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General Jack Ripper

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Posts posted by General Jack Ripper

  1. 1 minute ago, sburke said:

    Fine.  Okay how about this - a statue of Emrys ON your front lawn posing WITH a bunch of Assyrians!  How about THAT!!

    Well, so long as I can fit my lawn mower around it, and have a tarpaulin large enough to cover it when I have guests over... (purely for their sake of course)

    I guess one needs vanity in the first place if it is to become wounded. I'm fairly certain I no longer possess the attribute.


    Wait, the statue of Emry's is not nude, is it? How far are you going to take this?!

  2. 8 hours ago, sburke said:

    Okay let’s ask this then. How about if it were a statue of Hitler?

    I'd leave it up.


    ^ I'd have left that up too.

    Just because you build a statue of someone, doesn't mean it had to be a celebration. We can also have statues of things we want to avoid.
    It's about public remembrance. Keeping some things in mind.


    9 hours ago, DerKommissar said:


    This dude wasn't a nice guy.

    I'd say that's a matter of opinion.

    It's that whole historical relativism thing I talked about. Caesar was not an unusual man for his time. Our modern sensibilities say one thing about Caesar, but if you study his life and actions by the standards that existed at the time he was alive he's hardly a saint, but he's not Satan either.

    In a way, you have illustrated my point better than I could. Gaius Julius Caesar made a mark upon the world that history cannot erase. His accomplishments remain remarkable, even two thousand years later. His achievements are worthy of REMEMBRANCE. I'm not saying we should create some creepy religious cult based around worshipping the man, but I shudder to think the day someone may try to erase him from public knowledge for nothing more than their own sense of wounded vanity may not be too far away.

  3. 11 hours ago, danfrodo said:

    But we have to ask why were we honoring these men?

    I don't want to engender a political debate, but I can answer this question with my previous post:


    If you choose to blame the military commander for the policies of the nation for which he owed his allegiance, you engage in a miscarriage of historical study. One CAN divorce the martial accomplishments of an army in the field from the heinous nature of the nation for which they fought.

    I firmly believe this to be true. You can go all the way back to the Assyrian Empire and blame everyone for every bad thing that ever happened throughout history, or you can do the mature and reasonable thing, and engage in a bit of historical relativism.

    To be clear, I address this topic from the Historical Scholarship angle, not trying to state a Political point.

  4. On ‎12‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 6:26 PM, MikeyD said:

    If you're talking about 'reloads' external smoke dischargers don't get them. Sherman and Brit tanks use a roof-mounted smoke mortar that is reloadable from the interior. I just ran a test on M4A3 75mm in CMFB and it was able to pop smoke 6 times, three rounds each.

    Time-coded above is an example of using the turret-mounted smoke mortars to lay down a linear smoke screen to cover the advance of infantry.

    It's a bit of an "Out of the Box" type of thing.

  5. 1 hour ago, danfrodo said:

    Going back to russia, I am not a Stalin fan but I sure like playing Red Thunder as the Russians.  every soldier has his own reasons.

    I recently made a post on another media of mine, I think might be relevant.

    It was in reference to a news article complaining about how West Point Military Academy still had some Confederate memorials or somesuch on the Campus, and still taught lessons about the Confederacy. The argument proposed in the article was that in a "Post Charlottesville" world, we need to remove all traces of the CSA from existence.

