago (and it was a very close shape) the islamic world laid in agony until they could afford to fight back again. Just because the US and Israel took finaly a stand against this misleaded people we shouldn't blame them. I blame my own country for standing aside ... :mad:
  22. My thoughts are that you probably played "Liftoff!" or "Buzz Aldrins Race into Space", am i right? It is exactly the way how research worked there. Just replace "chit" with "dice". Each dice could improve your system from 1 - 6 %. I like this way. Major Breakthroughs are still possible with this system (like 7 times 6-eyes in a row). What about the possibility to improve each tech level ("i have a lvl 3 tank with 96%, let's call it "Sherman Firefly" and my adversary has a lvl 3 tank with 11%, let us call it "Kampfpanzer III E" while lvl 3 with 27% would be a "KpfPz III G". Anyway, very good idea, Panzer39! [ September 15, 2003, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  23. I play just for fun, and these new scenarios ARE fun, so why should anybody start complaining? Thank you for your work, JerseyJohn.
  24. edit: like always i am too late... ----------------------------------- Jo le souverain resigned some minutes ago (in April 1943). In the east he held a front line from Riga, Minsk and Kiev, while he lost Odessa to partisans. Finland & Sweden were in deep-red soviet hands, while the allies got beatings in a desperate try to hold alexandria to secure the iraq. The axis flaggs waved over Denmark, Low Countries, Yougoslavia, Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Norway, and of course about Italy & Germany. Allied forces lost greece but conquered sucessfully spain and greater-Brest (axis defending Paris and Bordeaux). The US, Canada, the UK and Ireland, Portugal and Iraq have never even seen a german shepherd dog. Vichy & Swiss were busy eating cheese and stayed neutral. Jo le souverain, thank you for the good and interesting game. [ August 30, 2003, 09:43 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
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