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Everything posted by Hueristic

  1. Removed do to point being moot after reading last page
  2. Wow Could it Be?? Will it happen?? May 2, 1945 Berlin falls to the Soviets.
  3. Yes for a unit to become completely immobile is an issue that should be addressed I believe. I actually got a army stuck in the mountains of norway once! Doh Maybe a unit that low on supply should take attrition damage as it moves to reflect lost and left behind equipment.
  4. You get the Knowledge that you are helping support a worthy endevour that is not ruled by Corporate greed and caters to the Player community. That is why i purchased my version even though I had a full blown copy anyway. (No i'm not a pirate i just like to preview before i throw my money away on a game that stores will not let me return). :cool:
  5. The top left sub on canada should not be in view.
  6. http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/hueristic9/vwp?.dir=/Strategic+Command&.dnm=Sub_bug.jpg&.src=ph&.view=t Well i can't find a decent place to upload and link to but u can see the screenshot. Looks like a bug to me. [ January 08, 2003, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: Hueristic ]
  7. Brian are you around? I am here and waiting. I will also post in opponents forum for you.
  8. Yesterday it was Axis bias Today Axis/Research What will be added for tomorrow?
  9. I have a problem with Air transoprt Dropping a "Unit" That cuts off supply to my Army. A Division can capture behind the lines objectives and hold them for a period of time until relief arrives but cannot disrupt supply. And any unit added into this current game design would do just that. Game balance would disappear with one fell swoop. As for SC2 Well I'm sure it's being thought about.
  10. You can't play tcpip with the demo can you? That is where the real fun is.
  11. Sure he has been here all along http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=001839
  12. Me niether it's in my tag And i know how to use the ignore feature. Really i never had that problem NOW ICQ that's insane spamming i unistalled it 15 minutes after i got it couple years back. I think trillian filters spam i have not recieved 1 piece of spam in the 3 weeks i've been useing it. MAN Do you have that right! I didn't change all the names i originally recieved and after a week i had 20 names and none of them match Battlefront Nicks! What a mess when my detieriating brain cells started forgetting the actual peops lol. Peops have 3 different one one for balltlefront one for IM and one for email and none match! Well mine does.
  13. DAMN why did i read this Now i have no choice but to check out the demo
  14. Whoever said it was? I see it as just a great strategy game set in a Awesome setting(theatre if u will). If it was perfectly "Historical" Then there wouldn't be so many people trying to make Historical Mods. Ever play those? Talk about unbalanced lol. Not to say they don't Serve a purpose I've had alot of fun with them so far and i've no desire to shift focus of this worthy thread. :cool:
  15. Really? How many have you written? I am not nor have argued that point. That is a fairly true statement which i have not disagreed with. Although I do think it's Closer than You/And others Make it out to be. As your game with Terif is proving. I thought I got the point to start with? Weird read back over my previous posts. My Statements in this thread Are to be taken as Game Design in general and As a whole But not specific to nor limited to "SC". That stated (I thought it was self explanitory but i guess maybe not to Non-english individuals) I Still Feel the Bidding system is an exellent method by which to "Help" even the playing field but I do not think it should be a bulk "Gift" at the beginning. As a few others have stated the reasoning for this i won't repeat them. I believe the bidding should be applied to a pool that can be used for any purchaseing from any Major power of the recieving side. And that pool should be incremented by the bid every turn. E.I. I can beat u with allies +5 means the axis "Pool" would increase every turn by five and any Major AXIS power left in the game can dip into that pool to purchase. Damn better preview this, English is MY first language and i still can't spell [ January 08, 2003, 11:20 AM: Message edited by: Hueristic ]
  16. what about "Bite Marks" they are far more subject to interpretation. :cool:
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