    Now, I have my own position on the recent political schism that has occurred, (mostly that it's not recent, and not one-sided) but in the interest of preserving useful lessons of history, I tried to leave this comment on the article in question:



    Any study of military history with a focus on training successful military commanders will always have to study the Confederate States of America, given the fact Robert E. Lee was one of the most successful military commanders of the age, and ranks very highly in historians idea of some of the most successful commanders in all of human history. His victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville are absolutely flawless in execution, taking a force only a fraction of the size of his opponents, and defeating them with such rapidity and finality it nearly caused the Union to quit the war. If you choose to blame the military commander for the policies of the nation for which he owed his allegiance, you engage in a miscarriage of historical study. One CAN divorce the martial accomplishments of an army in the field from the heinous nature of the nation for which they fought. Those who study WW2 do much the same thing when learning about German military accomplishments. The insidious nature of the Third Reich does not disqualify the Wehrmacht from claiming legitimate martial achievements on the field of battle. (Not nearly as many as people think, but I digress.) If you are incapable of such nuance you ought not to study history, else you will inflict upon your psyche severe trauma, for history is hardly a pleasant subject of study. However, a complete ignorance, or misrepresentation of history by means of serving up a more pleasant or less traumatic alternative does far more harm than good, by engendering a naïve belief in the inherent goodness of humankind, despite the reams of evidence to the contrary. We are not a nice species. It goes with the biological position of being the apex predator on the planet. Whether or not we can overcome our biology to become a kinder, gentler, more fluffy alternative to ourselves remains to be proven, or even seriously attempted.


    The re-writing of the past to satisfy someone's fragile modern sensibilities is one of the most disgusting things I can imagine.

  6. 6 minutes ago, sburke said:

    nah there are a few threads like this but there is far more than is fun, interesting and sometimes just down right amusing.  Don't let the few instances where folks just can't seem to let something like this go set the tenor for everything.  A lot of us would be really disappointed to see you not here.  Besides deleting your account won't stop you from visiting.  For myself I am just trying to be more particular to what I reply to and how.  All of the responses to the tempest only add to it.  The guy was answered.  Steve saw it, replied and took some action.  It's done.  Go post some screenshots! :D 


    Maybe I'll just have a drink.

    I deal with stuff all day at the Post Office, it just peeves me to come here and see stuff too.

  7. On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 10:05 AM, Josey Wales said:

    Thanks for the extra suggestions, it's much appreciated. My next movie will be with Vegas Movie Studio as I'm getting along quite well with it. As with all these things it takes a while before it becomes intuitive, which is my main frustration with Movie Maker being unavailable as I could make vids without really having to think too much about the technical stuff due to using it regularly for the last 4 years. 

    It's back to school for me.

    I got Vegas Pro 14 when it was on sale, and I hear ya about going back to school.

    It's been about a year since I got it and I still don't know how to do everything it can do.

    Then again, I'm not a particularly good video maker anyway.

  8. 14 hours ago, Thewood1 said:

    Why make your customer have to go through a couple extra steps when fixing a single character on a label as soon as you hear about it would have solved it?  Why make the customer go through more work and aggravation?

    Well, it seems to me most people found and installed the patch just fine.

  9. On ‎1‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 10:20 AM, danfrodo said:

    Very interesting.  Thank goodness that here in the US we would never allow such self-serving nationalist propaganda to flourish.  Oh, wait.....

    It's part of having Freedom of Speech, and Freedom of the Press.

    Yeah, I know some people don't like freedom, but what can you say?

    You take the good with the bad and simply enjoy the fact both exist at all.

  10. 8 hours ago, Thewood1 said:

    I'll just beat this horse again...things like the patch page, installs, drm activation, etc all seem so simple if you come to this forum every day, are a beta tester, or constantly install and reinstall.  But for people who might take long absences away from the game, like me at times, coming back in and seeing how a patch page is organized, or not having spelled out exactly what needs to be downloaded, what order serials need to entered, not having enough activations, etc., can be a very frustrating experience for a game that is priced at CM's level.  The help desk is very helpful in resolving issues, but its still frustrating.

    Thankfully, there is an easy solution:

    There is an entire sub-forum dedicated to answering people's questions. THIS IS WHERE YOU GO FIRST.

    Had it occurred to Mr. Chops to head over there and simply ask, "The only patch I see is this one, is it the correct patch?"
    Someone would have answered, "Yes."

    Then this entire thread wouldn't have to exist.

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