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Everything posted by Terif

  1. Dragonheart: One explanation can be that an operated HQ doesnt support the units at the new place. But I dont know it, I never tested it and it happens too seldom that I operate HQ+units and they get attacked, so I have not enough experience values here. Another explanation for your particular situation at Sicily is: the readiness from your carrier comes from the units strength and not so much from supply, therefore the first strike from carriers is always very strong and perhaps you had some luck with your ships . Expected loss is usually 1 for the airfleet (no entrenchment), when attacked by a ship. So if you have enough ships to attack them and the necessary luck (with luck the ships can do a damage of 2).... BTW: were the german airfleets at full strength ? Usually they are damaged when operated to Sicily after France. To kill a full strength airfleet with carriers when you have no Jet tech is very difficult. Or did you have Jet tech ? [ November 04, 2003, 06:18 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  2. Perhaps some fire spitting for our Dragon would be better... or perhaps the "UMMMPPHHH!" is the smoke before the fire ? ROFL
  3. I just looked it up in the manual. According to the combat formula, the readiness of the defender also influences the losses of the defender, not only the attacker ones. But you are right, if you are sure it is not because of the readiness, there is perhaps another effect in action. I never noticed higher losses, but I didnt watch explicit for this. But I think when I operated my Malta airfleet to London, it usually had the same losses when attacked as the other airfleet already standing there. But I can be wrong. [ November 04, 2003, 05:03 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  4. Hi Iron Ranger, Yes, time to come back to the game. I was also curious about what happens when you operate or move or buy a unit and how strong they fight. So I tested it some time ago. Supply and HQ command will be calculated at the start of each turn. So e.g. if you play Axis, supply/command is calculated for both sides at the start of your turn. At the start of the allied turn it is calculated again for BOTH sides. So it can be that your axis units that were in supply/HQ supported in your turn are not supported any more - e.g.if you moved them to the front, out of HQ range - and the enemy can attack these (now) week units. Concerning your operated units: as far as I can see, they are treated like if you had just moved them. You operate them, the enemy turn starts, supply/HQ command are calculated, then the combat occurs with the recalculated unit readiness. Perhaps you have the impression that operated units are weaker than moved ones, cause if you operate, you probably often operate them in a position out of supply/without HQ (even if there is a HQ, if you operate too much units there, it cant support all of them any more at the start of the enemy turn). The "problem" is, that your units dont keep the readiness they had in your turn. It changes at the start of the enemy turn. A missing HQ support would explain the worser combat results. Only new built units have a penalty if you buy them at the frontline. They start with 0 supply and without HQ support, so they are very weak and easy to kill for one turn - thats something for the guys that want it more realistic.. if you throw fresh recruits to the front they fight very poor for a while. Their supply/HQ command will NOT be recalculated at the start of your enemy turn. For these units, you have to wait until your next own turn, to get supply/command for them. Hope this helps [ November 04, 2003, 04:44 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  5. There you are right. Perhaps this is my problem, I dont care enough about winning...
  6. First I want to apologize for my remarks about Zapp in the Panzerliga. Somebody asked me what happened and how to beat Zapp and it was only a short comment but nonetheless it was wrong. I should not have written it and I just deleted it. Sorry. Zapp, like you I really hope the other Veterans and old members dont forget what happened. My concern is also about the new players that come here and read all this not very nice things from both of us about the other one. We both wrote things we better should not have written. We both have our opinion about what happened in the past and who did what wrong, we dont need to discuss this again. Whoever is interested, can look it up in one of the many threads we have written about it... I dont think we will become friends again (surely not in the near future), but I hope we can rise our posts to a more neutral level. If you agree we can make something like a cease-fire. No attacks at the other side any more, when there is no public provocation.
  7. Zapp: I am not perfect and also make mistakes. Now in the review I surely would handle the "challenge system" issue differently. But you are rigtht: I dont like it to be treated unfair and I dont accept it if someone spreads lies and rumours about me. Perhaps our relations could have improved again over time, I dont know. But every week you started a new campaign against me, where you tried to damage my reputation and to question my integrity, it became more improbable. This way I cant see how we could forgive each other. I can see your motivation why you started or at least supported this new smear campaign. But this doesnt make it acceptable. So, this is now really my last post concerning this issue.
  8. Rambo: here is our last conversation over ICQ: I dont know what was/is your motivation to start this smear campaign. If you are honest, you know that I didnt cheat. You are really a poor man and you have my compassion.
