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Everything posted by Terif

  1. Hi Curry, Yes, seems you conquered Manchester in 1940, so there was no russian readiness increase. Then you conquered London in 1941, so then readiness increase started. Try it after Feb 1941 and you will see readiness increases. The order is not important, only the time when you attack the cities . [ October 13, 2003, 05:59 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  2. Hi Dan Fenton: Concerning your copied comments: No 1: correct No 2: correct before 1941 as mentioned above, but russian readiness also increases 10%/turn after Jan/Feb 1941. No 3: partly correct, London has not to fall. Readiness also increases when enemy units move in the vicinity. A sealion has no effect upon the units needed for the russian border. Still minimum 4 units after Oct/Nov 1940. No 4: wrong.
  3. Blashy: Conquering UK is no guarantee for Victory . When Axis land in England, Russia and USA will join much earlier than normal and Axis are very weak (low mpp/turn + most units in the west = strong Russia) even if they get the british empire. I also lost several times the battle of britain (+ the country ) and still managed to win the war...And these games were usually the most exciting ones with battles at very different places than usual. Hopefully you will also have such a game in the future .
  4. Around Manchester or London means a ring around the cities, only one hex away. BTW: Never give up London without a fight or England is lost. Allies have to delay the fall until 1941 and should force Axis to land units in order to attack/take cities. Axis usually blow away the corps in London with air, but if you have at least 2 corps adjacent to London (one of them should also protect the port, so that it cant be captured..), then an Axis transport can not land and take the city, even if the corps within the city is destroyed (a landed unit has only 1 action point, but would need two to enter a guarded city ). This way (corps defence) you can force Axis to attack London with ground units (in an early Sealion Germany has not 10+ airfleets, so they can kill max only one corps/turn with air), so that russian/US readiness increases (enemy units within one hex distance of London or Manchester). It is not possible to take London in one turn if UK takes care. Therefore you will see if the "Sealion" is a feint(only air attacks) or not (Axis lands several units in England) BEFORE London falls . Killing ground units with air (expecially in London with anti-air) is expensive. Therefore its no problem for Allies if Axis air attacks UK corps in England. This way Axis usually looses much more mpp than UK (if Montgomery commands the UK units !), Axis air also doesnt build up much experience (they loose it when reinforcing) and the airfleets cant be used somewhere else to take neutrals/do better things. If Axis really goes for Sealion, then its time to use the royal navy and kill axis transports even if you loose most of the ships. This at least delays the fall of England or even can win the war. UK doesnt need the ships later anyway: either UK falls and the ships surrender, or Axis surrenders .
  5. ... and I do If Axis units are around Manchester or London, then russian readiness starts incresing: January 5, 1941 allied turn/ February 2, 1941 Axis turn with 10 %/turn. Since in Nanopes game England has been lost in 1940, russian readiness didnt increase. He has to wait until January/February 1941 and make sure that still Axis units are in England (move some US transports there if Axis removed their units). Without Axis units around Manchester or London readiness will not increase, otherwise Russia will join some turns after February 1941. Consequence: Dont loose England too early ( and France ), or you have a big problem since you will have to fight without Russia. Always be prepared for an early Sealion . [ October 10, 2003, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  6. Here a short comment from a "game playability nut" : War entry levels: If you hide them, then you have a big luck factor in the game. Either you are lucky and move your armies to the border in time, then you can make the usual preemptive strike. Or you miss the time frame (when the "preparing for war" message appears, your units have already to be in position or it is too late), then you have a problem. 