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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. I highly recommend this book to anyone who can read german: "Die sieben Todsünden des deutschen Reiches im Ersten Weltkrieg" by Sebastian Haffner. It seems that this classic is not available in english, unfortunatly. Anyway: this is one of the best books about the seven most grave german mistakes ("deadly sins") in the WW1. -Abandoning Bismarcks policy -the Schliefenplan -Belgium & Poland -unrestricted U-Boat war -playing with fire: world revolution & russian bolsheviks -Brest-Litovsk or the missed last chance -the real dagger-stab (Dolchstoß) I remember one of the most stupid mistakes was leaving 50 divisions in russia even after the the harsh "peace" of Brest-Litovsk. Those men marched forward and forward towards the east even AFTER the peace treaty and even while germany lost the war in the west because they hadn't enough men to achieve a decisive victory in the spring offensive 1918 (Operation Michael).
  2. It were at least 42 (source: wikipedia). 1921 - 1932 4 attempts, including on try with poison in the Hotel Kaiserhof, 1930. 1933 10 attempts, including the try of an unknown SA-Man at the Obersalzberg & one of the group around Karl Lutter in Koenigsberg. 1934 4 attempts, including the one of Beppo Roemer, Berlin, and Helmuth Myhus, Berlin. 1935 Dr. Paul Josef Stuermer, Berlin. Group Marwitz, Berlin. 1936 Helmut Hirsch, Nuremberg. 1937 Josef Thomas, Berlin. A unknown SS-man at the Berliner Sportpalast. 1938 Otto Strasser with a group of emigrants (several attempts, even in 1937). Friedrich Wilhelm Heinz, Stoßtrupp Reichskanzlei. Alexander Foote, Munich. Maurice Bavaud, Obersalzberg and Munich (several attempts). 1938/39 Noel Mason-Macfarlane, Berlin. 1939 Georg Elser, Muncih. Erich Kordt, Berlin. 1940 Erwin von Witzleben, Paris. 1941/43 Nikolaus von Halem, Beppo Roemer, Berlin (several attempts). 1943 Hubert Lanz, Hans Speidel, Hyazinth Graf von Strach-Witz, Walki (Russia). Friedrich Koenig und Freiherr von Boeselager, Smolensk. Henning von Tresckow, Fabian von Schlabrendorff, Rudolph Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff. Unknown Pole, Wolfsschanze. Rudolph Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff, Berlin. Axel Freiherr von dem Bussche-Streithorst, Wolfsschanze. 1944 Ewald von Kleist, Wolfsschanze. Eberhard von Breitenbuch, Obersalzberg. Claus Graf Schenk von Stauffenherg, Wolfsschanze und Berlin (several attempts). 1945 Albert Speer, Berlin. source: this german webside / Will Berthold [ June 09, 2006, 12:06 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  3. Hey, this would make already two of you. Rejoice, you are not alone!
  4. i am not sure if this is a feature or a bug: the russian ai placed in my last game new units into the caucasus even though there was no more land connection to the remaining russian homeland. is the unit-placement for the russian ai freed from a connection to the capital? :confused: sorry if this is a described feature from the manual, i am unfortunatly to lazy to read it (cough, cough).
  5. Than learn this lesson well: never buy a german version, game or DVD: dubbed versions will suck in the majority of cases.
  6. And this is one thing i really don't like. Infrastructure is usable or not. And a short OP movement should be cheaper than a long journey to a far far front away. OP movement in or out of an enemy zone of control is another thing. Some boardgames don't allow it, and i think these games are right about it. [ June 03, 2006, 10:07 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  7. 1. --> Great Idea, i would love to get much more reports like this as well. 2. --> Nice idea as well, but i would suggest, that exact amounts should only be available if the intel advantages is even higher than +1 And even if your intel is at the same level or below that of your enemy you should see numbers. False ones! 3. --> I would suggest a different kind of info: at intel advantage +2 you get always a message when your opponent reached / completed a new research-level ("italy discovered aa lvl 1, sire"). Maybe one could advance this: when the enemy withdraws research chits, you get a note about this as well? Anyway: i would welcome any kind of further improvements regarding history / conduct of the game
  8. Good Idea. Or maybe draw your own new map after the capitulation ("well, i have to get this city and all east of this river, but for god's sake, yes, keep all the rest and let us be brothers again...")
  9. @Sir Jersey "Never argue with idiots. First they drag you down to their level and then they beat you with experience." Everyone who knows this place at least a bit knows the high quality of even your avarage writings here, not to mention your many many high quality stuff. Carry on with your good work, keep your spirit up and don't honor these unknown little barkers with your responses. Please!
  10. Well, maybe harbors could be opened for amphib or air assault invasions? Or maybe considered as land squares when it comes to unit placement? [ May 21, 2006, 11:01 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  11. If we would be finaly allowed to invade / storm places controled by an enemy unit this wouldn't be such a difficult operation. For this we would need the unit ability to retreat. When there is no room to retreat a retreating unit would be forced to surrender. Another nice game componet which Clash of Steel already had 13 years ago...
  12. Wow. Greece, hum-hom, very good, veeery good. Thank you for all your infos, and a "bravo" for your knowledge of good books.
  13. While regarding captial ship losses from subs we sholdn't forget that at least in the early war years many torpedos didn't worked / exploded when they hit their target. The above mentioned list of ship losses would be quite longer if this torpedo-problem had been discovered earlier. --- Many capital ship losses occured in the Med Sea. I wonder why it is not possible to smuggle german subs into into this Sea area. Maybe a certain percantage could be lost or damaged when going through the gibraltar bottleneck? But there should be a way to place a german sub into the Med.
  14. After all there were here and there sometimes those Milchkühe / Typ XiV / milk cows out there. [ May 16, 2006, 12:58 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  15. Strategic Bombing leads to destroyed cities which were usualy BETTER do defend then before. Breslau was destroyed on purpose by the germans to improve the defenses of this so called "fortress". Stalingrad & Monte Cassino should be an example enough why it might not be such a bright idea to bomb defended cities a la "crumble to dust".
  16. I would like to get some more comfort in the research window. Please place here some infos to each tech in this window (pop-ups, left- or right-clicks, i don't care): what does this tech, which units do participate from it, etc. etc. Many games come with these in-game help/infos, and it is sooo comfortable. I really don't want to open the manual all the time. edit: oh, nearly forgotten this one: the table-report should show me those techs of my enemies which i have already found out through combat or while standing next to an enemy unit [ May 13, 2006, 07:00 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  17. Researching amphib, well, i think there is not so much to research. Build a fleet strong enough to protect your amphib transports which you just have to build first. A little bit training how to organize supply (mulberry) and of course a LITTLE bit construction reasearch in the shipyard. After all, amphibs are not THAT much hightech compared to rockets, jets, heavy tanks, etc. Anyway, i justed wanted to remember everyone to SSI's Storm. [ May 09, 2006, 02:19 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
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