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Everything posted by Terif

  1. And already turn 1 Allies do suicide...USA at -21%, Russia 30% and Italy will join in 2 turns...1st french army destroyed, Elbow occupied. Warsaw conquered but Poland continues fighing. Let´s see when Zapp surrenders .
  2. Somewhere end of October 1942 Zapp surrenders unconditionally. USA had only 1 AF so its lv 5 jets didn´t really matter, especially since UK that got the most mpps still was at lv 2 vs Germany lv 4. But Allies had a lot more forces than Axis and around 300mpps more mpps/turn. Next turn US forces would have landed in empty Portugal and Spain, liberating Gibraltar. Greece was save, the the Balkans in uproar and Sweden under allied attack. Russian forces broke through between Kiev and Odessa, no chance for Axis to hold this front any more despite their str 13 armies there . [ July 09, 2005, 01:44 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  3. October 18, 1942: - no axis retreat in the Kiev area, so russian forces approaching Odessa by force. - german army in Greece killed, russian tank in Athens still alive and healthy, Yugo partisans unite with greek forces and cut off Albania. - heavy airbattles over Scotland, one UK corps near London lost to airstrikes: 5 german AFs attacking from France, another 3 from Norway. - russian forces land in southern Sweden, cutting of Skandinavia
  4. Game continues: September 20, 1942: - Russia liberates Kiev and has now a broad front across the river to attack the german forces there. - UK army in Greece down to 1, should be dead next turn. - since USA reached lv 5 jets last turn, it sold all chits in this arey and was swimming in mpps this turn ...bought some nice stuff.
  5. Hmm, seems he didn´t want to continue seeing his axis defeat any more - connection terminated when I came back in the game .
  6. Didn´t say something else - Germany catched up to Russia (already written July 5th ), USA catched up to Germany . And since Germany has noone to catch up in LR it is fortunately still at lv 1 (like USA and Russia too). August 30, 1942: Big battle around Scotland: Italian cruiser and sub sunk, US battleship lost. Carrier will most likely be destroyed next turn too. Next german army killed around Kiev, heavy losses for both sides. Axis attacks Greece - russian tanks land to help the defender. USA gets jets 5 at the end of the turn. Known techs: Germany: Jets 4, LR 1, AT 3 UK: Jets 2, LR 0 USA: Jets 5, LR 1, AT 2 Russia: Jets 4, LR 1, AT 1
  7. August 16, 1942: Both USA and Germany loose an AF over Scotland. A UK carrier survives a cruiser attack at str 1 in port and is reinforced to 10 again. Still no landings, but transports around London - the northern coast got cleared from transports . Yugoslavian partisans spot a from the russian fighter fleeing german AF near Belgrad. German army near Kiev destroyed - now 3 hexes around the city are russian again. Second army survives at str 2. Germany already at Jets 4, USA catches up to lv 4 too at the end of the turn.
  8. August 2, 1942: One carrier lost in the battle of Scotland, but german sub + cruiser and an italian transport sunk in return . USA catches up to Jets 3 at the end of the turn. The russian desert campaign has been cancelled, veteran troops operate to the battlefields in central Russia - all AFs now around Riga, Smolensk, Kharkov. One german AF killed in the airbattles, heavy losses for both sides on the ground - Germany defending with a dozen str 13 armies.
