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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. I think i found a bug: The AI-Sub can attack my sub, but i can't attack the AI-Sub with my sub. THE AI HAS A SUBHUNTER-CLASS SUB!?
  2. oliva 2003 First: COS is a DOS game which needs lots of free high memory (600 KB or more, when i remember correct). Download should be here: http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?gameid=203
  3. Its been like this ever since 1864 and the occupation of jutland and the removal of schleswig and holstein from denmark. Better: "...removal of schleswig and holstein from the danish crown" (From 1773 the kings of Denmark held the duchies Schleswig & Holstein — Schleswig as full sovereigns, Holstein as princes of the Holy Roman Empire; both duchies were in personal union with, but not part of, Denmark): http://www.netspace.net.au/~pmaci/wwd.htm
  4. Clash of Steel had such an option: one additional German Corps for every "liberated" city. Useful option for the AI, but not for the human players (to easy). What if ... If Hitler would have been such a "good" leader the entire war wouldn't have happend at all. But he wasn't. And he would surly never been. He started the war because he wanted this "living space in the east". Those poor russian people who offered the first german troops bread and salt had never a chance for personal freedom under german rule. Maybe when the Entente would have started such kind of honest liberation war in 1919 or later there would have been the possibility for such a szenario.
  5. In many ways the initial decision by Goering and Udet to stick with propeller technology made sense. What didn’t make sense was the way they totally sacked the jet research program, even to the extent of allowing jet technicians to called up for military service! They even sacked a lot of propeller research. Heinkel had the HE 100 D plane, which was even better than the ME 109 in 1939, but he was forced to stop building this little jewel (which was later sold to Japan & USSR). http://www.geocities.com/lastdingo/aviation/he100.htm Maybe the problem was more the "we-love-Messerschmidt-and-Heinkel-sucks"-concept (it was Heinkel who shot the first jet *HE 178* into the european air in 1939) rather than a "we-hate-jets"-concept. http://www.allstar.fiu.edu/aero/HEINHE-178.htm
  6. JerseyJohn: Correct! Tojo wears a swastika as well
  7. The old (& free) game is "Pacific War", an even older Gigsby game is "War in the south pacific". "War in the Pacific" is completly new, using the new interface from "Uncommon Valor" and the complexity of "Pacific War".
  8. Hedaye: Hitler & Franco Hitler demanded from Franco: Spanish war-entry on 10th January 1941. He proposed the liberation of Gibraltar within a few days by german troops. Spain should get back Gibraltar. Franco answered, that only spanish troops could bring back Gibraltar to spain. He demanded: - the spanish army has therefore to be completly re-equipped with new & modern german weapons - the repair of the spanish railway-system - food for the spanish population - mauretania, marocco and oran (VICHY!) After 7 hours of fruitless talks Hitler ended the debate and suggested that the foreign-ministers should complete the treaty. Hitler left with his special train (btw.: an anti-air-(flak)fortress) the same day. Ribbentrop and Serrano Suner started their talks after a boring banquet. Ribbentrop threatened Suner, and at midnight he finaly demanded from Suner to reappear the next morning at 08:00 h with an acceptable treaty. Suner didn't appeared at the demanded time, he only sent his secretary Espinoza de los Monteros with an insignificant/unimportant text instead. Ribbentrop took his plane to meet Hilter in France (Meeting with Pétain). While Hitler complained he would prefer to lose 3 or 4 teeth instead of another meeting with Franco, Ribbentrop complained about "this Jesuit" Suner and the "ungrateful coward" Franco. *********** all poorly translated from "Raymond Cartier: Le seconde guerre mondiale" ******** BTW: nice book with a french view on WW2
