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Everything posted by Liam

  1. There is mud in June in much of Russia for me, this isn't working... Now Level 5 German Tanks are present, there are some level4 Red ones... the showdown for Stalingrad is on..Gorky is down, Brest is Liberated for the Axis
  2. So far JollyGuy has done fairly well considering errors he has made. He has let my subs operate freely, and no they're returned to base for Supply not for any other reason. Subs operating out in the open seas run out of morale quickly and must have new torpedoes, crew leave, etc... All those fine French prostitutes and Champagne couldn't prepare them for Sonar though In the Caucasus, I am down also to supply 5, lost a Tank, Army and Corps there but I achieved my objective, I destroyed 2 oilfields, 1 city. Really stalmated him from going further and tied up a Huge portion of Reds there... Meanwhile the Wermacht has dominated the Open Terrain in the South of Russia, Vorzeneh SP? has been taken, and now the new Capitol of Stalingrad is the only remaining feat for my UberUnits, all maxed out in IW and other techs, that I'll let JollyGuy soon see... In the West, Patton was captured, so that is the end of D-Day, and Brest though still Allied is of little concern to the High Command, all in all, the Allies probably now outproduce the Axis but we know have the Military Upperhand, which was in question during '42... We had invested heavily in Advanced Armaments instead of Economy and it has payed off. I can only say JollyGuy has suffered some weaknesses spreading his tech chits in the wrong fields, let me hack up about 200-300 MPPs of British Income. Also tying up lots of British Assets by taking the MiddleEast and forcing the Diplomatic Scene. No Western Invasion has succeeded, and though my troops are spread to the breaking point they now are dominate. I do not have the Max of HQs, but 3 Uber HQs are now on Mainland Europe...and many of them with experience... 8 or 9 armor is on the scene, this game will be a slugfest across the Volga. The Reds have fought well, they have misplaced units. They have managed to in a few instances nearly harm the Wermacht. 5 Red Armies, 5-10 Corps, 1 or 2 Tanks hold the line... His Airforce is inferior and no stress for me. I also managed to flank and nearly destroy Zhukov This is a first for us both and for a bit I didn't know the way that it would go.. Although what has prevailed is superior Land Weapondry for the Wermacht and that's all that has mattered and apparently all that does if you are able to get a foothold in the right regions.. I think the Allies could have pushed earlier on their MPPs and taken the advantages but it's late... 6-7 Axis Units under Manny are counterattacking the half a Million Americans in Normandy This is a Dark Day for the West
  3. Yeah, lots of Men wanted to be heroes in WW2, especially Americans and British. A Sense of Honor, Duty should surpass such feelings. I may be off, but I have a sense that the Reds and Germans were a bit more along these lines along with the Japanese and English.. Americans had a lot of showboaters, English with Montgomery a little bit of that. However I have known A LOT of American Colonels, Lt. Colonels and some of them were EXTREMELY competent. Meanwhile others achieved rank by Schooling, position, time in service, etc...
  4. A Smart Frog, will retreat from the frontline against Benelux. If the Germans pursue in Winter weather it is true it does cut time in half the fall of France. It's a HUGE bonus. Though if a German by chance must use a sea approach it's possible she could have a badly damaged unit or have it destroyed by coastal bombardment and mixed weather. I had this happen against one opponent...every turn for me was mud and then clear for him, then ice for me and then mud for him. So he destroyed an Army and Paratrooper and badly maulled some corps and other equipment. Regardless I could take both Poland-Denmark by turn 2 and then with good fortune Benelux turn 3 and start hitting Frogs even in poor weather. The Morale bonus is pretty nice! Though keeping French so weak they can barely reinforce is nicer... I'd say that France falling any later than June of '40 is bad news for the Axis P.S. if the Axis go too wild on you, disband your Fleet and reinforce and upgrade your Armor, that will buy you some time. And an Axis player generally won't be in position until turn 4 for an all out invasion of France and by then poor weather gives you time to refit
  5. goto: http://www.hamachi.cc/download create your own network & password and give it to your opponent, he has to download Hamachi to. Both logged on and in, the Network Owner can now host with a stupid router Now do I get a cookie?
