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Everything posted by Terif

  1. In the east, Russia is doomed. West: Allies attack with everything they have left and kill 2 german AFs during the last turns. All carriers heavily damaged, UK battleship sunk by an italian cruiser. US army destroyed, another one cut off, several axis units break through to the US HQ... Allies surrender unconditionally .
  2. July 12, 1942: - russian defence lines have broken...Leningrad conquered, northern Russia open. Only 3 russian armies, one tank and around 10 corps left. Soon Russia will own more HQs than ground units... . Russian AFs retreat since there are not enough ground units left to protect them against the advancing german tanks... West: Italian sub lost - the remaining 2 italian ships retreat, UK battleship survives the german airstrikes - again AF-carrier battles. Germany researches Jets 2.
  3. June 28, 1942: - another german army lost in the killing fields/mines. Russian AF killed by an intercepting german air...russian army killed north of Smolensk. Russia uses HQs to block Axis forces. 3 german tanks damage Chuikov and another HQ heavily. Russia at AT lv 3. West: - 2 italian ships lost, UK ship killed in return. All 3 carriers in the middle of the battle since 2 turns - taking damages. England obviously reinforced all damaged ships from the 1st french campaign. The last 3 allied armies in Brest barely survive this turn at str 3-5.
  4. June 14, 1942: - Heavy battles for the russian mine near Sevastopol. Russian AFs kill the occupying german army. In return Axis kills the russian army that liberated the mine and reconquer it . - Leningrad in the north gets surounded, russian forces defend in the open terrain near Smolensk and suffer heavy losses. - russia developed AT 2 West: The last battle has begun...US forces return together with a HQ, allied ships move south to bombard axis forces near Bordeaux - and disvover the italian fleet . A huge naval battle starts: 2 full strength allied ships destroyed. US armies at Brest under pressure...shells raining down on them every day and night. Additional german air sent to help in the battle .
  5. May 17, 1942: - Russian forces in the south retreat behind the river. Sevastopol siege successful: fortress conquered. - near Leningrad russian corps and a tank destroyed, russian soldiers in panic, trying to escape the slaughter... West: Only 1-2 corps lost each turn to the allied air bombardement. Now german forces start an offensive to liberate the last territories near Brest: US army destroyed, another one heavily damaged. Last call to get an evacuation transport... . Germany reaches AT 3 - still no air tech except one jet level. Allied air superior in Tech and numbers: 16 allied AFs + 3 carriers vs 9 german AF.
  6. April 19, 1942: - Russia starts a full offensive in southern and middle Russia with a dozen tanks+armies. 9 AFs positioned near Kharkov kill an italian corps protecting the supply lines to Sevastopol. Heavy battles, russian corps killed, supply lines reestablished. - 2 russian armies and a corps killed near Minsk/Leningrad. German tanks and corps move fast deep into enemy territory and cut of a russian tank and 3 corps near the swamps of Riga. West: Heavy airbattles continue, allied forces seem to evacuate from Brest.
  7. March 22, 1942: - Sevastopol under attack by 2 armies and a tank. Russian mine in the vicinity conquered. Russian army near Minsk survives at str 1 - german army exposed to a potential counterattack. - Heavy airbattles in France, US ground troops retreat towards Brest to consolidate their lines.
  8. February 8, 1942: - Riga conquered, mine near Sevastopol under attack. Strong russian forces behind all rivers, airbattles in southern Russia. Russia shows AT lv 1. - US army in France destroyed, another one heavily damaged. Additional german air arrives in southern France to support the defenders - intensity of the airbattles increases.
  9. December 14, 1941: German scientists discover their first jet tech. Russia built 9 AFs, USA 3, UK 4. Germany at 9 AFs. Due to the huge amount of russian mpps spent for air, it is very weak on the ground. Odessa, Kiev and Minsk captured. Riga survives at str 1 - will fall next turn after additional air moves closer. Airbattles in the west - US army transport under attack.
