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Everything posted by Terif

  1. And Allies continue fighting : June 1942: - Russia launches an offensive in middle Russia near Smolensk: 1 german tank killed. Axis take revenge and kill 3 russian tanks, 2 armies, 1 corps and an AF in return . - another offensive in Iraq supported by 6 russian AFs, german corps lost, reinforcements on the way. West: -US forces slowly approaching Bordeaux, one US corps killed that moved too fast into axis territory, UK corps near Paris cut off from all 6 sides and reduced to str 5. Montgomery is leading the UK forces in LC (army + several corps). UK corps took Kiel port for one turn but got destroyed now - In the USA 6+ allied battleships arrive, Italy retreats its navy but looses a corps transport during retreat. USA builds armies/corps around Washington to fight against the italian forces at Portsmouth, an AF from europe operates back.
  2. - Swedish corps destroyed, both remaining armies heavily damaged. Sweden will fall next turn - Alexandria under attack, UK army next to it barely survives the air, ground and naval bombardements
  3. - Canadians leave Greece to fight another day, only the last greek corps defends its country with entrenchment 6 in Athens - Spain reinforced, german army without supply that landed west of Bilbao under attack
  4. July 28, 1940: - Sweden DoWed, 2 german armies + 3 corps enter the country and destroy the swedish air. Naval and air bombardements support the invasion. - preparations for the african campaign
  5. July 14, 1940: - Axis land heavy ground forces in Italy after battleships and bombers reduced Athens entrenchment. Athen conquered, Greece surrenders. - italian reinforcements land in Tobruk, transports move into position for the african campaign - UK WDT tank transport and Wavell transport spotted outside Tobruk (what are they doing in transports !?)...a german sub is curious and wants to ask the tank transport why it is swimming there, unfortunately its commander got panic and sunk its (str 4) boats when he saw the sub approaching . After this reaction an italian battleship held the right security distance to avoid the same accident with the HQ transport .
  6. July 21, 1940: Brest and Sicily will be defended till the last man...all boats have been burned . Italian scout (corps) killed near Athen by greek and canadian armies.
  7. April 14, 1942: East: - 4 russian corps killed, Minsk conquered, no enemy AFs any more in the area - all air seems to be in Caucasus, attacking axis units in Iraq, tank + corps move into axis territory. West: Italy launches a massive offensive against North America: strong forces land in Canada and conquer the country (including both cities). In southern USA additional forces land and surprise a full strength UK cruiser in port. Together with 3 italian battleships and a sub it gets destroyed. Portsmouth port conquered and immediately used to land further reinforcements...Portsmouth conquered too. USA seems to be empty and not defended. More axis transports on the way to the promised land... After this blow and before Axis were able to move their pieces in France Allied commander "has to go" - saved. To be continued or is it the silence before surrendering ? Allies are superior in the air (13 allied AFs + 3 carriers vs only 7 german AFs), but have only a few ground units. Axis superior in unit numbers and mpps/turn. Resistance in Russia seems to be broken. The next turns Allies will be busy now in America to defend/reconquer their homeland .
  8. March 22, 1942: East: - Russia attacks near Minsk and kill a german tank. Russian tank, army and 2 corps killed as retaliation. - russian corps transport used to spot the german sub so the russian cruiser was able to destroy the str 2 german cruiser. Russian cruiser + transport sunk in return. - Bulgaria liberated - some russian AFs attack Iraq, russian tank spotted at the border. West: - french mine reconquered, fighings in the Brest-Paris area (Germany usually loose 2-3 corps/turn, heavy damages for the US armies).
  9. November 16, 1941 Barbarossa started. UK + USA at jets 2, Germany only got jets 1 the turn before Barbarossa - so Axis uses corps defence in France. USA built only air and is lacking HQ support (probably only Eisenhower built), but also researched already AT 1. Russia also built a lot of air (7 in service now). Half a dozen russian corps destroyed each turn - Kiev conquered. German forces counter in France with corps: French mine under attack, US army near Brest survives at str 1.
  10. July 7, 1940: Allied ships move out of range of the german AF near Bari. Germany built 2 additional AFs with the french plunder, additional air in Italy expected soon. Allies preparing defences of Sicily and Greece.
  11. June 30, 1940: - Norway conquered - UK corps in Greece destroyed by air-land-sea attacks. Athen under attack - Brest abandoned by Allies, ocupied
  12. June 23, 1940: Tobruk and Sicily conquered. Allies abandoned Bordeaux, Brest allied.
  13. June 16, 1940: Not much news...italian forces preparing to invade Greece, transports at the coast. Sub in the Atlantic will be lost next axis turn, UK battleship reduced to str 4, UK sub that run into the german sub last turn: down to str 3.
  14. June 22, 1941: Yugoslavia + Spain surrender, Gibraltar next. Gibraltar falls 2 turns later (was not entrenched). Preparing for Barbarossa. USA joins. [ January 02, 2005, 05:14 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  15. June 6, 1941: - Hungary joins, Spain attacked - Belgrade survives at str 1, will fall next turn - Bergen abandoned by Allies and occupied some turns ago - Bulgaria joins end of the turn
  16. Yep - this time Allies were lucky in LC and it survived in turn 2 all german attacks (5x minimum damage, 1x average), but got conquered the next turn. Since Allies attacked again aggressively in France and bought a french HQ, France fell early despite the failed LC. But since Germany moved forward cautiously, not too early - on the other side Germany had no losses until the fall of France. Paris fell when Germany was able to strike with 5 AFs + 2 armies at the not fully entrenched garrison (sorry, was not at entrenchment 6 and Germany had another AF in reserve, so there was not much doubt it would fall ). Allies evacuated too late and lost french HQ + army in Brest. - April 13, 1941: collecting minors, Egypt already conquered and cleared, only Romania joined so far, Yugo couped early. Brest german, Bergen allied but under attack, will fall in 1-2 turns.