  9. War in the Pacific is AFAIK still in production, not yet released (maybe you ment Uncommon Valor?)
  10. "the guy they've got in chains look's equally unpleasant", --> the Duce (sorry if i missed a joke and made an obsolete remark)
  11. Wirbelwind = Tornado *********edit********* wirbel=whirl wind=wind whirlwind sounds funny, so i used the translation of wirbelsturm (=tornado/) [ May 31, 2003, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  12. Rambo, how can you be "pro-law" and "pro-death-penalty" and still demanding, that the admins shall forgive Kuniworth? They draw a line, he ignored this line, he received his sentence. *** The End ***. Wasn't that exactly your point of view? How can you demand forgiveness for kuniworth? Only because he is a lucky fellow which you know a bit better than everybody else? So it would end in demanding "death penalty to anybody, but not to people i know personaly", or what? Anyway, in my opinion the admins should allow Kuniworth a new start here (after he said sorry). BTW: I am "pro-bible" and because of this against the death penalty [ May 31, 2003, 09:22 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  13. Similiar Games: (MS-Dos) -Clash of Steel / SSI -Storm Accross Europe / SSI -Third Reich / Avalon Hill -High Command / Three-Sixty Pacific
  14. Barbarossa [=Redbeard]: http://bay4.de/Literature/8fmtm10/node24.html It is written and proven that Barbarossa really stayed in the mountains of the Kyffhaeuser. When the ravens cease to fly round the mountain," said the legend, "Barbarossa shall awake and restore Germany to its ancient greatness There is a tale, that every 100 years Barbarossa awakes. Then he sends a boy [or dwarf} up to the top of the (mountain/fortress) Kyffhaeuser. If he find out that the ravens are still flying around, Barbarossa and his Knights have to sleep another 100 years. But a day will come when an eagle appears who will devour all the ravens; then Barbarossa will go forth to restore German greatness. Maybe another reason why the 3rd Reich used so many eagle symbols. And the hope for new german gloss in the east brought the world the "Operation Barbarossa".
  15. " I'm glad I've never witnessed that first hand and hope none of us ever will. " Amen.
  16. I am too late, but i wish the whole band here lots of fun & fair games.
  17. 1.) History option like in COS (how the map changed, where your armies moved, which armies were lost etc.) 2.) Random special events 3.) Politic Points like in COS, maybe the option to move and / or build armys from still neutral countries ************* 1.) Saviour Machine 2.) Lordian Guard / Warlord 3.) Kemper Crabb / Arkangel
  18. Great Idea!!! Example: Germany got tank-technology from the czechs (Pz 35t/38t) in 1938 which was still in service till May 1945 (Hetzer/Marder).
  19. JerseyJohn, your modesty is legendary, as you showed here once more. I could live very well knowing that you would receive some news before the rest of us. Or even better: would be somehow integrated in SC2 or SC deluxe. In a special way, you are the "good spirit" in this SC-forum, at least in my opinion. Always a pleasure to see your posts here, always well founded statements, always gentle and open minded, often tons of special research from the www included. More than anyone else here can offer (me included). On a scale from 1 to 100 i would set you as no. 97 (rambo would be below zero...)
  20. Maybe someone should give JerseyJohn at least some informations about SC2. If not JerseyJohn, who else here deserves this little special, precious award? Come on guys (Hubert, tester-fellows), give him from time to time these little sweet infos. You all can only gain from this generousity. He will surely keep your secrets, and you would receive some worthy feedback. Jersey to the front! [ May 24, 2003, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  21. they should be operated in the same manner as air units, enabling their deployment from the U. S. to Europe and Africa/Middle East in one turn JerseyJohn : Exactly! Thank you (again), JerseyJohn.
  22. (8) it is not nescessary to destroy the swiss armies completly. I have seen the swiss surender when i wiped out one of the 2 armies while I controled 3 of the 4 swiss hexes. The 2nd Swiss army was at strength 3 or 4.
  23. BIG disadvantage: Can't be shipped with transports, so no chance for US-Rockets. I see no reason why every army, tank group or HQ is allowed to sail the seven seas but the rocket battalions are doomed to stay where they once were built. Every Jet-Air-Unit(!) can be moved with operational movement but not the rockets?
  24. Sorry JerseyJohn, you are right, as always.
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