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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Sorry to say but I think all in all Rambo has the edge. Experience is what is friends Kick hiss Arse Rambo!!! <Show that Euro what you're made of!>
  2. To be honest about World League, you've got to be good. Sure the best players have a Monopoly on the top positions, but the rest of you are just not trying hard enough. Complain away, but the fact is there isn't enough low or mid level competition for a player to continue or enough 'time' and 'desire' to get better. That's a problem with SC, not with World League. There is still a lack of SCers in TPC IP, as you see PBEM League is quite healthy cause of the steady flux and many different level players. So what happens when a guy walks into World League and gets his face knocked in 5 Xs, he runs off and plays a couple AI and Single Player games, gives up essentially. IP Requires a fast pace, a player who is going to lose 100 matches before he wins and I'm afraid to say most of you just don't have what it takes. I've been a low and mid level play that can only find IP games vs Terif/Zapp/Rambo/Dragonheart/DH/etc... Next in line is IronRanger<who doesn't play any more>/Codename Condor/Comrade Trap/Avatar/Kuniworth/etc... I played Gorski and he did "Good." Great possibilities, but he only stuck around a week. Olivia, has 3-5 games with unfinished. Yaggmoth, never reported our game<so I can't really play him again > but he seemed nice. Some God I've never got the chance to play him nor Dutch Army. I see an obvious lack of Fresh meat and a obvious lack of devotion to playing and more discussion on the boards to be quite frank. IP is just not as popular it seems... All members, but none of them active. There are several Newbies on there two who'd love to play but just can't put up much of a competitive fight. They won't read Terif's strategy notes nor the Strategy Guide nor take 20-40 Losses to learn to be as good as the top dogs. I've taken more losses in IP Competition play than anyone and right now I'm #2 And I'll likely be #1 after I whoop Avatar's Axis Doesn't mean much though, most of the competitive players aren't a member of World League. I'm sorry but PanzerLiga has sucked many up<cause more reputable players who finish games paly there> and PBEM is more popular for rookies or low ability players and you just aren't getting more than 30-40 guys in. So there is plenty of mid-level competition.
  3. heh, feeling the pain of the Uber France Defense Zapp? He's good isn't he? "ontest les meillieurs"
  4. DH You play his France about 10-12 times and come back at me with that advice
  5. Heh! Curry, I'm studying this man's moves and I'm going to be unbeatable soon! "Your comment about the Army is possible. I know."
  6. Well, Avatar I apologize for slandering your name.<it wasn't slander it's competitive concern> I ran a Beta hotseat and I did quite well against the Germans with your aggressive strategy. It's possible but you're just that much better than me I suppose, but I do forwarn anyone playing you that they better ask for a 0 bid. With your general luck and strategy your Allies are unbeatable... at least by me <I've never seen dice like yours, ever ever >
  7. Okay, first of all, this isn't between Terif and ZappSweden. It was my own Venture... SO far I'm not very impressed with my answers, I have never seen a FOW Sniffer or a Sub Jumper<but if such a thing did exist, I'd be very annoyed> The real truth is this... British Armies after landing amphibious assualts killing my units left and right... were doing 3 damage with little or no experience without an HQ with no Amphib 100% effectiveness hit. French units would take 3-4 Combined Armor, Army Assualts with 4-5 Air all backed by Rommel/Bock/Runstedt<with all 2-3 bars on the fighters-HQs> and still not kill the French units.<the only thing the guy couldn't kill was my air> In fact take 3-4 damage and not even dent the French units. So what is your explanation for this? When the Cap limit on a French HQ is 4? Regularly French and British units in France would just be invulnerable to attack nearly and kill as if a rated 12 HQ was behind them. It's merely an observation... I have never seen anything like this. Felt anything like this and I'm not the only one to see it as a bit odd. Not Terif,Zapp or Rambo nor anyone else managed this... I have played almost every player on here and many of them had aggressive Frances but this one is the most Powerful I've ever dreamt of. It's all about dice, and the player admitted that. Not saying they cheated as before I'm merely saying this person is a Vegas Man and admitted to that also or has a dicehack. You decide the rest... This type of stuff happening once or twice was annoying, but again and again is odd. The fact is I have met others who've thought it odd is also strange.. I just wonder if there is something more going on. When Your Armor and Armies feel act like Corps you would feel a bit odd too? I should've taken some screenies to show you guys but I don't think it's neccessary. Fact is in all the games as Allies vs this Player I beat them what does that tell you?