  17. June 9, 1940: - The last defender in Paris attacks and reduces german 10th army to str 4, France will fall next axis turn - suicide attacks by the french ships: german sub near Denmark damaged, but not enough to finish it off with UK ships, so they retreat to Scapa Flow. Italian battleship in Bari port destroyed (UK corps landed to attack it in port), Vittorio BB in Triest at str 5. Only 4 heavily damaged (max str 4)french ships survived the kamikaze orders . - Tobruk garrison attacked from all 4 sides and reduced to str 1. Sicily under carrier and battleship attacks.
  18. May 26, 1940: - AF in Malta (str 4) is spotting the german air armada in Sicily, despite this information Allies move a battleship and Glorious carrier in range. Both get sunk north of Algier by 3 AFs + 1 bomber. - Greek army south of Albania attacked by some italian battleships, Tobruk garrison receives reinforcements by a new italian army: UK desert tank reduced to str 4. - near Denmark UK´s Sargo sub is a good diver and survives 5 air/naval attacks at str 1. - Brest still allied held, but under german attack.
  19. - A unit attacking from a marsh hex gets a 50% penalty (same as attacking from rivers). So if possible this should be avoided (only useful to reduce enemy entrenchment, but costly). - A defender in marshes gets + 2 ground defence bonus (i.e. reduces the damage for the defender). - So Russia can use it similar to rivers: entrench a unit behind the marsh in open terrain and it is well protected against enemy attacks from the swamp - You can also place units in the swamp for defence purposes (against ground attacks it is protected like a unit in open terrain with entrenchment 2), but since it is not protected against air attacks there, a position behind the swamp is better for defence + you can attack an enemy unit in the swamp if necessary.
  20. May 12, 1940 (Allies T 8): - UK units in France retreat to ports, 4 french units defend Paris and build a straight line from the channel south. Paris fully entrenched, should survive one more turn since only 1 german AF in range - bomber also too far away and used for ship hunting. - The last french ships go on kamikaze mode ...3 of them sacrificed to damage the italian ships in port and to spot the german sub near Denmark, both german subs heavily damaged (str 2 + 6), Prinz Eugen down to str 5. - french Beirut corps land near Bari, cut off Sicilys supply and damages the battleship in port. - Tripoli empty and occupied - italian army near Tobruk destroyed by a combined land-sea-air operation (UK + greek army landed),Tobruk under heavy attacks, UK transports around the italian mainland. Greek army again reduces the italian defenders in Albania.
  21. April 28, 1940: - reorganizing the victorious german troops... - Manstein + 3 AFs operate to Sicily, Italian battleships reinforce for the oncoming battle.. - UK transport west of Tobruk, the defender orders an additional supply convoi via port for its attack against the british 8th army: reduced to str 2. Fresh troops from Tripoli (army) sent to Tobruk.
  22. Allies turn 7: Prinz Eugen escaped at str 6, but 2 more german subs are at the bottom of the sea, another sub damaged . Now it is also clear why Germany only has 3 AFs: most of its mpps had been used to reinforce the understrength (originally 4,4,6,8) subs to full strength, costs around 468 mpps - so these mpps are missing in the french campaign . In France the scouting tank that moved too far away from its own troops gets destroyed by several french armies, defence line set up again. Time for some action in the Med: During the last turns Allies prepared a preemptive strike against Italy - that´s why readiness was rising again (Allies have to use the french ships before they will surrender when Paris falls): Allies DoW Italy. A surprise attack by the french navy destroyed cruiser, sub and a battleship, second battleship reduced to str 6 in port - only one UK ship will have to die next turn for this operation . Several army and corps transports standing at the italian costs - landing not allowed this turn, but in the following one. A greek army bravely attacks Albania. Losses so far: Germany: 7 subs, 3 ships.....(2 subs, 3 ships left) Italy: 1 sub, 2 ships............(2 ships left) France: 2 ships...................(5 subs, 4 ships left) UK: 2 subs, 4 ships.............(1 sub, 17 ships left) [ December 31, 2004, 02:38 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  23. March 31, 1940 (Axis T 7): German bombers fly the first attack wave to reduce entrenchment of Paris, 2 AFs following. 3 ground attacks finally removed the surviving defenders of the firestorm. France surrenders. The 3 remaining AFs attack the british ships in the channel, killing one of them. Near Albania 2 additional UK ships get sunk. Total naval losses so far: Germany: 3 subs, 1 cruiser........(6 subs, 5 ships left) Italy: 1 cruiser.........................(1 sub, 3 ships left) France: 3 ships........................(the remaining 8 units surrender) UK: 7 ships.............................(14 left + 3 subs) [ December 31, 2004, 02:35 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  24. Allies turn 6: Also not enough ground units left, so 1 exposed hex has to be left empty at the front, otherwise defence line in good shape. Around London the victorious combined french-british fleet returns from the sub hunt. Over a dozen experienced battleship and cruiser divisions arrive: German ship destroyed, another one + sub surounded and heavily damaged, the str 3 UK sub went on a last suicide mission and sacrificed its live for the queeen .
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