  10. November 16, 1941: Barbarossa starts relatively weak since a lot of units are still in Yugoslavia and Germany has neither LR nor jets. So a tank and 2 russian AFs survive the initial attack. Portugal surrenders, Greece continues fighting without capital, Baghdad under siege. US transports outside Brest. Airbattles between several allied-german AFs over France.
  11. October 19, 1941: Yugoslavia surrenders, but too late to use the plunder or units for Barbarossa: Russia prepares for war.
  12. October 1941: Finally Yugoslavia coups - 2 turns before Barbarossa. UK shows jets 1 additional to their LR and trains at Brussel - Axis still researched no tech advances except AT 1 for Germany.
  13. May 1941: Hungary joins, Spain will be conquered in 2 turns. UK corps transport outside Bergen sunk by several german AFs.
  14. March 1941: 4 allied corps destroyed in Egypt. Beirut, Suez and Alexandria conquered. No german air needed for the campaign . Romania already joined, Hungary still missing - so Spain has to wait.
  15. August/September 1940: Norway, Vichy and Sweden converted. RAF already shows LR 1 during the attack at Bergen. Italians land near Alexandria, shore bombardments support the ground troops.
  16. France surrenders July 14, 1940. Some UK corps escaped, but the majority of the british fleet had been transformed into artificial reefs . Only the tank in LC lost and one corps - no further losses for Germany despite the aggressive french defence. Ireland abandoned and conquered by England.
  17. Rambo is Allies with bid 235 in 1:5:30. - No polish breakthrough - LC survived 6 attacks in turn 2 at str 1, no luck in the following turns too, nevertheless it finally fell in turn 5. - in the meantime Allies killed the german tank south of Brussel with only 3 attacks and nearly the army east of it too. - 2 UK armies turn 2 + fr HQ used - LC corps occupied Kiel + a french corps the german mine for some turns until they got destroyed. - So Germany concentrated east first: Poland and Denmark surrendered turn 3 - 2 new AFs built, LC conquered with these additional forces. After this it went fast: both UK armies and a french one destroyed, blood hex conquered. Allies destroyed a last corps there with a kamikaze attack...loosing 3 french armies in the counter, german tank only 2 hexes away from Paris. Next turn Allies retreted to Paris but left their HQ + corps in Maginot. Billote got destroyed by tank + 4 german armies. June 1940: German forces near Paris. Battle of the Atlantic: since France disbanded 2 battleships, a cruiser at str 3 and 2 UK battleships at str 6, Germany decides to throw its navy into the battle: The last 2 french ships got sunk outside LC, together with 4 UK ships...the surviving UK ships more or less heavily damaged. No german naval losses at this battle so far . [ April 23, 2005, 07:22 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  18. It rounds mathematical correct (not 1.1 = 1 ), so it is: 0.5-1.49 i.e. it rounds to 1 1.5-2.49 = 2 etc. And yes, terrain is very important for a defender. That´s why as Russia you should never defend in open terrain, but entrench behind rivers and marshes, in cities, forests and mountains. Entrenchment is good, but since it is removed after the first attacks, terrain bonus is better .
  19. Combat formulas take many factors into account (i.e. experience, attack and defence types, defensive bonuses, entrenchment, HQ ratings, rivers etc). After all calculations have been done, it is rounded up to the next whole number and displayed as expected combat results before you attack. After that - in the real combat - there is a +/- 1 point variation thrown into the mix to add some randomness to the battle. Since it is rounded at the end of the calculations, small amounts of readiness/strength etc. make either no difference or a full point difference, there´s nothing between.
  20. Yes, there can be a slight difference: If you move before attacking, then HQ supported land units loose 0-7% readiness (how much they loose depends on from which HQ they are supported). So their attack is weaker (0-7%) if they move before attacking. Unsupported units don´t loose readiness, so for them it makes no difference if you first move before the attack or not.