  9. Rambo: Your timeline is not correct. I wrote your No.10 4 hours before you wrote your answer with your point No 9. Besides, I looked after this expression in a dictionary and I really cant see why it should indicate that I would cheat in other games, but its your mother language, perhaps the dictionary is wrong . At least after I cleared it, you should have known what was meant and not basing all your stuff on this expression... Anyhow, we have cleared that this was only a misunderstanding. This is simply wrong. I never said that. You need to learn how to read and you need a better memory. I am pretty sure Hombre Plin never said he has the FOW sniffer from me. He only said, cheating is possible... read his posts and your own posts. You only extended your story without any new information. Hombre is away since nearly 2 weeks and you are searching for him, so obviously you had no contact since this time. I repeat it a last time so that even you cant misunderstand it again: I never cheated in any computer game. Case is closed now. [ October 31, 2003, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  10. As I just posted in the other Forum: Rambo, if you want evidence: As you perhaps know, I save every turn of every game I played. So if you want I can send you any game you choose that we played or all together (some hundred MBs.. ) with my Password (for your eyes only :cool: ). Then you can have a look and will see I never cheated. I only know how to use my intelligence: transports, airfleets and my brain (I can count until 9, the maximum possible action points of a unit... ) [ October 31, 2003, 06:45 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  11. I just read again the threads: Hombre Plin was last seen at October 18. Rambo you are searching for him and started your thread with the question to Hombre, which he never answered: Now you state it as a fact that he said I had given it to him... I dont know which other parts from your comments are also exagerated or completely fictitious... To say it in your words: Terif >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT
  12. Rambo: I clearly said I never cheated and will never do. If someone told you I gave him a "FOW sniffer" then it is simply a lie. But probably its only the same as with all rumours: they are growing and expanding each time you tell them to someone (as far as I remember you never mentioned before that he said something like this (I think Zapp was the first who sayed he knows from hearsay, that...) and you didnt speak with Hombre Plin in the last days/weeks...)
  13. Sorry, but your free french will surrender at any place, even in USA. The surrender procedure is the same as with every other nation. After they became free french, they have no special status any more, they are treated like normal UK units (except HQ support).
  14. Hi Nanope, I never had this UK corps-Suez thing (lack of opportunity ). But I guess its the same as with the french units: If transports are on the way to Suez when France surrenders, they stay alive and still belong to France. This has the consequence that you cant reinforce them until France is liberated, since you dont get french mpp. So I guess it is normal that your UK units survived and reappeared . 2nd question: When UK surrenders, all originally UK owned land becomes Axis and UK + free french units surrender. But all minor nations forces will stay alive and continue fighting (e.g. Canada, Yugoslavia...)
  15. My last comment to this story: Zapp wrote in his last post: Zapps statement (among others) in his last post in the other thread before I started writing my replies:
  16. Hi Iron Ranger, I am a bit busy in the moment. I try something similar like in chess: at the moment I play 18 games simultaneously in PBEM - each hour a lot of moves . But perhaps we find a time at the weekend to continue our game. I will have a look for you at the opponent finder Forum .
  17. Sorry Rambo, this was obviously a simple misunderstanding on both sides. Wachtmeister: Yes, you are right. If possible I will not reply to Zapp any more.
  18. Rambo: I also never used or will use a cheat in any other game against another player. Hell, I even never used the Map hack in the game "Diablo2" and nearly everyone else there uses it... The expression "especially not for SC" was there because we were talking about SC. Sorry for the misunderstanding, it was only to emphasize it. Hmm, this whole thing becomes a bit weird... If I have to take care of every word or it will be turned around immediately, its really time to stop this discussion, especially since I start becoming angry... And Zapp: You didnt accuse me directly, but behind the lines and not only once, but several times and again and again... I was quiet for a long time and didnt comment, but when you finally request me to comment your accusations (you started the first thread concerning this whole thing and Rambo followed...), you wonder that I do it ? [ October 30, 2003, 10:36 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  19. Zapp: 1. This is a question you have to ask Hombre Plin, besides this seems to be a rethorical question with the purpose to say behind the lines that I would cheat... 2. You were writing a lot of "short" posts since our argument accussing me of this thing and that thing... this is really annoying, but it shows only your character... usually I dont answer to such crap, only if I have to. So I hope this one can be my last post concerning this one. It really seems better to me to ignore your rampage in the forum against me, cause you obviously never stop this ****.
