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General Jack Ripper

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Posts posted by General Jack Ripper

  1. On ‎2‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 11:40 AM, sid_burn said:

    Let me cheer you up with a joke, @Sgt.Squarehead might appreciate this joke as well:

    the Russian Navy. 

    Funny joke right? 

    Can't. Stop. Laughing. :lol:

    On ‎2‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 12:20 PM, Sublime said:

    Frankly I worry sending people here sometimes when I never used to because some of this board has gotten so elitist/rude to people.

    Man, ain't that the truth. Sometimes this place reminds me of middle school, and not in a good way.

  2. On ‎2‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 11:19 AM, OlafP said:

    What I think it shows? Isn't that obvious? I order them to hunt to and hide at the corner of the wall, and instead they move past the corner, then sprint out into the open through the hedge while opening fire at the enemy.

    The order given is not the order executed.

    Actually it is.

    You are not very familiar with how the 'Hunt' command works.

    The team spotted enemy troops, which causes the string of orders attached to the Hunt command to self-cancel.

    Which means the team won't hide or face, so they open fire instead.

    Hunt is used as a "move until you see something" command. It's not a "move slowly this way then hide" command. Attaching other commands to a "Hunt" order only works properly if they don't see anything.

  3. 18 hours ago, Erwin said:

    I always wondered how they handled the game while they slept.

    It depends on the person. Doing a 1:1 campaign doesn't mean you never shut the game off. It just means you never use time compression. I.E. if you have a three week course to reach your patrol area, it will take you three weeks in-game to get there. I would shut the game off when sleeping, or at work or school, but the moment I got home I turned it back on again.

    It took me five years to go from September 1939 - July 1941, when I got sunk off the coast of Gibraltar.

  4. On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 2:21 AM, IICptMillerII said:

    Personally I'm hoping for an engineering vehicles pack, similar to what was done for CMBN. I would be satisfied with some Abrams and T-72s with mine plows, but I would be even more happy if we got a whole bunch of engineering vehicles, such as MICLICs and the ABV to name a few. 

    Honestly, I'd be happy with a mine-clearing plow on the front of the already existent Engineering Support Vehicle.

    We need nothing more than that.

  5. On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 9:46 PM, WriterJWA said:

    Yup... So even after I managed to sacrifice a Stryker to trigger the mines (which no on-ground commander would even remotely do) and marked them with engineer, I still lost two Strykers as I tried to slowly pass them through the gap.

    Oh god, what have you wrought?

    And people think I'm crazy...

  6. On ‎2‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 9:19 PM, WriterJWA said:

    Please... For the love of god... Don't tell me I have to run a vehicle into the minefield to trigger the mines just so I can mark a lane with the engineers. Please don't tell me that.

    You don't. Just walk your engineers back and forth through the suspected minefield and they should eventually spot all the mines. Make sure to give a movement waypoint on every action spot. Once the mines are spotted, move your engineers into the spot adjacent to the mines, and the mark mines command will be active.

    It usually takes a turn or two to mark mines, but realize one thing:

    Marked mines are still dangerous.


    Ignore the naysayers in the thread, it's really not all that difficult. Observe, and learn:


  7. On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 5:51 PM, 37mm said:

    I recall playing a bit of Silent Hunter 3 back in the day... and there was a small community of dedicated lunatics players who prefered to play multi-week long patrols in 1:1 real-time without Time compression. Some people really do value immersion more than they do playability.

    As a long-time member of the aforementioned club, I hereby give you and anyone reading this thread permission to use the 'lunatic' title.

  8. 8 hours ago, Howler said:

    Only the US campaigns have been updated. This could be the issue with your first point.


    8 hours ago, Howler said:

    As for your last point, the pathfinding was tweaked in the 2.01 patch. If you have applied this patch then welcome to the club - the evasion/withdraw/retreat/etc. failings are what they are. It's more noticeable in close environments.

    More nonsense.

    2.01 patch had nothing to do with unit pathfinding:

    v2.01 PATCH NOTES

    - The Semper Fi Syria campaign now only requires the USMC Module.

    - Various minor adjustments.
    - G-36 rifles removed from some Dutch vehicle crews.
    - Stingers and Stinger teams removed from British Army.

    - Numerous adjustments to normalize equipment available to the branches of different nations. For example, tanks were removed from service Infantry branches, and added tanks to service armored/mech infantry branches.
    - Unconventional Infantry now have access to technicals.
    - Several Quick Battle maps were updated.

    - All on-map mortars can now be properly used in indirect fire missions.
    - Spies are once again stealthy, based on Civilian Density.
    - Equipment adjustments to Marine, Dutch, and German soldier models.
    - Many minor art fixes.
    - Fixes to misplaced crewmembers.
    - Fixes for incorrectly assigned floating icons.
    - Linear assembly tool now works properly with ditches.
    - When opening a map from CMSF1 in CMSF2, ditches will no longer convert to wire fences.
    - Various crash and hang fixes.

    -Updated base game manual PDF, with a fortifications chapter that explains use of IEDs.


    8 hours ago, Howler said:

    No forthcoming corrective patch is expected.

    Oh please. :rolleyes:

  9. 15 hours ago, Euri said:

    1) German Observers cannot order artillery missions beyond 1000 meters - (Observation based on Al Bab mission of German Campaign. Not sure if it applies to all spotters)

    Create a test map, open, flat, 2k by 2k, then see if you can call in an artillery mission further than 1000 meters. Make sure the weather is set to clear.

    15 hours ago, Euri said:

    2) US soldiers tend to overuse handguns in close quarters instead of assault rifles.

    I see them walking around with pistols in their hands, but when they shoot they switch back to the carbine unless they are very low on ammo.

    15 hours ago, Euri said:

    3) Syrians tend to abandon positions in buildings and run into the open if they are hit by artillery or HE or high caliber (over 20mm) fire. This is pure stupidity as it makes them much mover vulnerable. In general the AI tends to retreat more easily than CMSF1 which makes missions much easier

    Tell that to the fanatical SF and Combatants I shelled repeatedly during Ash Shammas:


  10. On ‎11‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 8:27 AM, The_MonkeyKing said:

    Here is some gameplay with even worse urban scenario. He plays pretty well. Good place to start learning.

    Thanks for the plug.

    You can watch through my entire playthrough using the link below:



    I think @domfluff has the gist of it. MOUT is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle where every piece you get wrong will kill you, and even some of the pieces you get right will kill you too.

    The most important thing for me in an urban environment is actually managing the game clock. Don't go too slow, but most importantly, DON'T GO TOO FAST.


    Part of my TTP video series contains an unscripted rambling about street fighting:


    Personally I think the quality is somewhat dubious, but I received enough positive feedback to leave it posted.

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