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General Jack Ripper

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Everything posted by General Jack Ripper

  1. Some weirdness is happening this turn, my Jpz and Ithikial's Firefly have just spent 60 seconds within 100 meters of each other, without spotting each other. More weirdness happened near the Road Bridge, Ithikial ran a full squad out in front of my attack, and most of them were shot down in a few seconds. I've given my Jpz a [Face] command, and I'm going to leave him in position. Meanwhile, my PaK 40 keeps crawling along...
  2. I regretted it as soon as I hit go, but it's too late now. It's going to be one heck of a turn.
  3. I had a bit of a red mist moment, and the orders are already given. I was just too mad to stop and think. Either way, this fight will be over soon. The anti-tank gun is my last uncommitted resource.
  4. Well, if there's no enemy soldiers on the objective, technically it's yours by default.
  5. Just had to wait for it to upload. I blame myself for that result. If I hadn't been so focused on getting there fast, things would have ended differently.
  6. 1. My Panther's current job is not to support the Road Bridge attack, it's to hunt down and destroy enemy tanks. All other considerations are secondary to that objective. 2. The position at the crossroad does not have LOS into the town, and I agree, I managed to catch Ithikial's troops in the town before they could get completely situated, and the superior firepower of my Panzergrenadiers has managed to give him a bloody nose. It would certainly make deployment a whole lot faster.
  7. That's not what he said. It's more like telling Corporal Jenkins and his fire team to "sit here and watch, while we go off down the road." I leave squads or teams behind on detached duty all the time, I'm sure a Sergeant or a Corporal is perfectly capable of "hide in those woods and watch the road" type of missions.
  8. Message on Twitch, no stream this week Oct 4. He's at something called Firaxicon. Dammit, and I was actually here and ready on time (relatively) too.
  9. Scratch one more Sherman. It's the final countdown! The race to the finish! The critical moment! HERE WE GO!
  10. Ithikial just told me he's suffering from the Missing Tank Commander bug, all of his Fireflies don't have a TC. Does anyone know of that's a bug or a feature, and whether or not it's been fixed? I could have sworn that issue was addressed ages ago... I'll have another turn posted either late tonight or tomorrow morning. Knock on wood Doug. To be honest, we've reached the critical point of this battle, even the next 60 seconds could change the whole thing.
  11. Ithikial has one Sherman 75 above the Road Bridge: Then there are two more at the Rail Bridge, a Sherman 75 and a Firefly. My Jpz is busy hunting those two...
  12. Go ahead and laugh, turns out Ithikial has three tanks left. Here's another birds-eye view. While my infantry is pretty much engaged everywhere, and my only available reserves are completely off the table, my armor is the only thing I have to roll with. Ithikial's tank near the Road Bridge (Red Circle) is a Sherman 75, so my Panther is heading Fast directly to a position where he should be able to see and shoot him. Once that Sherman is knocked out, Panther then heads for the town. My Jpz is moving behind the wall surrounding the church courtyard, and hopefully will get a shot at the leading Sherman 75 at the Rail Bridge. The second tank at the Rail Bridge is a Sherman Firefly. So much for driving down railroad tracks, both tanks are moving right along without a care in the world. I do have one very slight ace in the hole. My PaK40 is still redeploying, and doesn't seem to have been noticed yet.
  13. If his Sherman comes down with track damage, I will breathe a sigh of relief so big you'll be able to hear it in space. I'm 95% sure that Sherman is his last tank. If it goes down, or I kill it, I'll have a massive advantage. I'm going to stay up late tonight to see if I can catch another turn before I go to bed.
  14. http://youtu.be/hKWprtKwv74 It won't let me embed the video because it's copyrighted, but this is about how I feel right now.
  15. Aww, Ithikial's Sherman got bogged down driving down the cratered Railroad Tracks! This gives me a small window of opportunity to get my Jpz into a position to cut the main road through the town. Here's hoping it works! Things are really coming to a head right now, these next five minutes might prove decisive for the whole battle! I'm so excited right now! AHHHHHH!!! This battle is so awesome!!
  16. Sorry Doug. I had this screenshot made up yesterday but I forgot to upload it. From Right to Left: The Red Circle shows the tank contact I got last turn. I didn't actually notice it until after I'd hit the red button, so I have no idea what it is.The White Arrow shows Ithikial's axis of advance into the town. He really pulled of a surprise move here, I wasn't expecting quite so much infantry to come boiling out of the woods, and come across the bridge.The Blue Circle shows the area occupied by my HMG Section. They had managed to get into a good interdiction position, but they arrived too late, and are now taking fire from several directions. They're just going to have to stick it out, and suck up some bullets until the rest of my troops can deploy.The Green Circles and Arrows show my movement plan for the two Platoons of Attack Company. I'm hoping to occupy some buildings and contest the town below the Church.The Orange Arrow shows my movement plan for my Mortar-Teams-Turned-Infantry. I need to prevent Ithikial from establishing positions on the ridge, otherwise I will lose control of this entire side of the battlefield.A new plan is starting to form in my mind, just in case the worst should happen: I don't think Ithikial wound appreciate a combined arms force attacking the Hotel, and gaining some high ground over the Town, would he? Womble, the first and third hits on the Panther were from the Firefly. The sum total of damage was a partial penetration of the front hull, wounding the driver. The hull machine gunner had already moved into the turret to replace the missing crewmember, and that likely saved his life. Jpz is moving Fast straight down the road, so he'll only be exposed for a second or two. I'm willing to take the risk at this point because the Rail Bridge is boiling over with enemies, and is rapidly turning into a disaster.
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