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Everything posted by Terif

  1. March 31, 1940: Ardennes conquered and the french hex next to it. No further losses for Germany until now - french HQ defence. Slowly approaching Paris
  2. Turn 4 LC finally surrenders, Denmark survives at str 1. Both subs sunk in the Atlantic, but Royal Oak battleship got some hits: reduced to str 4.
  3. DalmatiaPartisan gets Allies with Bid 250 in 1:5:30. In the first turns luck is with him: - polish breakthrough fails - LC fails (success rate usually around 97%...4x minimum damage) - german tank destroyed by 3 french armies (all maximum damage) - in the next turn LC survives again at str 1, the last 2 heavily damaged polish units surrender.
  4. In a normal game with a moving front in the east, Germany will only get perhaps half a dozen high experienced units with 2-3 medals and a lot 1-2 medal units. But in a long game with trench warfare or at least a passive corps defence in the east, Germany can get more and higher experienced units. Especially if he has str 13/14 units, cause then it is easier to gain/keep the experience. So if your opponent was not rushing through Russia, his main forces can have full power and (nearly) max experience if the game is already in perhaps 1944/45 or later. The later in the game it is, the more and higher experienced units both sides can have.
  5. Copy it into Strategic Command -> campaigns Then you can load and play it like any other campaign .
  6. January 11, 1942: - german tank next to Riga removed...2 enemy units around Riga now.. - Germany got jets 1, Russia at lv 0, UK discovered lv 3 last turn. All german air still in Russia - one italian corps killed in France, seems italian birth rate needs to be increased...only 1 italian left within range...british pilots demanding for more targets. - UK forces entering Spain, approaching Bilbao - US readiness at 80%
  7. November 30, 1941: - Tirpitz battleship sunk during the bombardement of Riga, no german navy any more - Bulgarian army near Sewastopol eliminated by a combined UK/russian task force of corps, army and tank. - Italians need some more childrens... 2 corps bite the dust in France, Bordeaux conquered. Bilbao reduced to str 1.
  8. Yes, Allies should not need a bid. An experienced german player will have no problems to conquer France (additional HQ, AF, army etc). But longterm Allies have a very strong position. With their larger fleet they can start own operations and keep naval superiority. Iraq already belongs to them and with their Med task force they can conquer Tobruk and then should be able to hold Egypt/Iraq. Russia and USA are also a lot stronger, especially tech wise (IT 5, AT, HT..more chits).
  9. Hi Curry, I guess this is Amona´s Fall Weiss mod 2. You can download it at Panzerliga (ATM the 5th scenario at the scenario page): Panzerliga-scenarios or via Direct link to the file This scenario is balanced for veteran players and gives Allies more options. Logically new/unexperienced players have no chance as Axis - so for a balanced game with this scenario, both players need some experience.
  10. The Axis accepted the Queens offer and built a large european-asian nation together with the conquered Russia. The population now was able to worship the holy monkeys on monkey island. The ape project improved the monkeys genetically so they were able to fit the expectations and to lead mankind into a better future. After some generations whole earth succumbed to their holy crusader armies. 100 years later, the apes built the holy monkey nation at the planet of the apes. ... and they lived happily ever after.
  11. November 2, 1941: - italian corps near Paris killed, Bordeaux from 3 sides under attack and bombarded by 4 carriers: survives at str 1 - german army near Riga reduced to str 4 as retaliation for the destruction of a russian cruiser in Riga port last turn - demilitarised zone in the southern part of Russia establised: after their successful operation in enemy territories, allied forces move back into defensive positions behind the river
  12. October 5, 1941: - carrier+AF training in France. Without USA in the war (readiness 68%), Allies are lacking ground units in France, so they can´t advance at the moment Mass destruction in Russia: - corps in front of Riga killed - Bulgarian str 2 army moved south but was still placed at the front...so UK and russian forces destroy it and damage Rundstedt HQ in the rear. - around the central mine a huge battle accompanied by airbattles (both Germany + Russia lv 0 jets) starts: german tank and army destroyed, another army reduced to str 4.
  13. September 21, 1941: - Iraq and Spain surrender, Portugal under attack, will fall in 1-2 turns Russia: - russian forces only temporarily broke into the encircled area. 3 corps and a tank killed, Minsk conquered. 2 last corps traped again SE of Minsk. Another bag built in the swamps east of Riga: 2 more russian corps cut off and surounded. - russian forces retreat from Finland, 2 cruisers were bombarding the city, one of them got destroyed by air and naval attacks. England: - foxes are shooting back and damage a red skinned hunter in the scotish mountains - large naval battle south of Ireland: 2 allied battleships and Furious carrier sunk - report shows: only 2 allied carriers left of the allied naval forces. No ships, no subs any more (except if USA built new ones..) [ January 24, 2005, 01:55 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  14. August 31, 1941: East: - no russian troops in front of Helsinki any more...the str 4 army got killed by german reinforcements, arriving in Finland. - Iraq surounded from all 6 sides - cut off Riga tank destroyed, city conquered - 2 corps near Minsk and Kharkov killed, 4 german tanks move fast forward and together with other axis forces suround the Minsk area. Tank + 3 corps trapped in the encircled area without hope to escape any more West: - US battleship sunk, the second one reduced to str 2. UK carriers revealed LR 2 during their attack. Edinbourgh corps under attack and reduced to str 4. - Madrid conquered, Valencia cleared...Spain continues fighting. After the search for the holy monkeys was unsuccessful, some of the strange naked creatures found instead, were put into zoos. - italian reinforcements arrive in Scotland: scotish highlanders welcome them and join into their mission to stop these barbaric rituals of hunting poor, inocent creatures - firearms got delivered, so they are now able to shot back...