9 russian armies, tanks + AF dead or alive usually makes the difference between victory or defeat. As with every change you can do it, but then you have to change a lot of other things too to keep the game balanced and not so luck depending. Extra mpp for Allies/Lend-lease: If Axis would go the historical way, then Allies wouldnt need extra mpp. But since Axis usually conquer a lot of neutrals, I agree: Allies should get additional "off map" mpps later in the war. This would give them the chance to turn the tide in 1942-1944. Lend-lease mpps should depend on Axis actions (e.g. conquering neutrals increase LL shipments), increasing with time and start after Barbarossa has begun. Then it would also be no problem to reduce USA warentry and they could join some years later. With Lend-Lease the game would be more historical as well as better playable (something for all kind of "nuts" ). But such a change is up to Hubert in SC 2 . Jersey John: To avoid your problem with enemies landing at your assigned ressources: use inland ressources where nobody can land, e.g. in the Urals or around Washington. The hex control changes automatically when the original owner enters the war, no matter if a unit appears there or not. BTW, port and Leningrad gives 5+5 = 10 mpps to Germany, not 6. So you can also use a russian mine for this purpose. [ October 09, 2003, 06:09 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  7. How can you know ? Your challenge against me (and that was the only one and first challenge ever) was not exceeding the time limit: You challenged me at September 19. So the challenge would have expired next week at Monday October 13 (perhaps you got it wrong and thought it would end the Monday this week....). Anyway, thanks for deactivating the challenge system. No challenge system is much better for SC and the community. Additionally this gave me now the possibility to officially withdraw from Z-League like promised. For the ones that wonder why I withdraw, details can be read here: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=002893;p=1 http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=002918 [ October 09, 2003, 05:20 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  8. Canada has supply of 5 cause it has no land connection to Washington or London (or Moskov ). Only the major capitals provide a supply of 10/8. Minor capitals (cut of from major capitals) have only supply of 5, there is no difference to normal cities. Ireland goes up cause it has a virtual land connection to England and the UK capital. Its the same as for Africa via Gibraltar or Sweden/Norway via Denmark. Therefore supply goes up to 8.
  9. Blashy: Yes, it is useless to supply a Hq by a second Hq if the second Hq is out of supply too. You can only use a second Hq to extend the supply range of a city/fortress like in Iraq/Turkey. Without a city to supply the second Hq, there is no positive effect cause the second Hq has only supply of 5 too and the first Hq is treated like a normal unit. Your second Hq has to stay in supply range of a city/fortress to provide better supply for another Hq. It is not possible to increase a Hq to full supply by a second Hq. Only if the second one is in supply (=supply level 8 or 10), then it can increase the supply of the first Hq slightly (from supply 5 to supply 6-9, depending on how far away the first Hq is from the second one). No city = no Hq linking Hqs supplied by other Hqs are treated like every other normal unit concerning supply. Only cities/fortresses increase them to full supply. Consequence for your algerian landing: If you cant conquer the spanish city or Algeria itself, then your Hq is lost. If you are sure you can not take Algeria now or later (best to take it: landing west (1unit) and east (2units) of the city - so you can cut it off in case it doesnt fall in one turn - combined with naval/carrier attacks), then you can only wait until the Hq is destroyed, or disband it (gives you 100mpp back). Note: Rambo mentioned Russia: There your Hqs should stay in range of a city/fortress. Since they have only supply of 8 (far in the east) Hq linking can only increase the other Hq (too far away from a city/fortress and without a second Hq out of supply =5) to supply 6-7. If both Hqs are standing near each other but both out of city/fortress range, then they stay both at supply 5. [ October 06, 2003, 06:09 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  10. Blashy: At the start of each turn supply is calculated new. There is no accumulation possible. It traces the shortest way (sometimes SC calculates it wrong and takes a not so good way... but thats another story ) from the next supply source: either a city, fortress or another Hq (each normal hex reduces supply by 1, some hexes like mountains, swamps etc by 2). For your Hq: if it is supplied (after the calculation it receives at least supply of 1 or more from a city or fortress - not from a second HQ !) then supply goes up to 10 (if the supply source is connected to the capital) or 8 (without connection). Out of supply Hqs have a supply of 5 and can only move 1 hex (supply 1-5: 1 hex; supply 6-10: 2 hexes). If supplied from a second Hq, SC treats the first Hq like a normal unit and it has only the normal supply from the second Hq but still a minimum of 5(e.g. if it receives 6 supply, then it has supply level of 6). As far as I know, this can only be a problem east of Turkey as Axis, if you want to move into Russia. A land connection to