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Everything posted by Liam

  1. You cannot compare Bjorg with Federer SeaMonkey, it would not be a contest. It's like comparing a King Tiger with a Modern M1A2 AFV
  2. P.S. Federer is at this time the best Male Tennis player IMO ever to have played, I have watched Mac, Connors, Lendle(live), Sampras but not Rosewall, before my time... He is a Machine, still not a Claycourt specialist and he'll lose on that surface most of the time.. No 1 man monopilizes tennis on every surface! Agassi could've been better than he was Rambo, I watched his first match ever.. He hit 90 mph forehands. I copied his take it early massive stroke, he was great.. He however was pushed out by Stronger Servers, and wasn't as fit and earned most of his fame too late in his career to be the best. He would've probably achieved as well as Connors or some other greats had he taken action earlier in his career. 1987 is when he appeared first
  3. Just finished a Hellish fight vs Terif this evening, whoa, I'm depressed about that one. I made some fundamental errors in not being more aggressive with the United Kingdom. Germany was maxed out in units by Late 1942 and I had was near maxed out infantry for the USSR, however no Infantry Weapons meant no Possibility of counterattacks. Once Terif broke through my lines his experienced units with 3 supply couldn't be countered. IW0 till the Summer of 1942 I believe, and I had tanks, yes, but he had antitanks. He anticipated my move there and hell, it was my only move, Germany had Maxed out land techs and a Huge Airforce... I think the Battle of Stalingrad was a skippy on the whole game, I break it down.. "Liam overlooked the map and saw the incoming German forces, The Caucasus-Line has broken, Rostov has fallen to the enemy. In the North We hold behind the Volga Line after the Fall of the Moscow Northern Front to the Might of the Wehrmacht. The Red Army's maxed out strength at this point was 6 armored armies level2, 5-6 Armies anti tank 1, IW1 and some five Russian Fighters. Opposing Germany then shows up with Several German Armored Units, Several Luftflottes all poised toward the remainder of the Russian Resistance. Along with this Germany had a large quantity of Corps with Axis Minor Airforces, 2 Italian and some Minors... They wipe out the Defenses built Around Stalingrad, I think of a CounterAttack, perhaps I can bust a hole in the German lines, but then in steps reserves from the South and Any Russian counteroffensive will cost the whole of my army airforce. I barely attempt to kill of 1 army, 1 corps and a tank... all and all I think the Russians managed to kill 3 Axis Corps in the East!!!" "in The West, Normandy was successful, With combined Air of the UK and USA, however Elite Panzer Corps reprisals were forthcomming destroying a British Corps and basically ready to ceil the Front there, no possiblity of a break out immediately!" I basically messed up, Overteched and undernourished my Weapons in the field. Toyed Too much with Diplomacy and not enough with the weapons of War... Plus lacked a bit of luck but next time, I will be a bit better! I play I learn, we all do, some at different speeds. However was a Lt Col(should've been a Brig. General) in WW2online, I was before SC2 A&A Top 10 challenger. Also Fair in AOE2, and a Top10 Challenger in Europa Unversalis II So I get around, SC was a side hobby.. I do not like scripts I prefer intuition and I beat most on here even without reading scripts, I suppose though to be very good you best read a few of them or you will be left behind that or watch Terif in action !
  4. HOI is pretty lame, and it's AI is well, you will beat it just play it. SC2 really doesn't have an AI that will be playable past the first week, once your learn the mechanics you'll win every game however the PBEM action is the best and a little IP if you're fortunate and are willing to look for it. All and all the best WW2 Simulator on a Strategic/Minor Tactical Level available today.