  20. Zapp: Everyone knows its possible to hack every program and Computer on earth with enough time and effort. But SC was obviously free from hacks or other cheat programs for the last 1.5 years. I played now more than 340 games (yes, last time I told you the number, it was something around 300... I am still playing ) and I can tell you: nobody cheated against me with any program or cheat in a noticable manner. And as you should know: if you have some experience with the game, you will notice it in SC if someone cheats. And if someone would have had the will/program to cheat, he would have used it against me... Therefore I SUSPECT that there is no cheat or "FoW sniffer" for SC. I never saw someone cheating and nobody proved me it is possible in SC. Only you and Rambo started and continued this whole discussion (with some help from Hombre Plin). All information comes from you two, so I know it only from hearsay. And specifically you are busy to spread more rumours in several threads... Perhaps now exists such a cheat program, maybe not, I dont know... I only know why you try to continue this discussion and to focus it on me.. and that are personnel reasons because of our argument when you changed the ZL- rules for your personel advantage. I will not continue it, everything important has been said. It would only result in mutual accusations and I prefer to use my time for playing and fighting in the game, not here in the forum....Another reason why I only post and reply in such issues when it is really necessary...
  21. Zapp: Seems you love to spread rumours about me since you wasnt able to beat me on the battlefield and had to change the rules to get the top spot in your own League... I only left the ZL because of you and your behaviour. And what you did since this time (including your last post) proves me that I have been right with my judgement of your character... I just replied in Rambos thread: I never used and will never use a cheat program, especially not for SC. I know how to play the game, obviously in contrary to you... you didnt cheat in the game, but you changed the rules to have an advantage... I play to have fun and a good game. I give every not so experienced opponent a bonus, so that he has a chance to beat me, or I use crazy strategies to even out my higher experience. You only play to win and for competition (your own words..)....thats not my way to play. [ October 30, 2003, 06:12 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  22. Ok, to make this clear: I never used or will ever use a cheat program for SC (like a FoW sniffer or any other program) !! You really should know this, we played enough games... I use airfleets and corps(-transports) to spot enemy units. And if you can count(every unit has a certain amount of action points), then its no problem to know where a crippled unit probably will be after you retreated it, especially if you go the direct way back... As far as I can see from this discussion, only Hombre Plin said he has a FoW sniffer (If its true, i guess he developed it himself, as he seems to have some experience with programming). From your posts I see: both you and Zapp have your informations exclusively from Hombre Plin ... I myself have no programming knowledge (I studied economics..) except for Basic and Pascal during school time, 10 years ago... Besides, I prefer to use my time to play and not to find ways how to cheat. And I play to have fun and a good game with my opponent. As I said earlier: cheating shows a very poor charakter and to win with cheating is worth nothing.
  23. Yes, its against me . But as you already said: you moved way too much forces to the west too early. I guess you wanted to get France more quickly... I have to agree with Curry and Edwin: If you have no penalty when you move everything west, then you can crush France much quicker and before Allies can put up a defence. How it is now, you have enough time to get Poland without penalty. Even if you take LC turn 2, Warsaw normally falls turn 3, latest turn 4. Then you still have 1-2 turns to hunt the remaining polish units down if necessary. Germany only gets a problem when they dont use enough forces in Poland.
  24. Hi Liam, You think AA investment is a waste and useless against Jets ? Then you never played as Allies against an opponent who developed Lv 3 Anti-Air . Jets only improves the combat values air vs air. You cant improve your attack capabilities vs ground units. To research Lv3 AA is not so expensive, 2-3 chits for 1-2 years is usually enough. Anti-air increases the damage of the attacking airfleet/bomber greatly for ALL ressources (including oil/mines) even without units standing there. And at the moment allies try to invade France, AA is deadly for them. They have to use airfleets to blow the city garrisons away. But when Germany has only an army in the city, an enemy fighter takes 4-7 strength points damage, with a tank its even worser. In the end its nearly impossible to kill an enemy unit in a city or on a ressource with airfleets. The only way is to clear the hexes around the city and take the city with ground units, which is very difficult for Allies...
  25. Alexander: You can use the arrows in the Atlantic only to transport ground units to Suez. Ships can not use the Suez canal. And its a one-way transfer. You simply have to move a transport on an arrow, then it dissappears with a message and the land unit will reappear near Suez 4 turns later. If Allies loose Suez in the meantime, the transport will return to the Atlantic some turns later, so you dont loose your units you sent via Suez, if Axis destroys the Suez transport loop.
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