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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Since ages ago I've been writing on the Power of the F-16s in SC Well, now maybe people will listen...
  2. jets 3 Brits Jets 4 German not such a big deal Kuniworth.. fact is there is 1 tech advance in that aspect. Luck in the LR department is definitely a bonus but the luck I had with France and Russian Readiness was 'pure crap' or this game would be over already.. sorry to say but you can't blame tech.. not in this game
  3. last i checked Brits had Jets 3... that's not bad bad... I admit i got good lucky dice with Tech but to be quite frank my invasion of Russia was worth a bucket of spit and Oct. to Kill France sucked. Have to admit I have been steady and very very careful since..
  4. Finland Liberated! War ensues! Germany shall prevail we rest assured
  5. July 26th: The Finno Russo War is endless. With dedicated Waffen S.S. signing up every day for kamikaze runs on Helsinki more and more young Red Army die there every day along with ME-262 Raids weakening the backbone of the Reds Minsk is ours. Russian front is steadying but our forces are building for a Main Thrust
  6. July 12th 1942: Helsinki is captured. Waffen S.S. puts up a great defense, killing 3 Russian Armies and 1 Russian Armor All is quiet on the Western Front. Kiev falls, Minsk is next...
  7. Geographically correct is better. Just make it harder to launch amphibious operations for Germany. Historically I doubt they were pros.. They never got across the Channel. Also you must think about if the Battle of Britian was not fought poorly the Germans could've crossed realisticly? There should merely be special rules. Like Huge attrittion, as the English Countryside was one Huge Pill box and the N.Sea was often too rough waters to cross... Had Goering not been in control and a smart General would've hit Airfields and Planes/munition factories/Fuel depots/Radar Towers instead of Terror bombing would England had Fallen? What's wrong with that alternate history? Why do we need a UK? Seeing this Stalin and the US would've jumped the Gun, and pushed their Militarys into Full Gear. So when Germany decides to turn on either, perhaps the realistic outcome would be 3Xs as many Russians and Americans to deal with aye? Full Mobilization of the remaining Powers.
  8. Fortifications should be expensive and lengthy to build...
  9. Liam


    I've no need of Manuals, you'll see soon my absent friend, my powers shall even exceed your own
  10. Katushka Rockets would be classified as Artillery not Strategic flying Bombs. Paras were a direct precision weapon. I live about 20 minutes from the Airborne Museum and couple Minutes away from 82nd Airborne HQs.. Come visit, there is history in their role. If nothing else they were 'fine troopers'
  11. Duro, I think that including a Portion of Yugoslavia into Greater Germany works, maybe even a Corps to defend against Partisans in the Mountains?
  12. There are some brilliant Minds, they love to crack code. Someone may pay another party to create a program to manipulate statistics. The playback feature is a great answer. I really love this idea, you know there is no real way of messing up too much with that.
  13. don't invade Turkey until you intend to invade Russia as Axis. Romania/Turkey in particular along with iraq push the envelope with Russia<so does Baltics and I believe Finland>
  14. I'm The A-Bomb Baby
  15. we're armchair Generals... The Iron Cross represents the pride of Germany... The Swatika does not...<it is a symbol of terror despite the fact it's real meaning was good> You can't be ashamed of the Iron Cross, it still is on NATO German fighters now and has been around a long long time. before Hitler
  16. as i recall reading, B-17 or Lancaster raids could be up to 1,000 strong. 12 500 LBS Bombs equals what times 1,000??? Later Bombers were better equiped too.. Along with these Daylight precision B-17s you'd face Night Lancaster firebombers and the damage wasn't massive to production. It hurt Morale a lot. You know that the Germans had a big morale campaign when they put their 14 year old boys under 88 AntiAircraft Guns and designed Night Fighters equiped with radar.
  17. Les, good attitude. Mature, and ultimately let's face it, more fun. In the end everyone ends up with the same Cheat Proggie, and it degrades the game Like Ages of Empires II Conq. when 75% of competitive play was hacked.
  18. Only a few guys would actually let my subs live. They'd have to be pretty new to Sub Hunting... Trashing the French Navy pays off if you get an HQ and kill 4-5 Kraut Armies
  19. to be honest I think it's rocks.. I'd love to drop my Paras into a "stuffed," Fighting situation where you've no room or Action points to move in another unit.<i know everyone here has faced those type of situations b4> A Diverse Unit. I hope they have some defense value!!! Big Targets if they're expensive Also think of cutting of supply, which is a misused and huge power for any army in SC... Paras would make this easier
  20. Everyone knows there are cheat programs. Unlike some of you apparently I'm experienced in MP Games. I've MPed since 1989, are you foolish enough to think Ego isn't worth it for someone to cheat? Even in meangingless non-competition play. Players cheat, it's all about individual. Some do, some don't. The only only surefire way to avoid it is games that get lots of Patches. Ages of Empires was so plagued with cheats, the players released their own unofficial beta to stop it. Axis & Allies had it.<some say no, but it's too simple a program to hack with> World War 2 Online has it.<if you press a button you make your aircraft fade in and out of view, and you can use a program to run faster than a Jeep> Europa Unveraslis has it<sad, built in bugs that any player can take advantage of, mostly. aside from that I'm not aware of actual cheat programs that're used> If you think of SC, in terms of the bugs that can be exploited and how many do it then you realize the mentality of those involved? I'm not Angel either, but I'm honest.
  21. there is 2 hopes to keep subs. 1 is sneak past Scapa Flow. If the entire Royal Navy is occuppied in the wrong place, works like a Charm. a Conservative will catch this however and it will end with disaster. Another is shoot due South, and pray the Ally isn't expecting this.. I've saved my Subs many times going South. Most of the time it's all a waste best thing is to drag Allied fleet away from Supply and focus North and East to hit the Royal Navy cause the Frog Fleet could surrender
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