Berlin doesnt solve the problem there: Iraq goes up to 8 (or 10 if liberated), but thats not enough (you can only move 1-2 mountain hexes further). Solution: You can use a second Hq to supply the first one. Place it one (or 2) hex south of your first Hq (there it is supplied from Iraq) when you want to move north. The second Hq provides the first one with a supply of 10-2 = 8 (with 2 mountain hexes away: 10-4 =6), so the first Hq can move again. But be careful when moving your second Hq north and stop in time (remember where your first Hq had no supply and stop one hex earlier) or it will soon stuck - out of supply - in the mountains like the first Hq . To solve your supply problems you need to conquer a russian city as soon as possible... If you only want to retreat your Hq, then you can simply operate it back to a city (Hqs have a minimum supply of 5 and can always operate) . [ October 04, 2003, 06:14 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  11. Rambo: - I never attacked someone else than Zapp. If you had the impression then I am sorry (english is not my mother language), this was never my intention. - Zapp did a lot of good things for SC in the past, no question. - But in the last time he got more and more fanatical in order to beat me. In the game and outside of the game. Every time he saw me he wanted to play me. I clearly told him many times that I need a break between our games and dont want to play him every day. He didnt accept it and this was really annoying after a while... - At friday sept 19, he went to far: after I said I cant play him now and gave him a time when we can play - instead of waiting some days - he activated the challenge system and challenged me within 40 minutes after I said no. Then he told me triumphantly I had to play with him now, that would be the rules... In case you forgot what happened - and after reading your post I guess you forgot it: read it again: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=002893 And after I had been gone he continued rampaging in the forum trying to make me bad... Originally I didnt want to say something about this, but at some point I HAD to... Perhaps this was a mistake, cause his posts speak for themself...But after reading enough of his slanderings, I really got angry :mad: . And after all the things that happened you wonder why I have enough from playing for a while ? Now the little things: - you sent me the file without telling me you would send me a file or what it is. If I get a unknown file I delete it within half a second, that goes automatically (therefore I never had a virus on my computer ) after it was deleted you told me... had you sent it again I had accepted it. - you asked me a lot of questions in this "conversation" and when you remember: I mainly answered with yes and no. Simply because I had other things to do at that time and couldnt answer long. I also have to work and do some other things than playing and this I usually did during my waiting times... otherwise I couldnt play so much. - And I really keep all my games/saves. At the moment they need 1.82 GByte. But thats nothing today... my harddisk has enough space BTW: we really played 41 games together. (38 losses for you, 2 wins and the last one unfinished) If you dont believe it, I can send you the last moves from every game . It was not suddenly and I didnt snap at SC, I snaped at Zapp after he started attacking me . But like in every argument, I am sure both sides made faults and I dont say I am innocent (e.g. my replies to him were not very nice any more after a while...). Fact is: one of us had to go. Since he is the administrator he has the whip hand. I said what I would do and I stay to my word. [ September 27, 2003, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  12. Rambo: We played 41 games, 2 wins out of them for you As I explained: I concentrate at other/new things at the moment. I was/am not hiding and waiting to come back when things would look how people think I want them to be... I have moved on in the last days.... Theres no way back to SC (ladder) for me...like I said: perhaps a fun game or two in some weeks/months again. I am curious how strategies will develope ComradeTrapp: Nice to see a vote about this issue. My vote is clear I guess .... But if I would vote officially in your thread, Zapp would only more persist on this rule after all that happened between us...I just saw him again posting in your thread he doesnt care about a vote since the ladder is his property and he has the saying (or something like that )... I will not comment this rule change again, this would only make it harder for you and the other ZL members to remove the rule. I wish you good luck with the vote, but even if it succeeds, I wouldnt come back. I stay to my word and it would be no fun working together with Zapp (and I guess vice versa) anyway. I want to have fun with my hobby... [ September 26, 2003, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  13. Rambo: Good luck in your game with Zapp. Sorry, its like I said: no SC game for me in the foreseeable future... Curry: I just saw you posted a loss against me in ZL. Thank you for the "tribute", but its not necessary to post a loss without playing. For all my outstanding ZL games: They are CANCELLED. You dont need to post a loss. Unfortunately still not possible to delete my account....But the time will come