  5. Bahhhh, I know that Terif probably has the 17 points of which Ports cannot transfer out though you can attack withn, the precise Actions Points per unit if zed tile and zed tile is occuppied Perodic Table Crunch Down, plus the calculated figures for the most profitable occupations for UK/England/USSR and USA... Hmmm, I'm not diddly aye? I beat you last time we fought and it looks like I may have you best 2 outta 3 for our last games Obi Wan, you underestimate the Power of the Dark Side and soon Master Terif will feel my wraith too
  6. Stalin's Organist: As a little idea on the scope of an Amphibious Invasion this is a site I think you would take interest in, usually even a relatively small invasion force did require Thousands of support ships, something the Soviets likely did not possess. Not for what you call a true Amphibious Invasion Force comparable to the West... http://www.militaryhistoryonline.com/wwii/articles/AmphibiousAssaults.aspx Whether or not she could throw together Rifter Rafts and land 50,000 men on Stockholm, I won't argue, she did do well supplying Leningrad by Lake and Stalingrad over the Volga. Even still, those are very different operations than these more complex ones that were undertaken by the USA and UK combo... Both sides were very worried too of the possibility of a failure and the cost in time and men. Think of the logistics and technology that went into supplying Normandy and feeding it all the way Paris? Against such a Foe, would the Russians have succeeded, It is likely after the war on land was already decisive. With Airpower, naval power opposing them they better pray they had a land force to back up their main thrust. Early in the War what would've occurred if Sweden were invaded? There were plenty of German soldiers in Norway, I'm certian Sweden would've called upon them as an Ally, how long before the War become a brutal war of attrittion, would it have been worth the cost? The question also remains if the Russians were capable of Such amphibious Ops as you claim, how come none were performed? Crimea and the Sea Azow those regions in the Black Sea are not comparable to the icy baltic, or even worse the Dreadful North Sea. If the Germans would've killed the BEF and destroyed the RAF, I think that the idea of Sea Lion would've been a little bit more possible. People say that the RAF could've just retreated away to the North and it was under no real threat. Then why was it engaging the Luftwaffe in full Force when it came across the channel? The RAF could've been defeated, but of course Goering made that an impossibility. Not the Luftwaffe or the RAF, he blundered every card he possessed. That and his Fuhrer
  7. Terif and Federer are hardly in the same class. I played competitive tennis for 3 or 4 solid years, and 2 or 3 unsolid years after the age of 12. By that point it was a prerequisite to be Althetic fitness, stronger faster than anyone else to win. You had not only to learn to hit the ball wall, which requires 4-8 hours a day of constant hitting, serving, netpractice, etc... The Routine and scheduling is too much for mortals. You've got to dedicate your life to it and if you do not you're second class. I didn't have the opportunity to see the full potential though you would admire watching. Any man can be as good as Terif, not neccessarily. The mental toughness required in SC, would apply for another game as well. It's a tough game, though it was created in the era of the Computer Age and it can be Mastered by others... He is the Top of his Sport but any one of us that put in the time he does and the dedication which I assume would be a solid a 6 months of NOTHING but Strategic Command and to inhale not just think it a little and practice a tiny bit... Would be Great as well.. he wishes to be Great and so he is... Federer spent his life since the age of 4 playing tennis, 8 hours a day, he eat a nutritionist breakfeast and was likely taught by Proffessionals at some point. His parents likely invested tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in his creation. Otherwise it quite difficult to acheive greatness there... Tiger Woods I would guess even worse a regiment
  8. No offense to these other two fellows but I do not feel Scook they have ever watched a Documentary of D-Day landings or Pacific Landing forces, where the Enemy approaches the beach, gets hammered by Subs, Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers, Coastal Batteries, etc... Amphibious Landing Craft? Look up the topic and you'll see why... They're specialized and not to say the Russians didn't possess some, but a large quantity, they didn't need them! They had the best tanks, tankbusters, infantry weapons, and the most so so fighter aircraft in the field during the War. The germans argue perhaps their armor was better but it was not, because they picked tanks you couldn't produce many of like Shermanlike tanks that the Russians and Americans.. Being that the Russians had great Armies and Airforces, why bother with a real amphibious force, who were they going to invade? The reason you do not hear much of that aspect of their war. They could get to any Baltic Nation by stomping on it's neighbor much easier... Now could Russians of landed in