  21. So I will help with the numbers : - combat units collect experience by battles indepent of the result: 0.2 exp as attacker 0.1 exp as defender 0.3 if it kills an enemy unit - HQ´s collect 0.1 exp if a unit under its command either 1. during attack: does more damage than it takes, 2. during defence: does more or the same damage to the enemy than it suffered. Otherwise the HQ looses 0.1 exp - i.e. here it depends on the battle result if a HQ gains or looses exp. - HQ experience increases the readiness of the units under its command: Readiness = (supply + strength + command rating + HQ experience) / 3 - combat unit experience increases its defence and attack values by exp/2 + decreases its losses - each medal is one point exp, max exp is 4 (so e.g. a corps without exp has an attack value of 2, a corps with 4 medals has an attack value of 2+4/2 = 4) - if a unit reinforces, then it looses experience according to the amount (e.g. a str 9 unit that reinforces to str 10 losses 10% of its exp, from str 6->10 -> 40% etc..). HQs only loose exp if they are damaged themselves and reinforce - but they don´t loose exp if units under their command reinforce. Therefore HQs usually only can collect experience and will sooner or later reach 4 medals. - the medals shown on the screen only roughly represent graphically the units experience. Internally it will be calculated exactly. Therefore you e.g. can not see an experience of 0.1 in the graphic, but it is still there and used in the calculations. Therefore it makes no sense to only reinforce to the point before the medal is reduced to keep the experience (like some players think ) - this is only a not exact graphical representation, but internally the exact number is saved. To answer your questions directly: 1) combat units can increase their combat values by max 2 via experience - therefore exp is very valuable for units with a low attack value (e.g. ships/carriers bombarding ground units start with an attack value of 1 and can tripple it by exp to 3 - for armies on the other side exp is not that important since they already have an attack value of 4) Each medal HQ experience increases readiness by 3.33%, i.e. the overall combat effectiveness can be increased by 13.33% points with a full experienced HQ. 2) simply to take part in many battles, preferable in battles against weak enemy units where they don´t take much losses + the units used to do the final strike gain 0.3 extra exp points. 3) yes, they gain 0.1 exp points 4) they always loose exp - but sometimes you can´t see it since the graphic only shows 0.2-0.3 steps. But internally the correct numbers are saved. 5) This is not correct, from reinforcements commanders only loose exp if they reinforce themselves - not if units under their command reinforce (but if units under command loose their battles, then the HQ exp is reduced – has nothing to do with reinforcements). So to avoid that commanders loose exp: never place them too close to the front where the enemy can attack and damage them . [ April 08, 2005, 06:34 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  22. For informations about the siberian transfer process read e.g.: - Siberian Transfer help - siberian army To answer your questions in short: 1) there is no randomness, transfer is quaranteed if certain parameters are fullfiled 2) No 3) No 4) The ratio is based on strenght, unit type (e.g. tanks count more than corps etc.), supply and other factors - so you can´t calculate it on the battlefield. But as a rule of thumbs you can say if Axis is ~1.5 : 1 superior vs Russia in the report screen Siberians will most likely transfer.
  23. June 30, 1940: France surrenders, Allies evacuated a dozen corps and probably the french HQ. Naval battle in the Med: Several UK cruisers/battleships together with 2 french ships attack the italian fleet, carrier attacking Sicily. Germany operates Manstein with 3 AFs to Sicily. Hood and Gloucester cruiser reduced to str 4/7. Royal Oak with str 4 spotted by an italian corps transport...no unit losses for both sides so far.
  24. June 16, 1940: Paris entrenchment reduced to 0, Allies started evacuation, France will fall next turn. Marseilles occupied. Ireland corps goes on kamikaze mission and will surrender next turn too. UK battleship bombarding the german forces under air attack, reduced to str 2 - UK air intercepting. Algier corps transport near Bari sunk by italian naval forces. Allied task force spotted near Malta.
  25. May 26, 1940: German tanks reach the outskirts of Paris, Italy joins.
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