  6. Goto Tech Forum, for hopefully what becomes permanent sticker, goto: http://www.hamachi.cc/download create your own network password and give it to your opponent, he has to download Hamachi to. Both logged on and in, the Network Owner can now host with a stupid router Now do I get a cookie?
  7. yeah but he hasn't read the manual obviously on what he's missing if he leaves them but lets not spoil every kewl aspect of it... Let's just say Happy Wermacht Soldats get happy from what? Cake
  8. No we owe Fins the creators of the only hair regrowth formula in the world if you're a not so bad sufferer of hereditary Propecia it'll work. Swedes, they make good Icecream, Hagen Daaz? and the funkiest automobile on the planet, the SAAB Oh, and the best Tennis Players in the World..
  9. Edwin made a good suggestion, it's very difficult to kill the Malta corps. Maybe it is not worth the price! First you must unentrench the Corps then you must cut it's supply, then you must destroy it. It's not an easy task, Gun Laying Radar for Italy, and 3 Experience Luflottes will do the trick after awhile. Alexandria, just surround it, cut it's supply, smash with Rommel's supported Panzers? Or better yet Manstien and viola..2 air helps
  10. "Now they say you don't tug on Superman's cape You don't spit into the wind You don't pull the mask off an 'ole Lone Ranger And you don't mess around with Terif"
  11. How do I bypass my router to get this Strategic Command 2 to run? Is something like Hamachi a good idea? When all are networked that generally allows to fix some of these issues
  12. LOL, poor ole Goering, had in died in WW1 he would have been known as a Fighter Ace and Hero... lol only figure of the Nazis uper echelon anyone would know... Udet-Milch-Goering they said all three were not cooperative enough to really bring about any strength in the Luftwaffe. It was the men in the field, I know Germany has a lot of high scoring aces. Men flown to the bitter death Oddly Hungarians and Finnish aces outdo Italians Even Romanian.then again they probably had 109s [ April 29, 2006, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  13. Manual is best for this but real real simple: If you are not connected to your countries Capitol by Land, your Supply from a resource is cut in half. Cities and Ports supply Supply for Land, Naval and Air Units. The only difference for Land and Air is HQs, they get bonuses from HeadQuarters Supply is good for everything, all factors of a unit, higher it is the better, it fights better and not only, reinforces better. The further you get away from supply the worse off you are, Swamps and Mountains hinder supply... HQs in SC1 can support Units within 5 hexes. Do not let your units go without Supply, they will be destroyed and you will not get them back, Morale and effectiveness and APs all drop drastically on units without Food-Ammo-Fuel-and Tea...unless you are home turf or close a friendly home City/Port , which itself provides supply. P.S. Conquored Nations never give fully supply, only liberated ones do and USSR is a Supply Nightmare with the best of 5 supply if conquested for the Axis.
  14. I recall in our game, you kept getting Malta effect for at least 10 turns! Without a Bomber, I swear to god, not 1 turn did I get a relief. It took until near Summer of '41 to take Egypt. That really hurts...I had just taken Egypt and then Barby kicked off... It was impossible with such low supply to take Egypt.
  15. Goering a 1? That is cruel. That man had political desires along with a lot of his leaders. He was afterall a WW1 Ace and Officer, which I know doesn't stand for too much but he had some ideas that just weren't sound and how much was politically motivated?
