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Everything posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]

  1. I´m for changing desert mesa to objective, but the selection is ok as-is too. cya there
  2. Desert Mesa objective Sea Cliffs (wanna see the zoo sweat )
  3. Poesel pls run the zoo this friday if possible! I´ll be raedy for battle/weapons testing anytime between 7pm GMT+1 and 12pm Anybody else? Please include the dam-tightrope CTF please!
  4. Yah, that was sweet. You can´t imagine the joy of driving across the whole map without flipping my paladin (unlike in the archipelago game where every attempt of mine to flee into the relative safety of the water ended in a disaster) AND having our own flag appear just as i trundle into our home base our minds were in sync there Phantom! Sea cliffs was a gem of a game. I had to pull every trick I´ve learned in this game, and still you had us in the ropes more than once. I had to keep repeating my defence mantra: hermes check, AA check, Galaxy check. despite the other team losing this game I think the single minded concentrated advance is the right tactic in this map. If you guys had thought of using EMP and off-map arty we would have been history. wish I had taken a screenshot of the score board. Phantom and me had rather impressive kills . Though I admit that most of mine were through turret action.
  5. Arrgh, echelon has finally found me!
  6. thx Toby! I´ll ty that this evening.
  7. thx jb@jb-desktop:~/DropTeamSetup$ ./runLinuxInstall ./runLinuxInstall: 3: ./InstallData/bin/LinuxInstall: Permission denied :confused: I also tried: sudo ./runLinuxInstall or su ./runLinuxInstall or chmod 755 runLinuxInstall ./runLinuxInstall same error mesage , pls help
  8. hmm, I want hollwood compromise physics! like the muffled space sound in the new battlestar galactica. BTW rhe newest incarnation of Firefox 2.02 (windows) keeps crashing when I try to post something here. Happens both at my work and home computers.
  9. Well, after succesfully installing ubuntu i have now succeded in installing the 3d drivers using apt -get install nvidia-glx( i tried the "executable" at nvidia, but it then insisted on compiling and I killed the X server in the process. So what I´ve learned today is WTF an X server is (the graphical interface) and that there is more than one way to skin a cat now err , how does one run shell scripts? (like dropteaminstall) an hour of research on the topic has left me somewhat confused. *Imagines the physical pain that this post causes to Nexus and Poesel*
  10. Is it just me or have the bots generally gotten better at shooting down dropships? I don´t recall being hit by 120mm AP in the air so often. A consequence of the turret improvement in 1.22 maybe? @ the linuxers, thx for your offer to help. I have some really stupid, err , basic questions.
  11. Yes, we should have had a plan for the moment the tower fell. Also next time the tower destruction has to be faster (I think it took 12min yesterday). Maybe a hurricane, though I fear the round will be caught by the ion tower. Have to experiment in stand alone. PS: this post is courtesy of my new Ubuntu-install. don expect me to be playing from linux soon, I took me 2 days to trick GRUB into finding my install (some mixup, due to having several harddrives) but playing DT from Linux is of course the final goal, like winning against Jung in CTF every time
  12. not friday, but we had a good BLACK SABBATH battle yesterday. That dead gulch objective Nexus, Bane vs poesel, me was the best game in memory. Nexus and bane had the entire southern half of the map AA covered, but while poesel led the attack from the N, I snuck in through the depl. zone with a thor and caused a lot of damage. we nearly won this one except for a tragic instance of friendly fire when an errant mortar round of mine killed poesel and a bot (both defending the objective at the time). I think Poesel was a bit miffed then a desert mesa, Poesel and me attacking again. though we managed to take out the ion tower , our forces were too depleted to take the objective. Then a CTF Jung, Poesel vs Nexus and me. not sure how nexus managed, but he emerged from a hailstorm of all callibres carrying the flag. fortunately I had just been vaped by Jung, and happened to drop just behind nexus in a Hermes. Jung carpeted me with turrets, food for my autocannon I see a pattern emerging in the Low Dunes map. the guys with the Northern flag always lose. maybe the mod savvy could put the northern flag next to a big rock too.
  13. Thats right, though it may depend on the server (been a while for me too). I guess there is no need to maintain a permanemt channel. sooo which one? just testing: linz.irc.at:6667 #dropteam
  14. Maybe somebody (battlefront?)could make a Drop Team IRC channel. It would be a quick easy way to check who is online and arrange a quick game.
  15. DP 170ms, CZ 60ms as I´ve said before, we need a server in the middle, like in Ireland or Iceland edit: sherlock holmes here has just deduced that the Zoo is not in Poesel´s living room
  16. poesel its in some long forgotten thread.
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M26_Pershing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/90_mm_M3_gun I´m sure IG can come up with something more contemporary
  18. My two eurocents: quad 76 paladin: intensely fun, but too powerful. at the minimum there should be only a few of them and they should be visible as such for the enemy, maybe a deaths head on the fender or somefink ariel: wonderful, I like both, but I think the dual 76 is best. the Ariel should be for fast closing and flanking. ATGM inf: perfect, as said before the range neeeds to be clipped, otherwise I like it as is. sniper inf: cool in principle, but I see a game balance problem. It is too easy to kill dropships. troop transports: I don´t see the need for these units, unless the base_taking_over properties of inf change., but I think the MBT transport should have enhanced armor (like immune to 120mm heat from the side) or be faster.
  19. In light of then other critisizing thread: how about the dam: ultimate carnage . CTF with the flag points on either side of the dam.
  20. Three cheers for Creature Zoo! The new units are cool and "the Dam" is really very pretty. I think we all agreed online yesterday that "desert mesa" doesn´t really work as CTF (especially as Poesel beat Jung and me on his own which shouldn´t be allowed :mad: ) . I had absolutely zero lag, so it seems that my lag problems are entirely geographical (50ms to CZ, 170ish to DP.)That doesn´t mean that I will boykott DP, but it makes me feel better that the lag isn´t some arcane IP service provider-problem. Poesel, did you perhaps "record" bandwidth usage/ cpu usage of the server yesterday? I think you´re the kind of person who would/could do that [ February 20, 2007, 06:07 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  21. INCOMING!!! myself at the receiving end of the secret weapons of Poesel
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