  8. Interesting feedback. These were IP games with a Player, Avatar.. I asked another if they had suspicious dice, and they said yes, and frequently. I honestly must say this player has a knowledge of the game we do not or is using some in game hack that runs for France in 1940 only it seems. I could be wrong, and this player could be the most lucky player I've ever seen with dice?
  9. problem with consoles are they're one sided. first person shooters, RPG maybe, arcade. Few strategy or wargames
  10. UK would've fought on in her Colonies and with her Loyal Allies. Australia/Canada/New Zealand/India/South Africa/etc... Would've resisted the Axis temptation. South Africa being slightly ify, having mixed Dutch and German lineage. I don't say move Capitol to Canada, but I wouldn't allow her ships/units or overseas holdings to instantly surrender. The MiddleEast was about might and if Germany moved in enough forces I think it wouldn't have been much of a fight. In fact a corps over many of the major cities there would be too much strength. maybe like a half strength corps over Syria/Iraq/Iran...Italy may have gotten tokens. Would Turkey have eaten Syria? Interesting Question, I wonder if Northern Iraq wasn't more of a focal point with the Kurdish Population?
  11. A finnish HQ would be a 'must' with this dreaded supply system. How the heck would the Fins of fought the Winter War and then in '41 contributed without one? In fact I might suggest that a Link with Norway and Sweden be made, they're all connected. HQs for Turkey and Spain would be interesting. They could be very basic just allowing for resupply and possibly experience? Romania, is the only Axis Minor I can see as a huge factor. They were big contributors on the Eastern Front. Perhaps a combined Balkan HQ?
  12. John, I don't think the French were very prepared for the situation. Hard to say what Americans would of done had Japan taken the West Coast for a year or two aye? The reprisals for crimes committed on Americans would've been bad. War is bloody though all over, Was it Stalin who suggested executing a certian # of German Officers so a WW3 wouldn't break out?
  13. I was curious has anyone ever faced an Allied oponent during the invasion of France that just seems to roll nothing but Perfection? I've played one player that consistently in nearly 10 games seems to be near perfect. Do you think I'm just seeing this? <to be honest in 200 games of SC I've never seen anything like it unless there was a rated 12 HQ behind it>> Sincerely a deeply Curious SCer
  14. So few French fought on, I think it should be a limit of 1 French corps as FF... If you liberate Paris then automatically get De Gaulle behind Paris <political or not French Generals are worthless, in 1940 they're the 2nd largest Military in the game of SC, why don't they deserve some decent leadership at a price?>
  15. June 14th: Some bad initial luck in Russia has caused setbacks. however German Forces have managed to capture Riga and Odessa. Kiev and Minsk should be next. Despite the inevitable loss of Finland, Russia shall pay dearly for it. So far -1 Army, another down to strength 3 and Zhukov personally whacked by the Luftwaffe. On other Fronts, awaiting the surrender of Greece and Elite Italian Amphibious Frogmen had to pull back from disrupting Texas OilMines. All is quiet on the Western Front We're confidant that our superiority shall reign Supreme In all Areas aside from #s
  16. May 17th: 1st and 2nd Balkan War is followed by a Third, with Axis Minors Sacking Athens. Russian Army dies in Finland. Me-262 is released with droptanks... Baltic is now supremely ruled by the Kriegsmarine
  17. April 1941 Finland is assualted, frontline isthmus army broken. Odessa falls... War grinds slowly in the East.
  18. March 22nd: Iraq surrenders, Odessa surrounded. Some frontline Russian corps and Armies beaten on or destroyed.
  19. Feb 8th 1941: Grave misjudgement in Russian War Preparations. Wermacht not fully assembled on Border, several frontline Red Armies knocked out, several will escape. on a lighter note: Portugal Surrenders, Iraq is surrounded. Yugoslavian Partisans running for the Hills.
  20. June 22nd Spain/Alexandria surrenders. Russian Readiness beginning to climb <thanks for the support Team Captain!>
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