  16. Yes, I realize that United Kingdom on one end had superb equipment, that's one end of my family the other in USA and with German and British Heritage. Well, the USA was far behind for WW2 they did have the equipment just not wanting to spend for another war. Fearing that maybe the depression and other things were caused by involving themselves in WW1. Isolationism, which I cannot blame. I do know Buglaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Greece and perhaps Turkey to a lesser degree had much border disputes. The Balkan Wars Before WW1. I know that Romania had chunks removed by Hungary, and then replaced by Pieces of USSR which were historically Romanian Territories and Romania had claim upon them. This is something the Russians got their hands in a bit too much, pissing off Finland, Romania, Germany and other nations. Too aggressive...even Ukraine and Poland had difficulties with the Reds before they were both dissolved. I'd bet if any Balkan was given SMGs, Anti-Tank Guns, Mobile Warfare with trucks, Tanks, and good airplanes they would've done well enough. Serbians have made excellent Generals and some Romanians in History have been very good leaders, notably Vlad Tepesh
  17. All current Allied players, take Norway if Germany doesn't, big penalty Diplomatically, no other realistic goal
  18. Personally, it seems the pain of Norway is that if you take it as Axis you will more than likely not hold most of it, because you cannot operate Corps to defend and Allied ships can mutilate Axis units anywhere along the Norwegian coasts. We all know it's impossible to simulate the exact feeling of the Norwegian Coastlines, Fjords, that protected the Axis fleets there that raided the Reds with Tirptiz, Scharnhorst and subs. Most of the first Brit Convoys went to the bottom, Churchill feared sending more. I know that many U.K. Supplies went to the bottom in the N. Sea above Norway on the LendLease Pipeline. The Axis did repair Tirptiz in Port and was well protected in Norwegian Ports. The Allies repaired Major Battleships from Italian Frogman attacks Harbour in Egypt. Either way it's a lot of work for a little gain. I think the best thing you can do is Make it PROFITABLE for Axis to invade, thus simulating the Strategic Overall impact of possessing Norway. The Mountains and the scenery though are perfectly etched, making it very impassable terrain and you really need an HQ on Norwegian Soil with many units to keep control of it along with Sweden. on a SideNote: The Italians never knew they had the upper hand in the Med when they had badly damaged the UK fleet in port in Egypt. Though the UK repaired took a year or two. Perhaps the ability to Repair to 10, but not in 1 turn would be a more healthy simulation...and realistic, as it would take 1 to 2 years to repair ships far from home. Just adding two cents
  19. Strategic actually seems as a way of suffocating Axis, U-boats are a bit meek without tech.. The supply system for U-boats is a bit poorly set, they have to sit by or in a port for awhile? To regain Morale and such... 1 visit to near a Port or in a Axis Port should fully regroup a Sub British and American Bombers pilots lost their morale too, from continual losses and missions, that is not represented so harshly as the only German strategic weapon...
  20. Interesting. I am pretty decent in taking Egypt. I even inflict heavy damage and invest along most lines, I think some of my misfortune is luck. I haven't yet thought of using a Bomber for Germany, perhaps a good idea. Though putting in full chits for Germany and Italy into Spain and getting to 84% readiness and sitting there for 60-80 turns is a bit disturbing. That is tying up a lot of cash. I get Germany maxed out near 450 MPPs... I am because of investing in Diplomacy and investing in HT-AW-Production-IT weak on my Military...to take Russia in a first Winter. This game seems heavily favored toward the Allies, they can gamble, they can choose many options, there only real fear is Losing UK or Russia.. Seems UK is much easier to kill. Perhaps I need to knockout the Island instead of trying to fight it out longterm? My Average game now is this investment: all the tanks in the build queue. all the corps. 