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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. you mean..there is another way to play CM ??? Gawd! </font>
  2. If I were to have to go into combat, I would want to be right behind you SP. The way things go over your head would make me feel incredibly safe. Oh and my favorite tank is the PzIV F2 and I don't know why.
  3. I trust you're using the Tungsten Steel..... </font>
  4. Don't be so hard on yourself lad! You will find others with similar mental challenges on the GF. You should be right at home there. </font>
  5. Jim, have I told you what an utterly disgusting, incompetent, pathetic excuse for a human being you are? Well, I lied. You're much worse than that! GRARGHRARRGHRARGH!! :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  6. Don't be so hard on yourself lad! You will find others with similar mental challenges on the GF. You should be right at home there.
  7. I don't see anybody giving V any grief about his (or her) T-34 not being in CMAK!! GRARGHRARRGHRARGH!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: This is the thanks I get for thinking outside the box! And Bone "Ice, Ice, Baby" Vulture, I'll concede your points about the radio and also the two-man turret. If the original T-34 had been equipped with a radio and a roomier turret, the German (and Allied) armor would have been absolutely outclassed. </font>
  8. Dave H said that the T-34 was "so far ahead of its time". </font>
  9. Show us your boobs! Show us your boobs! </font>
  10. My Dear Emma If charm and grace, wit and style, compassion and sensitivity, are the traits of a Queen, then in your case the title becomes superfluous. As can be seen by the once humble and respected Joe Shaw, the title Justicar won't even get him a ride from the airport. PS-I really liked your other sig-line a lot more.
  11. Well, I'm just glad that this Queen thing hasn't gone to your head or anything.
  12. Hail FAIR QUEEN EMMA!! *Waives with both hands*
  13. I wish I had a few T-34's in North Africa. SWEEEET!!!!!.
  14. Hey! Zapp and Terif are at it again!!! *Yawns* *Rubs Eyes* ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  15. Horse vomit and SturnSebber's own sliced and mouldy guts would not compare to the bout of verbal diarrhea posted by this twit... How dare you, sir, defile this place with your idiocy. Neither you nor I have "rights" in this place, only duties - duties to our Queen. As honoured as I am by the very possibility my knighthood being considered, I refuse to be made a Knight of the Cesspool alongside such a twit. </font>
  16. *Whips out unabridged edition of Norse Code and begins* I, Comrade Trapp, hereby announce to all the world my true feelings: I LOVE NEWBIES!!! Too easy!
  17. .... .. .............. ........ ...... ?
  18. Good call Joe! They won't catch you asleep at the wheel! That Berli is soooo clever, making everybody else think it was The Bard asking for the promotion, but you were clearly able to see past this bit of subterfuge. Keep up the good work!
  19. Okay, I'm missing something here. The issue is not whether you win or lose at these games, the issue is whether you taunted the best! If, for the duration of this game, you were able to fill your opponent with loathing and hatred, then you are victorious. If you managed to give these people, who clearly have no life, a few hours of purpose and direction, then you are victorious. If they ganged up on you and repeatedly attacked to gain revenge for a taunt,then you are victorious If they stomped and smashed and burned your fields, while defiling your population and shrieking smug and self-congratulatory messages to one another, then you are victorious. For is it not written (somewhere) that: Winning is secondary to being remembered. Make them hate you and they will remember. Years from now, no one will remember the winners and the losers, but the awful sting of a well-placed and properly executed taunt will remain with them for a lifetime Is that not our mission here?
  20. You're slipping Moon. Your reply took two whole minutes.
  21. [Marlon Brando Voice] I coulda been a contender[/Marlon Brando Voice]
  22. [Marlon Brando Voice] I coulda been a contender[/Marlon Brando Voice]
  23. You know, I'm really happy that this game you guys are playing is leading to such good natured and friendly joshing. I do have a question, however. In the above example given by the illustrious v42below, would Soap-on-a-Rope be considered a relic of great value?
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