  14. Zapp: You are talking so much nonsense and crap in your last posts, I really cant call it something else... Only a few things: 1. Tech strategy was a long time after the carrier bug. 2. You and other players used the carrier bug to kill Germany in LC with the LC gambit, not me. 3. In one thing you are right: I dont like the LC gambit and used it very seldomly. It only leeds to a very short and not very pleasant game for both sides. No matter if it fails or not. 4. I usually only did a Sealion after France, when Allies tried to crush me in LC/France and sacrificed everything to do this. Such games are short and not much fun anyway, so I ended them quickly. 5. You complain about that I didnt write down all things and every detail I learned about SC in the forum ? I have played over 300 games. Logically I know a lot more about SC and how to play it than most other players. At the beginning I explained the basics in the game, then I have written it down in help threads, but you are right: I didnt write down a 1000 page manual to explain every little detail in SC. Thats not my task, its not much fun for the players if they get explained everything (like also some of them told me) and simply not possible. Some things can only be learned in the battle. And I think thats the best way and the most fun to learn how to play SC: on the battlefield. . . My motivation to play is to have fun in the game and during playing, not to kill the enemy with all means and get a victory. When playing SC, the way is important for me, not the goal ! So stop making up stories about my playing style, you know your stories are mainly not true. I will not comment your further fabrications and fairytales... BTW: you know it was only because of you that I quit the league. Read the posts from the beginning... I said that I wouldnt play you if you wouldnt go back. I stay to my word. Without your actions and behaviour I still would play SC like in the past. To look at it a bit more objective: Like everyone I joined the Leagues voluntarily. I knew the rules and I accepted them. Then you changed the rules for your own advantage without allowing a vote and even after everyone that posted voted against it you kept the new rules. Thats not the League that I joined. I dont accept the new rules, so I took the consequence and left the League. Thats not because I am "burned out" or "taking out all my frustration on you". YOU changed the rules, YOU have been warned about the consequences and have had several days to think over it. But in one thing you are right: I AM very frustrated... about your behaviour. So I am not taking ALL my frustration on you, but only my frustration about YOU. OK, enough of this discussions and accusations. Obviously this leads to nothing. I dont think I will comment your further posts....This was the last clarification. [ September 26, 2003, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  15. Rambo: I am NOT calling you a quitter, you are not one. Sorry if you misunderstood this. The only thing I wanted to say with my game description was that it would be short (6000Russian mpp vs ~12000 german ones when Barbarossa starts, german units experienced with better Hqs, Axis has then 50-100 mpp/turn more than all 3 allies together) with a clear outcome from my point of view (you cant see how much units I have at the russian border ) and I dont return to SC for this game. You may have a chance to turn the tide, but only a very small one. (BTW: dont forget I won the game where you did the Rambo Rome invasion against me, so I dont think you would have been more successful in a second try when I would have been prepared ) Its not worth to give a comment about Zapps current rampage in the forum, it speaks for it self... That I am out of the League in the week where I can play at US times is thanks to Zapp. I wanted to use the opportunity and play some US opponents, but he didnt allow this.... After the first 100 victories without defeat, winning becomes really unimportant - if someone never wins in a normal game against somebody, it perhaps gets very important for THIS person... I played for the fun in the game, tried crazy stuff and prefered to play long games. Therefore e.g. I invented the allied tech strategy to make sure it would be decided in Russia: after this only very few 30 minute fights where Axis couldnt take France occured...