Sweden? Perhaps... It's probably true the Swedes were completely unprepared for such an event, but COULD do the Russians land 50 miles from Berlin? LOL Run the scenario in 1941-'42 and see how many Russians survive it in a wargame. The Coastal Batteries, mines, subs alone would've killed 90% of the Russians the minute German intel picked up what was going on and believe me the Kriegsmarine was not outdated 1918 unit, they were top of the line, newly rebuilt and were not pushed into harbor, they dominated the Baltic until nearing the last days of the War.. and by the way what Soviet fighter could fly to Stockholm and back in 1941? So lone Amphibious craft without Finland woudl've been vulnerable and any amphibious assualt would've been with a land assault. If the Russians had weak tugs and old rusty transports to toss at any nation, it would be a very weak one. And even then Defeat the Swedish Army on land in Winter? LOL 200 thousand men by Boat would've not been sufficient without their heavier equipment, they'd of been beat back the minute the Swedes knew the event was going on and taken prisoner
  9. Agreed, sounds logical, but it wouldn't benefit The British, the Canadians aren't fully represented! Now if you put all Canadian resources on the Map, like the Urals Build, during the Kapitulation of of Britian, then it might be different! UK Moves King and Empire to Canada Event... several mines and cities popup to represent the relocation then it would be worth it... She'd need the extra MPPs to resupply the fleets to make it a feesible option.. Not only that I would require a percentage of British Units survived Sea Lion for that to work! otherwise Canada alone would not die to liberate the United Kingdom, she doesn't have the Manpower without equipment and without ships.. A relocation literally, seeing that the defensible position of the UK as unworkable. The Canadians have more resources than the British, less Industry but far far more resources the Empire would supply the Manpower to defeat the Grey Beast
  10. Yes, I think the weather is softer in 1939-40 now, so the Sitzkrieg traditional is less likely. Winter in general has been phazed back... P.S. Tunisia has a Rainy-Muddy season! It was what held operations up there for us during Torch
  11. Yes, I'm certian Black Sea weather is much more calm than that of Channel weather.. Facing formidable Obstacles like the Atlantic Wall, which was an illusion as a deterent I doubt that WW1 Amphibious Assualts would've prevailed much better than Galipoli, which by the way was a disaster and why D-Day was delayed to Summer of '44 Russians never operated across Cold Baltic Waters en mass to conquor a nation.. and likely wouldn't have had the capabilities as I stated.. The fact is, make an amphib range of 1 or 2, with Wooden Pixel Boats and 50-85% casualty rates when they land and I am all for letting Germany and USSR perform Amphib Ops That's realism friend
  12. How about the Random "Franco Effect," Every few turns you might lose 10% of your Readiness with Spain because Franco is uncertian which is the winning side.. That or Force Conditions before Franco can be purchased? I.E. Vichy Must be Taken along with Vichy Algeria... Thus raising US war readiness even more.. Why would Spain join without getting pieces of the pie?? You're giving him MPPs not real estate the man wanted Real Estate
  13. With what? Tug Boats, fishing boats? Did they ever launch an amphibious invasion of Germany or any Minor throughout WW2 that on the level of 100-200 thousand men and would it have accomplished anything or cost the entire Operation? What you're speaking is in the Crimea, lordy... that is more of a transportation than an invasion by sea or ocean Russians had troubles making suitable aircraft until well into 1942, in numbers. You're telling me they had a Modern Amphibious Fleet that could knock out Sweden? Sweden or Norway or Finland or any other Baltic Nation would've probably had intelligence, dropped a few thousand mines in the Baltic and sunk half the ships before they arrived.. Then called the Kriegsmarine up, and they'd of shot out of the sea the other tugboats and wood steamers
  14. SC2 at this time is the most detailed Strategic Engine I've seen ever for WW2.. Including some tactical levels that say Axis & Allies or World at War pretty much in the same boat could not provide. There are no serious contenders though and it's lack of market I.E. It takes about 5-10 hours with a good connection to even inch off the crust of a decent Strategic Command 2 game. Likely another 5-10 hours if two opponents are evenly matched. The feel and flow from '39 to '41 is a feel of a Minor Military Giant Expanding, then being held back by Opposing Economic Giants.. It's not overly detailed, but ENOUGH... an average game turn takes 3 minutes for me... 5-6 if I have to hink... That's comparable with Axis & Allies, we ran a 3 minute timer usually.. If it took you that long you were playing the USA and loading unloading many many transports I.E. Axis & Allies you could win the game in 3 game turns due to luck(less than 5 minutes). World at War, still has not delivered PBEM after promising it a year ago and never likely will as it's flopped at the Store Shelves.