  15. September 7, 1941: - Minsk is lost, attacking russian tank did not enough damage, so the counter got cancelled and the corps north of the city reinforced. - the bulgarian army in front of the central russian mine survives 3 tank attacks also at str 2. - last finsih unit destroyed, Finland surrenders - Russian Vodka tastes excellent, so some more UK units wants to go to Russia. But first they have to liberate France...Spanish supply cut off between Bordeaux and Paris. Carriers, UK air and 4 ships training at some italian corps. [ January 23, 2005, 04:35 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  16. No scenario can be balanced for all experience levels, so IMHO a scenario needs a basic play balance and then both players have to use the right bid to balance it according to their own skill levels. Version 3.0 was well balanced when the players choose an appropriate bid - only the naval warfare needed perhaps some tweakings (was in favour of Axis). Version 4.0 now is strongly in favour of Allies. How it is now, I would not bid to get Axis, but to play Allies . ATM Axis have nearly no chance to win if the allied player has a bit experience. I guess this is an overreaction to our current test game (V3.0) where his Allies are hopeless - but the other side doesn´t look better . There is a huge skill difference that explains the hopeless allied situation, but between 2 equal players it would have been most probably be a balanced game - concerning balance, version 3.0 was the better version. Historical accuracy is a different thing.
  17. August 24, 1941: - 2 damaged german corps in front of Riga and Minsk killed. - Helsinki corps destroyed, city empty but no unit in reach, will be occupied next turn - carriers bombarding Bordeaux, ships bombarding Bilbao, ground forces moving towards the heart of France. German tank operated to Paris.
  18. August 17, 1941: West: - the 4 remaing axis corps in England arrive at their defence positions at the beaches and in the mountains now, german air from France provides air cover. - Spain and Portugal supported Monkey Island, so Axis had no choice than to DoW them and kill a spanish army. Now the Holy Grail is in reach: a Bulgarian army lands near Gibraltar and kills the defending AF there - Monkey Island is near and undefended now, greedy bulgarian eyes start glancing. East: - Iraq DoWed, 6 axis units march towards Baghdad, defender reduced to str 2 In Russia axis forces start the Blitzkrieg: - Corps SE of Riga killed, tanks move through the gap, cut off the tank in the city and suround it from all 4 sides. - Kiev is attacked by 3 armies + air. Russian defending tank destroyed, german tanks/corps make the breakthrough, kill another corps and occupy the central russian mine. - corps near Minsk killed, axis forces bypass the city, march towards Smolensk, cut Minsk off from supply and build a second pocket.
  19. August 10, 1941: - Brest conquered, 2 axis corps destroyed in the process - Kiev abandoned, defence line established behind the southern river. Wavel HQ and 5 UK armies/tanks/corps defend the middle part of the line, fighting side by side with their russian brothers. Riga and Minsk fortified, northern defence lines behind the rivers/swamps - Finish army destroyed, russian forces move deep into Finland
  20. August 3, 1941: - since Vichy has a chance to survive when Russia entered the war and can continue fighting even when loosing both capitals, Axis prefered to leave no survivors that could be able to fight on - Sealion postponed, the remaining special commandos in Great Britain retreat to the landing sites and towards the scotish mountains. - Preparations for Spain and Iraq - USA joins the war Russia: - Odessa conquered, Riga under attack. 2 new built russian corps killed. The landed russian army in Finland behind the lines got reduced to str 5.
  21. July 20, 1941: - Axis conquers Vichy - Since we are playing with historical settings, Spain will not join during a Sealion, so Axis have to conquer it too, preparations on the way - Barbarossa starts: All 9 border armies cut off or destroyed, Odessa surounded, 1 tank + 1 AF killed, the other tank survives at str 2. Finland joins Axis. - The usual coastal bombardements in England, reinforcements land, London under attack from 3 sides but holds, german forces near Manchester. Subs still raiding 45mpps/turn. - USA will enter the war next turn
  22. July 27, 1941: - Odessa army evacuated, 3 other armies in the north have a small chance to survive, german tank cut off. - England starts an offensive in France. Germany moved its 2 AFs there into open terrain in middle France. 3 AFs and the carriers make short process with them: both AFs shot down - Finland joined Axis, russian cruisers bombarding Helsinki.
  23. July 6, 1941: - Russia prepares for war, Barbarossa will start next turn. Preparations to bring in the remaining neutrals... - only some coast bombardements in England, subs raiding the max of 40 mpps in the north and 5 in the Med. - Gibraltar port reduced to zero, italian battleship moves through the strait and sends some iron greetings to the str 3 AF on the rock. A task force prepares to capture the 12 monkeys.
  24. July 13, 1941: - Russia is preparing for war, Barbarossa has to start next turn - UK air from Africa operates back to England, all 4 carriers + battleship bombard Brest, transport approaching the city. - Germany still has 2 AFs in the west (Paris+Brussel) and 1 AF+Bomber+HQ in Sicily. So Barbarossa will be lacking air support (7 german air in service, so max 3 against Russia)
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