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Everything posted by Terif

  1. August 9, 1942: Allies still 2 hexes away from Bordeaux - still no jets for Germany. UK corps surivives the german counterattacks. Some russian corps killed in the east - Russians retreat a bit, german armies approaching the new front. Central mine under light attacks to remove entrenchment for next turn.
  2. July 26, 1942: Axis slowly advancing in Russia - army+corps destroyed. Allies slowly advancing in France - 2 corps destroyed. 2 hexes to Bordeaux.
  3. July 12, 1942: Allies liberate France, Axis retreats to the line Bordeaux, Mountains, french mine, LC. UK built a third carrier. In Russia Axis conquers Minsk and Riga - 2 russian tanks destroyed.
  4. June 28, 1942: Riga now surounded from 4 sides and cut off - russian air retreated - only one intercept from Leningrad. Minsk entrenchment further reduced. Still no jets for Germany (5 chits). In the west Axis uses a 2-3 hexes deep corps defence line.
  5. Yep - revenge for the try to assasinate Rundstedt . After all 6 russian AFs got intercepted and some fought before too it was time to reduce their numbers somewhat, especially since Russia put its 7th AF into service. Riga from 3 sides under attack, Minsk entrenchment reduced by some initial attacks too. USA shows AT 1 in the west and conquers 2 more hexes in France.
  6. @Rambo: Yes, with RAI a lot depends on luck and this is not good for a strategy game in my opinion. Nevertheless it is no real problem to beat it if you know how, but you have to be careful not making mistakes - one misclick in turn 1/2 and you can be in trouble. @Zapp: Waiting to continue the game - ready for battle ?
  7. It was only the usual delay any aggressive french defence can cause. RAI costed Allies a lot of mpps (1:1 exchange) and a carrier - so with a corps defence Allies would have been better. Normally UK would have been dead after this mpp drain and a siege was already planed - but lv 1 and then 2 jets vs lv 0 german ones saved their butts . Now it is waiting for some jet tech to throw Allies out of France - Axis will kill some russians in the meantime... . However, game will be continued tomorrow (Sunday 10 or 11 am ?). Today no time to play.
  8. May 1942: Allies still stalled 3 hexes away from Paris and Bordeaux. Germany remains at jets 0 despite researching since ages, so no choice than to fight in the east: Chuikov HQ killed in the battle of Riga.
  9. Russian forces retreat - Kiev conquered. Allied march was a short march: stoped 3 hexes before Bordeaux by Axis corps.
  10. Russia goes all in - heavy losses for both sides, report shows balance is shifting towards Axis. For each killed axis units, 2 russians have to die . In the west Allies liberate Brussel - under axis attack now from all 4 sides.
  11. December 14, 1941: Odessa conquered, tank+army+corps destroyed, Riga tank survives at str 1. Allies kill one corps near Brussel each turn.
  12. November: UK now also shows LR 1 - Allies way superior in tech, but Axis stronger on the ground and in numbers. 3 russian armies, tank + corps killed. Portugal surrenders.
  13. October 19, 1941: Barbarossa starts - all border armies cut off or destroyed, AF reduced to str 5. Greece and Iraq surrender, Portugal survives at str 1 but will surrender next turn. Germany got LR 1 last turn, so a weak AF in the rear intercepted and got destroyed with max damage. Still 3 AFs in the west, allied transports move away from the LC/german coast. UK used all mpps for battles but is already at lv 2 jets, Germany researching since a year and no tech besides LR 1.
  14. August 1941: Sweden, Alexandria and Gibraltar conquered a while ago - Axis preparing for Barbarossa. Allies used most of their mpps for fightings, so Axis decides to defend in the west.
  15. June 1941: Spain + Yugoslavia converted, all minors joined. Sweden under attack, Alexandria will fall next turn. Russian readiness 5% above average via DoWs, USA 15% above average - USA already joins.
  16. January 1941 - Suez axis, Alexandria under attack from both sides. Malta conquered. Like expected Allies try to interfere the Norway invasion - so there are no transports and the british fleet moves into the trap. Several german AFs launch their fighters: Nelson battleship destroyed.
  17. October 13, 1940: France surrenders - Allies used every unit in France, so there are no refugees in England now. Only one str 1 UK corps near Brest left from the expedition forces. Italian forces land and bombard aroung Suez - defender reduced to str 5, should fall next turn. Ground losses during France: Allies 20 units vs Germany 2 corps.
  18. Hmm...Zapp is checking every unit for its combat results and now the manual how much supply Maginot gives...watching TV during this time....
  19. June 16, 1940: French mine survived the first time at str 1 (5 air+ 1 army attacks), but now german forces are standing near Paris. 2 hexes to the french capitol.
  20. Axis turn 6: Ardennes conquered, UK still forcing intercepts each turn and sacrificing their mpps German forces on the usual way to Paris, no ground or air losses for Germany so far, 5 AFs in service.
  21. Axis turn 5: - Denmark surrenders. After 2 DoWs russian readiness is at 43 %, USA 19%. - Germany looses all 4 ships left, they delivered a good battle with much higher losses for Allies - Ardennes under attack but holds
  22. Axis turn 4: - Munich liberated - Germany looses its first unit: cruiser lost - Allies loose Resolution in return, Nelson and Valiant both reduced to str 7
  23. Axis turn 3: - the last polish unit surrenders, Munich reduced to str 4 - still no Axis losses so far..in contrary to Allies: - carrier sunk near Denmark, Hood cruiser sunk in the Atlantic, Royal Oak at str 6, Resolution str 2.
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