  15. you're a betatester essentially Yogi... Get use to it... They cannot afford to betatest on the level that we the People do... As we're hundreds perhaps thousands, they're at most dozens.
  16. Actually, Blashy is half right now. Sea Lion is near impossible IF, the British use their fleet to protect the Isles. Also if the British invest in enough corps, it will be painful for the Axis to take it. Though tanks, armies, and HQs with superior airpower will crush England completely. Also the Threat alone drives the English into any sort of frenzy frontal defense the Germans will then attack with aircraft and decimate the British Navy.. bit by bit... You have to remeber the English have no home defense force aside from ships, their airfleets are worthless as you have a bomber and a fighter without an HQ... They're pretty worthless altogether. If the Allies are attempting a defense of another piece of Real Estate England is very takeable. A vast majority of UK's resources must be devoted to the defense to prevent the value of it. An easy Take Down... Of course I will not say I'm a Sea Lion Expert it's just a fact you can read in the game engine. The Amphib range should severely limited for USSR - Germany. The Italians as well, they had a Navy but not a great Amphibious Fleet... Remeber we could only hit Calais-Normandy from England. We could hit Sicily from Tunisia. We could only hit Yugoslavia or Southern France from Sicily-Southern Italy. What does that tell you about the Allied Amphibious Power, EXTREMELY limited.. USSR had practically no Amphibious capabilities, and minors should not have "any." This is not for just ahistorical reasons, 1 million Hungarians, Romanians and Bulgarians shouldn't be floating around the North Sea it's just something that NEVER could, would or should happen. That is what tweaks me more... Granted, if the Island does fall now you also have Egypt to fall back on which though Ahistorical could represent something else. The Hubb of the Commonwealth with the access to the most resources. Do not forget The Pacific Possessions of the british Empire 90% of her Wealth likely from The Suez it represents this.
  17. agreed, Germany was the logical Ally. Franco was supported by both Italy and Germany during it's civil war
  18. I'm not sure if this has been addressed in 1.4 though I'm sometimes getting 2 instances of strategic command 2 opening when I open 1.3 only...
  19. When the Russians occuppied a nation as the Germans, they took control if it's resources, no matter what Canada and any Minors should go to the USA, the UK-USA were in bed together through Both World Wars. They would have cooperated in the face of a disaster such as the Isles or the entirety of the British Empire falling. As you get a chance to get free french, how about Free British?
  20. not for me it isn't Game 1 Jan 1940: France has fallen, I sadly gave both Warsaw and Paris much easier than I should have, regardless it did cost the Germans a lot operating. I likely am guessing 150 or so. And Winter did not hold out for me. It seems the 1.3 patch is softer on Mother Nature Now UK is the only active hinderance to the German Horde
  21. Mirror Game 1: Liam's Allied forces hold in Poland. Meanwhile France is a Turkey Shoot for the Axis, the mud cleared and they will most certianly deal France a death blow Sub elusive still raiding
  22. Mirror Game 2: Fall Weiss 1939: Poland is invaded all out, ignoring the West... Crushing blows dealt up and down the Front, displaced Poles run for cover as German Panzers encircle and destroy their supply, communication and Nation
  23. Definitely buggy that certian nations go back English, with no Homeland, at the very least you should have known that you were going to lose out
  24. Retri, I'll slaughter him 1939 Sept: Poland aligns it's defenses properly, Germans regroup West to Counter the inevitable threat of a Two Front War, launching a pre-emptive struck against Benelux and capturing the tiny Nation. 500 thousand Poles invade Germany apparently their goal, Berlin Meanwhile in The East Panzer Tracks are bogged down awaiting a breakthrough, didn't come. Polish Flyboys Practicing on Runstedt Subs raiding in the Atlantic it's a War my friends
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