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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Very well then, you are more than welcome to post here. But be advised you will not be protected as is the case in the Penguin Thread. We will not patronize you here. :mad: Feel free to zing and zap and slam as you feel warranted. But understand that posting here opens you to the same. The Four Women of the Pool certainly seem capable of standing on their own, without the benefit of Rules to protect them. :confused: I guess there is certainly one way to find out if they have what it takes.
  2. Uplifting? Hardly. An upraised middle finger is not the same as a soul's leap of joy.</font>
  3. Jersey John I just noticed this on the Forum! I have no clue what is the matter. You are a good man and an honored friend, whom I have shared purgatory with. You have the best wishes of both my wife and myself for a speedy recovery and a return to the Board that loves ya man.
  4. Congratulations are in order for the Saintly Dave H! He has apparently so befuddled :confused: a certain Seanachai that he has resorted to "dangly bit" humor to compensate for his complete lack of a witty response to Dave H's fair and balanced apology. Way to go Dave!!! Brood, Brood, Brood, Brood, Brood!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  5. Now! Now! That is entirely untrue! I LOVE women. They are the blue that makes the sky spectacular to see They are the cool breeze on a hot summer day They are the sweet taste of German Chocolate Cake They are the sparkle that makes a diamond a gem They are the caregivers, the childbearers, the someone to talk to in times of stress But, in this Thread, they are NOT in charge!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: If you want a beer, there's the fridge, see it's right there....help yourself. OR You could scurry back and have one of the Eunoch Penguins fetch it for ya. See, it's all about choices.
  6. Nice one! Oh *Bearlickthatagain. You really shine when you let your feminine side loose. Were you fluttering your eyes while you typed that? *-courtesy of Cabron66
  7. Ewwwwwwwwww!!! No thanks! Now that idea has much merit! Please do NOT offer to cook.
  8. Too bad! Snarker and I were hoping you would scurry down to the corner store and return with a case of beer or sumfink. I promise, you won't actually have to drink any of it.
  9. Nice link! Got a codec that works with it? I am truly disappointed though to see you scurry away like some little lass overcome with the vapors. For some reason I thought you were of sterner stuff.
  10. I hope that's not part of your sales pitch as you go door to door in your little suit. It'll put people off...even more than normal. Perhaps you should re-read the material again... </font>
  11. ARGHGHGHGHGHGH!!!!! Attention Wimmen You will NOT :mad: be allowed to take over the hallowed halls of the Cheery Waffle Thread!! :mad: You are free to enjoy the uplifting, spirited, and sometimes ribald humor that is (unlike certain other Threads) tolerated here. If you are easily offended, then Sod Off!. NOW!!! :mad: Oh and :confused: Miss Kitty: :confused: Don't worry, nobody likes smart wimmen! BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! :mad:
  12. Quite right Michael, I'm feeling better now! Anyway, where was I........ GARAHAGARAHAGARAGHGARAGARAGHARAGH!!!! :mad: :mad: There will be puss-filled sacs of mucous flung with the force of imbedded TNT :mad: before this day is done! The cowardly night-riders who visit the Thread when the halls are empty and claim victory are as hollow as your head!!! GARGARGARGARGAGG!!! :mad: :mad: Where are they now, when the battlements are manned and the watchtowers are alive?!?!? NOWHERE TO BE FOUND!!!!! :mad: :mad:
  13. This then, would make Dave H your...Dick? Whoa! Call me Ishmael. This is a story that must be told! </font>
  14. Well, no ****e. He's not even human you twit. Some form of lower primate I suspect </font>
  15. I received your turn last night, but was so concerned about your untimely disappearance I was unable to reply. As you are now apparently your old self again, I will forward a turn to you tonight when I get home. Be forewarned that it has been bubbling and slathering for 24 hours and could possibly send you once again into that Twilight Zone you fell into last night. At least we can hope......
  16. Ummmm.........NO!!!! [edited for enlightenment] You see my good man, there are words that are associated with each other from a positive/negative comparative view. More/Less Many/Few Soddball/charm See how that works? [ January 20, 2004, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  17. Epilogue The professor stood and peered angrily at the student. Taking the glass he carefully poured the beer into another glass, utilizing a filter to remove the sediment. Pulling a 12 guage shot-gun from underneath his desk he fastidiously placed a 12 inch hole into the ex-students midsection, blasting his once neatly arranged and functioning organs into bits and pieces of slathered entrails. Pausing for effect, he faced his students and calmly added, "No matter how full your life is, it is better to have more beer and less people !"
  18. Anybody else noticed that the ones having all the posting problems are from a certain island off the coast of France? Coincidence?
  19. Congratulations Dear Emma!! I see you have gotten the hang of posting non-blank messages again!
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