(originally used against unexperienced players, but surprisingly also effectiv against veterans for a long time) Dalmatia Partisan: I am very sorry that I cant play in your Cup. But I decided to stop playing SC. Since SC is very addictive I dont want to have a relapse Rambo, you always played with honour. Keep up your good work in the forum and the developement of new tactics. Now its really time for me to move on Goodbye [ September 26, 2003, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  16. Rambo: I still have our last game, I keep all games... Sorry, but I cancelled all my current games. Besides the game would probably be over in 6-8 turns anyway (you usually surrender some turns after Barbarossa started when you see you cant win): Axis has all the usual minors including Yugoslavia. Alexandria will fall next turn (2 army transports ready to kill the corps) so my forces are ready to take Greece, Portugal and Iraq like usual at the start of Barbarossa. UK is very weak after you used all mpps for battles (especially the Malta disaster )and has not much tech. My italian corps and 4 airfleets will probably hold them back a long time. Russia will start with 1000 + 5000(bid)= 6000 mpp. Germany has - like UK - not much tech, but already built an invasion force of 10000 mpp, ready to move into Russia. And still 2-4 turns to prepare.... I am sorry. Dont be sad but I will not play SC in the forseeable future and this game will be no exception. That was a (very) short adjudication of a game dedicated to Jersey John [ September 25, 2003, 10:48 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  17. One last thing: Jersey John: I am still ready to adjudicate in the PBEM Tournament, just send me an e-mail when a game needs an adjudication or if you need me for another occasion. If any player wants me to adjudicate a game, has a question or problem concerning SC, I am quite willing to help. My e-mail address is in the profile. I also will continue to support the forum and to answer questions, but not so frequently any more like up to now
  18. [Copy from my reply in Rambos thread] I started playing SC because it was a lot of fun and exactly the kind of game I liked. Like everyone else I use my spare time for this hobby. I have played now 302 TCP games during the last 10 months. Only 4 of them were lost: - 2 because I used the Spain gambit (Condor, Rambo) - 1 after the first rule change (no Italian gambit), where I tried if an allied Med strategy is possible despite the new rules - it is not. (Zapp) - 1 game when Rambo first used his carrier strategy - this strategy worked only once and never again , but still I congratulate Rambo for this very innovative and surprising approach (Rambo) I have beaten Zapp in 49 games and when we played the standard game it was not even close to a victory for him. I dont think that he has improved so much in the last few days that he could beat me, so there is no point in starting another game... Playing with him would be only boring and a waste of time for me. I dont think he would give up this last game so early like usual, so I would have to spend probably 10-30 hours playtime (=lifetime)... And for what ? Zapps last posts and my discussion with him via ICQ made me clear that he is not willing to go back a single step. In contrary he is just rampaging in the forum... When I said I would withdraw from the Z-League it was clear for me that there would be no way back. Therefore I needed some time to think about it before I made this decission. And I thought about it very carefully. I stay to my word and my decission. I will not play again against Zapp or play a Z-League game. Its time for me to move on. I am just testing another game than Strategic Command and I prefer to use my time for this and other new things now (+ real life and girlfriend..). Time for me to move on and look for the future. I have to say: Its much better now when I have time for other things. I feel much better after I left this discussion behind me. Even if it would be possible, I wouldnt go back to the old days of 2 hours sleep per day to play SC For all other SC players I wish a lot of fun with SC. SC looks simple, but if you have a closer look, it is very complex and allows nearly endless different strategies depending on what your opponent does. Even after 10 month playing and around 300 games, it was still possible to develope new strategies. Strategic Command was really worth the buy ! Perhaps I will have a look in the forum again in some weeks or months and play a fun game or two, until then Have a good time Terif [ September 25, 2003, 06:51 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  19. I started playing SC because it was a lot of fun and exactly the kind of game I liked. Like everyone else I use my spare time for this hobby. I have played now 302 TCP games during the last 10 months. Only 4 of them were lost: - 2 because I used the Spain gambit (Condor, Rambo) - 1 after the first rule change (no Italian gambit), where I tried if an allied Med strategy is possible