3 in IW 3-4 HT 3-4 in Production and IT and this is just barely holding my own against the Allied opponent and 10 full chits in diplomacy. think I'll try convicing the Axis Minors sooner as suggested. Germany is very poor throughout '40...... P.S. if some people could give me their take on a Knockout Russian strategy I'd like their point of view. The bomber strategy sounds nice, I generally target the Caucasus though it's hard to take once those Siberians come in, it's hard to move with Partisans, Winter, Mud and the only factors in time to do the Neccessary Economic Damage to be a Decisive Factor. Just taking a huge Tract of land has a "small" impact on the Reds if they know how to use the defensive River Lines, Armor, IW and Heavy Tank... And put all their chits in the 1st year in Production and IT of the game [ April 28, 2006, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  21. Hey, Folks. Yes, I'm asking for some tips. I haven't had that much of an opportunity to destroy friends and foes yet. I find that the Germans face so me serious issues. First of all: Germans are real poor in comparison with the Allies by the end of '41 and beginning of '42. If you build a Land Army you've gotta win in this timeframe. Though the issue is that Russian Technology becomes much much too uber for you to counter. You have to then invest both in Tech and in an Army....however You will never get as much tech as the Reds recieve. I have tried to invade via Iran into the Caucasus Mnts, however I find that supply is low and any decent Red can counter. It's difficult to break the front with the Reds after Siberians transfer and you will find you're pushed back and crushed by this point if the Red Player has invested properly in Tech. I usually get really close to Moscow, Leningrad and around Rostov in the South.....That's about it, the German's almost need a gamble to win, like SuperSubs or something the Allies actually don't have or haven't forecasted. That or Heavy Tanks. In two games I've invested heavily in diplomacy with Spain attempt to free up N.Africa and MidEast and neither attempt has worked after 2 and half years of war So am I just unlucky or could some point out my flaws. I try to spread my chits over AW, HT, and Production and IT techs... Usually leave Norway and Aim toward the MidEast, try not to piss of the Majors too early am I playing too conservatively?
  22. Norway ? Nah, a waste of energy! Figure 3 Corps, at 300.. The Operational cost to ensure that you do not accidentally just smack the defending corps to 1, could be as high as 150-250 after France and your forces are spread across the Globe. that's already 500 plus MPPs to take this nowhere place and defend, now you get about 150 back though what is the value now? Only value is to keep the Norwegian and Swedish Supply to your side and preventing the Allies from taking it. Though the penatly the Allies get in Spain is nice Might just give you An Ally there and your Northern Flank is now harassed along with Finland...France is a more difficult target than Scandanavia... If the Kriegsmarine is weak, take it, if not, leave it... Unitially the though, leave it unless you are attempting to Conquest all of Scandanavia
  23. Best unit so far for me has to be the Focke-Wulf, Jet Tech2 minimum and as much LR as you can add in but that's all very expensive for the payoff. It's an uber powerful unit, you can deal out a good 3 with luck, 4 strength points damage. Though you better have quite a few bars of experience and high rating HQ attached. Only downfall is it's expensive, but the upside is that if you have it's rare an opponent will have it. You can cover distant fronts without sending much ground troops, you can do lots of good precision strikes. Sorta like a long distance divebomber, as for air interdiction roles, I haven't seen much air-to-air in SC being decisive. Losing a Fighter doesn't mean that much relative to Ground Units. Which is historical, partially. Bombers should be a bit cheaper and a bit more useful, Germany and Italy employed strong bombers not as big as Allied counterparts but widely used, that or allow fighters to hit Strategic or Tactical resources.. That would emphasize fighters a bit more.. Fighters should have an added tankbusting ability as well, equalizing things. All the Greats had good divebombers or tankbusters. Infantry weapons and the good Ole Army dominates this game. Tanks do if you get lucky. Great defense value. Engineers are great to cause a stalemate, if you wanted to make Moscow, or Berlin impossible to capture I suppose they'd have value but usually the game is over bar before then. They need to build faster to be of much use, plus they're vulnerable in the field to enemy fire and being destroyed. What would do well for Engineers so people bother to buy them is add this in: If engineer within 5 Hexes of your own units, attacks across Rivers increased for Attacker. Bonuses travelling through Marsh and other difficult terrain...give your own units extra APs. Historical and make something of a sleepie unit. Rockets are similarly sleepie as the tech is a bit expensive and difficult to invest in with so many other competeing chits. I've never bought one. Perhaps a level5 rocket should equal a Dirty Bomb and completely Obliterate a city for a year or so? that would make that interesting to develop?
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