  9. July 19, 1942: Heavy airbattles around Scotland - 2 axis transports sunk. No landings in England up to now. 10 german AFs in service. Russian tanks in front of Tobruk. Russia starts its summer offensive at Kiev - next stop Berlin . Around 20 armies/tanks supported next turn by 9 AFs start the big battle. New tech round: USA AT 2 + Jets 2, Russia AT 1
  10. July 5, 1942: Axis transports along the english coast from Brest to Edinbourgh. Massive airbattles at Norway. Allies now land Bradley and his task force in England too - 14 allied ground units defending the island - several others waiting at sea . Near Alexandria the last 2 italian armies get destroyed, russian tanks move fast forward towards Tobruk. First airbattles near Kiev, Russia prepares the offensive by moving a dozen armies into strike range. 9th AF in service. At the end of the turn Russia gets jets 4. Since Russia alone is now technically, by numbers and ressources ahead of Axis, it would be able to beat them in a solo attempt even if England should fall
  11. June 21, 1942: Massive german air deployment to France and Norway. Allied air retreats to Scotland while US and UK armies take defensive positions in London and Manchester area. With massive airsupport of 7 russian AFs Alexandria is liberated and the italian army annihilated - the population is celebrating excessively . Tech round - scientists were finally busy: LR 1 + Jets 3 for Russia, Jets 2 for UK and AT 1 for USA. Allies are collecting around 300 mpps/turn more than Axis and are superior in numbers since the start of Barbarossa. Since Russia has now bought all necessary research chits, it starts investing in air now: 8th AF built.
  12. May 31, 1942: Alexandria survives 4 airstrikes and a tank-attack with str 1 - next turn all 7 russian AFs are in range...let´s see if it survives this . Some US and UK armies land in England to protect it against Sealion - anywhere else it is quiet.
  13. If your unit is supported by a HQ, then if you move it the command structure suffers and readiness drops slightly - for unsupported units it makes no difference and so readiness stays the same if you move them.
  14. @Hellraiser: Yep, luck doesn´t matter in the long run - at least not in over 95% of the games . But nevertheless in extreme cases like here it makes the difference. However, in a series of games it again evens out (or should, if it is really "luck"), cause nobody can have maximum luck throughout the whole game and in every game. @Blashy: A no tech game will be different but quite unbalancing. In SC you need tech to even out the axis advantage in the long run. Otherwise Allies would have not much chances to turn the tide in 1942-47 since their carriers would remain useless and it would be impossible to kill enemy AFs in 2 airbattles (important for a successful D-day since there you need to be able to kill enemy AFs that attacked your transports). So no tech would be another huge advantage for Axis.
  15. - To fail with LC turn 1 costs the game for Allies, so the risk is in deed unacceptable. But it is not so low: Allies can only do 7 damage in average with their 3 ground units at it (3+2+2), then they have only 2 AFs + 1 bomber in range. If no enemy air would be present, then they would add another 3 average damage (= 10 in total). But since they are always intercepted by the german AFs, these 3 expected losses are usually reduced to 1-2, makes expected losses for Brussel of 8-9. So chances to take it are pretty small for Allies, at least too small for the risk they would take. - For Italy you need a hex near Brussel AND a hex near Maginot. You can also take a Maginot hex, doesn´t matter. So if you destroy a fort and have another unit near Brussel, then italian readiness will increase. The broke through unit usually can´t be destroyed by Allies since they can´t reach it with their AFs or carriers. But to avoid this, Allies can operate Malta AF and/or the polish AF into Maginot. But Germany doesn´t need it since it is better to go via LC anyway.
  16. Zapp has to go, so he saves. Will be continued probably tomorrow. Italian army in Alexandria didn´t flee this turn and the other 2 west of it couldn´t flee due to missing supply. Let´s see if enough russian AFs are in range to kill it next turn - all 7 are in the middle east area . In the west german AFs force intercepts - but sooner or later Allies should get a bit tech...cause of the catch-up bonuses in every area now, added chance for a new tech is 116% each turn at the moment .
  17. May 3, 1942: Russian tanks liberate Suez, destroying an italian corps in the process and attacking Alexandria. Russian fighers bombard the port to str 3 so the 3 italian armies at Alexandria can´t escape via transport. Unfortunately one of the defending UK Korps at Tangier got destroyed and the city will fall next turn, so the italians can now operate away. Western Allies retreat from Bergen, several more german AFs spotted in France and LC. AFs in the game: 9 german Jets 3, LR 1 7 russian Jets 2 3 UK (+3 carriers)Jets 1 2 USA Jets 1, LR 1
  18. April 4, 1942: An italian army-transport outside Alexandria leads to the decision to finally evacuate the after all these heavy battles totally destroyed city and to use the fighters as transport planes to bring as much civilians as possible back to safety into England . Russian tanks are only standing 4 hexes east of the city, but they will come one turn too late. The battle of Alexandria will never be forgotten and Zhukov promises to liberate and rebuild the city within the next 2 months . Near Bergen: 2 german lv 3 AFs respond to the UK lv 0 fighters, but all 3 carriers can train then without further interruption. At the end of the turn UK developes Jets 1. But Germany instantly reveals now LR 1.
