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Everything posted by Terif

  1. July 27, 1941: USA 69%, Russia 82% - Alexandria still defended by Allies.
  2. June/Juli 1941: Axis takes Bergen and Brest. Alexandria still allied and under siege.
  3. March 30, 1941: Island overcrowded...more troops from France arrive - Montgomery and a UK army set sail from Bordeaux. Last UK forces operate to Brest. Paris will fall next turn.
  4. March 2, 1941: Welcome party for Billote and his rescued troops in England. 4 corps left around Paris, 2 more operated to ports.
  5. February 1941: Time for evacuation procedure, HQs and troops operating/moving to ports - only 8 corps left for defence around Paris.
  6. November 24, 1940: Germany owns one french hex, Allies one LC hex. To cover the open hexes 3 french corps from the Mareilles area have to operate north, 1 corps remains to defend the city.
  7. October 27, 1940: Allies still hold 2 hexes in LC, no airbattles any more since UK is now building corps to defend the space between Paris and LC.
  8. August 18, 1940: Luck is in this game again with Zapp, a str 6 UK AF takes max damage in both battles (vs AF+Korps) and gets destroyed. But here it doesn´t matter any more since Axis is doomed in the long run anyway. German corps destroyed, defence line reestablished again. UK ships return to bombarding, some carriers training in Norway at a german army...
  9. This time only a short phone call . August 4, 1940: No allied losses this turn except the last french ship - Germany concentrates all firepower against the allied navy. UK retreats its ships to keep them against a very likely sealion.
  10. July 21, 1940: Still no axis forces across the river. German AFs attacking allied ships like every turn, next turn the last french ship will die - all UK ships heavily damaged in the meantime, but it costs Axis time and mpps. Zapp gets a phone call...
  11. July 7, 1941: This time Germany moved a corps accross the river - and lost it. Defence line reestablished.
  12. June 1940: German corps killed that moved onto the river - airstrike against Billote HQ, UK air under Montgomery moves closer to Paris to stay out of enemy range. Axis attacks Sweden: USA 35%, Russia 69%
  13. In the long run it doesn´t matter - attacking the own minors increased russian readiness too much so Axis has no chance later even if they get France. USA: 17%, Russia 63% - End of April 1940.
  14. Scharnhorst Cruiser sunk near Norway - UK bought its 3rd AF, the other 2 in action over Germany. Carrier can train without enemy resistance.
  15. Allies take LC - the fate of Axis is sealed with no units in the west. Now it is only a question of time.
  16. Seems Zapp already surrendered after he needed 2 AFs to kill the polish corps in the north...no units operated west, Allies prepare LC gambit to finish it fast...
  17. - If the enemy has AT lv 2+, then you should better not attack his units with tanks any more. But still tanks are very useful for a Blitzkrieg style battle (surounding+cutting of enemy troops) or to make breakthroughs and defend them. In the defence tanks are still very powerful. - I sometimes use rockets, not so often any more with the 1:5:30 bid system like earlier, but sometimes. Precondition is that France falls not too late so you have enough time for research and you need a bit of luck for them . You can e.g. try to invest 2-3 chits first and if you have luck and get lv 3 rockets you can go for them but still have other options.
  18. - Swiss has no cities and therefore has no supply in any turn - If someone does a LC turn 1 gambit in PBEM, then you can be pretty sure he reloaded or at least intended to reload in case it would fail. Chances to fail are too high in comparison with the potential gain - in TCP only a foul or suicider will do it, in PBEM usually reloaders will do it - If Allies fail to get LC, then italian readiness will still increase if Germany places a unit near Brussel and Maginot. Together with the delayed allied war entries the end for Allies is guaranteed. - Against the AI or even against unexperienced/uncautious human players a LC gambit (turn 2) is perfect to kill them fast if you want to play this way, but not against a good axis player.
  19. Yep - if I would have lost it because of a good opponent... but this is my first game lost only to tech and other luck factors...
  20. September 19, 1943: Now also Russia developed Jets 3...unbelievable...Germany with its 5 chits still at lv 2... Against such a technical superiority Germany has no chance any more and surrenders. Most of its ground forces still in good shape, but now outnumbered, outproduced and without any chance in any airfight both in east and west there is no hope any more. Time for the next war where techs and luck will hopefully be distributed a bit more even...
  21. August 29, 1943: Russian air moves to Voronezh - german air retreats a bit to not be destroyed in direct attacks. 2 russian armies heavily damaged but survive. In the west the 4 star UK carriers from Norway arrive near Kiel for the battle around Berlin and turn the tide for Allies. Now additionally to USA also UK shows Jets lv 3...Germany still researching with 5 Jet-chits + catch-up (in contrary to UK) and like throughout the game behind...this way Axis will have no chance to finally win the big war :cool: Newest message: USA developed Jets 4 last turn and uses it now in Germany vs the jet 2 german fighters... [ July 02, 2005, 01:35 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  22. August 1943: No russian airpresence - is it only a myth ? Russian army survives at str 2 - german armies reinforce after the hard but victorious battle for Kharkov. In the west the first US corps bites the dust - german armies supported by air goes in the offensive.
  23. - if you DoW a country then it will be surprised and its units have no supply during this first turn. An exception is Russia, as the only country its units start supplied during the first turn. - Allies can attack LC turn 1, but in HvsH games this is only a gamble with very poor chances to succeed that you will nearly never see in TCP/IP games (and if someone does it in PBEM, then you know what you have to think of him ). Since Germany will have AFs in range, chances to conquer Brussel are very low: if it fails Allies have lost and can surrender. Even if they get it they will still have not enough units to protect all spots and german units will soon break through the thin lines. An experienced german commander will have no real problem getting Italy in the war and breaking through the Allied defence lines - only extremely bad luck can prevent this, nearly impossible in an online game . Longterm a LC gambit is a clear and huge disadvantage for Allies due to the delayed US/russian and early italian entry - so if Axis reaches Paris, Allies can usually surrender too. BTW: to get Italy in the war, you need a unit near Brussel AND a unit near Maginot (i.e. +10% italian readiness/turn). If the river hex is occupied by Allies, you can kill it with 2 ground units and your AFs.
  24. - escorts would change the situation (attacker/defender) again, but in a HvsH game you will nearly never see this since nobody uses bombers . - entrenchment and terrain bonus only counts if you attack a unit directly and not in interception airbattles. So it is a bad idea to attack an entrenched AF in a mountain directly - you will do only 0-1 damage. - if you only take Jets into account, then carriers in deed would only be efficient at lv 4+. But since most of their readiness comes from their strength points, LR is also a factor and experience is very important if you can attack enemy AFs diretly with your carriers - then they have expected losses of 0 with 4 stars and will be deadly for any enemy air in range (another reason why LR is important for carriers). Therefore carriers will be deadly weapons later in the war (1942-47) but in the early years without tech and experience should better hide when enemy air appears. - HQ experience works different than combat unit experience. For combat units it increases the attack/defence values and also decreases the own losses. But HQ experience increases the readiness of the units under its command - each medal is equal 1 HQ rank point (= 1 strength point = 1 supply point). So Billote with 4 medals is equal to Rommel without a medal. - an experienced axis player will kill or cut off all russian front units including both tanks and 1-3 AFs. Russia needs enough mpps to rebuild its entire army and to also invest in research (Germany usually has 10 chits). 9000 mpps is not so much, especially since Axis often has built up forces against Russia consisting of around 15000-20000 mpps. - carriers ARE vulnerable to enemy ships, therefore Allies should protect them with their fleet. And that´s also why against a prepared allied player it is a very bad idea to build axis carriers - they are toast against the royal navy .
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