despite the new rules - it is not. (Zapp) - 1 game when Rambo first used his carrier strategy - this strategy worked only once and never again , but still I congratulate Rambo for this very innovative and surprising approach (Rambo) I have beaten Zapp in 49 games and when we played the standard game it was not even close to a victory for him. I dont think that he has improved so much in the last few days that he could beat me, so there is no point in starting another game... Playing with him would be only boring and a waste of time for me. I dont think he would give up this last game so early like usual, so I would have to spend probably 10-30 hours playtime (=lifetime)... And for what ? Zapps last posts and my discussion with him via ICQ made me clear that he is not willing to go back a single step. In contrary he is just rampaging in the forum... When I said I would withdraw from the Z-League it was clear for me that there would be no way back. Therefore I needed some time to think about it before I made this decission. And I thought about it very carefully. I stay to my word and my decission. I will not play again against Zapp or play a Z-League game. Its time for me to move on. I am just testing another game than Strategic Command and I prefer to use my time for this and other new things now (+ real life and girlfriend..). Time for me to move on and look for the future. I have to say: Its much better now when I have time for other things. I feel much better after I left this discussion behind me. Even if it would be possible, I wouldnt go back to the old days of 2 hours sleep per day to play SC For all other SC players I wish a lot of fun with SC. SC looks simple, but if you have a closer look, it is very complex and allows nearly endless different strategies depending on what your opponent does. Even after 10 month playing and around 300 games, it was still possible to develope new strategies. Strategic Command was really worth the buy ! Perhaps I will have a look in the forum again in some weeks or months and play a fun game or two, until then Have a good time Terif
  20. Rambo: Seems you have now a very good chance to win the Cup. But beware: some of the new players are pretty good, so it wont be too easy .
  21. Rambo: As Zapp stated: there is no vote. And here he is right. It is a personnel thing between me and him. The rule in reality doesnt effect other people than both of us, so no need to vote for the league members. Thank you for your offer. But I cant see that I want to play ever again against Zapp after his behaviour. If this would happen vs any other player it would be no problem: I could simply ignore him. But he makes the rules and changed the rules, so if I would stay he could force me to play him... So I prefer to go I wish everyone a lot of fun with SC, it is a great game. My dispute with Zapp is a personnel thing and should nobody else hinder to play and enjoy this excellent game.
  22. DalmatiaPartisan: Sorry that my dispute with Zapp happened during your Cup. But since I will not play again against Zapp and witdraw from Z-League I cant play in the cup any more. Details: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=002893;p=1 Therefore I think it would be fair to annul my games already played. So the other players in my group have the same chances to come through round 1. [ September 24, 2003, 11:01 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  23. Zapp: SC was and is very important for me. It is not so easy to give up this important part of my life. So I first was temptated to accept your behaviour and rule changes. But now I had some time to think ábout it. SC is only a game. I am not willing to give up my principles because of a game. And after what happened it is even not much fun any more playing in the league... Time to move on and to use my time for more important things. I have no intention starting my own league like you accused me. I will play some fun games (but never again against you) from time to time, but thats it.
  24. Zapp made clear that he is not willing to abolish his "anti-Terif" rule made for his personnel advantage, even if all members of the Z-League would vote against it. So I vote with my feets... All my outstanding Z-League games are CANCELLED I am sorry for that, but I am not willing to play a ZL game any more. I love playing SC, so you will probably meet me again some day in a "fun" game . For details about the reason for my withdrawel read: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=002893;p=1 Unfortunally I just had to recognice that Zapps rule changes also hinders me to withdraw immediately. But I will delete my account as soon as possible. I hope it will be possible when the challenge expires...
  25. Hmm, unfortunately it is not possible to withdraw from the league after Zapps rule change... but I will wait. Error message from the Z-League:
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