  19. March 8, 1942: 2 italian armies thought they would have killed the last defenders of Alexandria and don´t occupy the city. But this was a fallacy: civilians take up the arms of the fallen soldiers and continue the fight supported by a new built UK AF in the city. The people in England are acclaiming the brave citizens of Alexandria . Further in the east: Beirut liberated by russian tanks, the last remnants of the german Afrikakorps cut off and surounded in the desert beween Beirut and Baghdad - all iraqi ressources liberated too. Turkish capital conquered too, Turkey surrenders. West: Gibrlatar corps leaves its position and retreats via transport. But 2 UK corps will defend spanish Marocco till their death. At Bergen western Allies start their first offensive, carriers and AF training. Transports at the norwegian coast.
  20. January 11, 1942: Russian forces unite with the iraqi defenders and hunt axis forces in the desert - italian army + german corps destroyed, 5 more units to follow. Ankara under attack, will fall next turn. Axis Dows Yugoslavia. After long years successful defence the fortress of Alexandria falls to Italy - the defenders receive the highest medals of the empire posthumous.
  21. yep, but since the first army did 5 damage so since chances very pretty good to kill the defender the 2nd army too and is now toast because of this - otherwise it would have sailed away . And in the east it was clearly bad luck... However, Axis are not able to defend the middle east, eastern turkish city conquered, russian forces build another ring around the axis ring at Baghdad - the attacking units are now under attack from the rear themselves . Finland surrenders, Axis capture Madrid, but Spain continues to fight another turn. 2 UK corps occupied spanish Marocco to defend it when Spain surrenders. Allies DoW Portugal and bombard it, but the waiting landing forces retreat since without Madrid it is too dangerous to land now. At the end of the turn Russia developes Jets 2 and is now able to fight against the german lv 3 jets. Russia has to fight alone while the other 2 nations are researching with full power but without success to modernize their stone age fighters before they can fly into war...
  22. November 2, 1941: Axis invades Iraq, Allies invade Turkey and Finland. Istanbul survives at str 1, bad combat results in the east too (3 army attacks and the blocking corps at the coastwas still at str 4), so the turkish defender in the eastern city got killed but the city in axis hands. Nevertheless, the middle east should fall to Russia since Alexandria is still defended by UK troops, connection via Istanbul cut off and Baghdad got not surounded and so were able to reinforce to 8. In Finland 3 units are already killed, only a last defender in Helsinki left. Axis conuqered no spanish ressource so far, but attacks Madrid directly. The spanish Marocco corps transport gets surprised by an italian sub - hoped it would be raiding near Alexandria, but was not the case . Odessa lost to the aggressors, Kiev now abandoned. Northern defence line along the river near Königsberg holding. All bulgarian units are still alive and defending their home country.
  23. News: Germany already at jets 3, AT 3...no tech for Allies except the one jet lv for Russia...again the same luck like last game, but here he is outnumbered and outproduced too much (hopefully)... Axis Dows Spain.
  24. September 7, 1941: UK no tech (all mpps went into research chits since the fall of France), Germany shows jets 2 + AT 2. Won´t help them... During Barbarossa Germany used only 3 AFs, 9 armies and 5 corps against Russia. So 3 armies, both tanks and all 3 AFs escape. Russia also invests in tech and here it repays: Jets 1 developed immediately for the now 5 russian AFs. USA joins, Ireland Dowed and conquered by Allies.
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