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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Terrapin

  1. Mafia is the only game I've ever returned. Because it wouldn't install. Period. After five tries. I mean, I've never seen anything like it, and it wasn't a bad disk either, apparently it's a real problem for some people. I have a pretty decent rig, too.
  2. I live in Boston, MA. But people have mentioned the cost of the book in Canada (it's $40 canadian) and the slow customs orders (up to 3 weeks), so I was referencing that.
  3. True dat. Do you have any jobs for a frustrated Power Market Analyst, in a U.S. market that has been brewed up worse than a PzKw II facing off against a KV-1? But of course, you're in the U.K., so we're in the same boat.
  4. I agree. My big issue is that they compare wide-open "whole terrain" games against the texture-quality, modelling, etc, of "indoor games" like Quake III, and say "well, these graphics are terrible compared to Quake III/UT, etc.". Well, when Q3 can display 2000 meter wide vistas with 200 units on scree, without fogging, you let me know! They don't look at the holistic view of whatit's doing, just "this unit doesn't look as good as THIS unit on this OTHER game, which only has to model 4 units at a time" CMBB has actually very good graphics for what it needs to do. Operation: Flashpoint also got marked down for graphics for the same reason, and that's one of the most impressive looking games I've ever seen.
  5. They could have done some more proof-reading on the book. I mean, there's a typo on the BACK COVER, and the space formatting on bullet-points is, er, never the same twice! There's also one Panzergrenadier platoon that shows a firepower rating of 410 at 500 meters. They must be using the very rare Plasma Rifle available late war. Maybe they can clean this up for the second run. One interesting thing is that Andreas and I are both in the Energy industry, according to his bio in the book. What are the odds? [ December 13, 2002, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Terrapin ]
  6. 5 Days shipping, not too bad. Here's some quick impressions: 1. The Unit Data tables are excellent. Has infantry, guns, and AFVs. Laid out very well, and is worth the $15 alone. 2. I love the nice, descriptive, bibliography in the back for those of us who want some more background. Even has little clips or descriptions of interesting things in each book. Well done. 3. The book has some nice use of data. I.e., tables of actual HQ ranges for different types. Response times. The effect that hot weather has on fatigue recovery time (in percentages - Panzer Leader will love it! ) 4. The "Scenario Tips" is well done, and very handy, with input from Andreas. 5. Has an impressive list (so far from just minor reading) of little tidbits in the game (like why infanty never really runs out of ammo -- some of you already know), or what happens to the ammo when you move a mortar. Things like that are nice, and would be tough to find in the forum. Overall, I'm impressed. If you're a true grog who has played CMBO for two years, you probably could care less about the tactics stuff, but the unit tables are worth it for their handy format. For everyone else, it's worth it, if you're not in Canada and paying evidently $200 and three weeks for customs charges! P.S. -- I think anyone who has the book should refrain from posting "spoilers" concerning actual data from it (unless it's available anywise, like unit data), since they went through a lot of time and effort on it, and deserve something for that effort.
  7. I don't have too much problems disengaging. I load up on covering fire, then SNEAK my engaged (pinned) troops a few meters back into cover (if you're in open-cover, you're screwed, and you need to use withdraw). Then I just tell them to advance or assault 180 degrees to the enemy. Works great.
  8. As a very small mod, I'd recommend downloading the "Flamethrower Mod" (60kb), which mods the "flame texture" on flames. It makes it look less like orange juice, and more like flame. It's small, but useful for everyone.
  9. It's trying to button the tank before taking the shot (It doesn't seem to delay the time before the main gun fires). It's SOP on some tanks. I think it's useful in most situations, but in ambushes, yeah, sometimes I don't want it to do that, since it hasn't been seen at all yet.
  10. Also, if you haven't done so already. I'd take a look at some of the other user-made scenarios that have come out. I was really impressed by "SS_Panzer Division_5th Wiking", which you can find on the CM Scenarios page (I don't have the link in front of me, go to the scenarios forum). That battle is a beautifully designed map, and it's DESIGNED for the player to defend, while the AI attacks, and it's pretty clever. The designer managed to make it so that you are on your toes nearly the entire time. You'll most likely win, but I can see if you're not diligent, losing badly as well, and that's unusual. If someone can make a scenario that makes the AI look better, I think others should follow.
  11. I think this is true in general, attacking requires more tactics than defending. I've seen the AI do allright in meeting engagements as well, if the flag is a little closer to their side (which it usually is). For sort of the same reason as above. Interestingly, the AI is usually very good, in my experience, at placing the HMGs in every meeting engagement I've done. They're in deep cover, back away from the infantry, etc. Your mileage may vary.
  12. I tried it on and off. I can't tell the difference. I think it might do something on games that don't have filtered textures or something. It doesn't do anything in CMBB. I leave it off in case it has a performance hit.
  13. You have nearly the EXACT configuration I have, and I don't have a problem with the 4XS at all, and in fact, use it with 2x Anisotropic. Did you make sure to apply and save the graphics settings? I don't know what to tell you.
  14. I'd like to just say how impressed I am by the little details that have been put into the game. Things you don't see in other games. Like the fact that in a new amazing user-made battle(SS 55th Wiking Division), I put two panzershreks into two different buildings. T34's come, and they take out the T34s, from inside the buildings. I go about my way for a few turns, and come back and find that the back-blast off the shreks has caught each building on fire. :eek: :eek: I got those guys out of there. By the end of the Battle those buildings were cooking pretty good. Wicked stuff, guys. If only more devs paid attention to minor details.
  15. And, of course, the Nazi's burned the Reichstag. But that's a whole 'nother story.
  16. Mattman posted this in the scenario forum, and I figured it deserves a wider audience if you haven't seen this. It's a breakdown of german defensive tactics and fortifications in WW2 Eastern front. It's well worth reading. Has LOADS of useful diagrams and nifty pictures of trenches in the snow, etc. http://cgsc.leavenworth.army.mil/carl/resources/csi/Wray/wray.asp#tanks Awesome stuff, Mattman!! Here's some other useful ones from the same site. You can get most of these in either .PDF or HTML http://cgsc.leavenworth.army.mil/carl/resources/csi/csi.asp#reports [ December 12, 2002, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: Terrapin ]
  17. I'd like to get some of these reviewers in a room and ask them when World War II occurred, and between whom? I'm guessing the answers would make us laugh for months.
  18. Keep up the AARs. I thought Magnuszew was a great experience as the Soviets, with some of my most memorable moments in the game, and am curious how other people managed this. [ December 12, 2002, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: Terrapin ]
  19. I thought that the scenario DID say it was better as the Soviets. Either way, I picked the soviets vs. the AI, and it was real fun. I managed a Draw. The major thing that saved me was their second Tiger II got bogged in scattered trees. Otherwise, it would have been all over. The fight for the first town was one of the most epic battles I've ever seen in the game. It was house to house with everything burning, and my hidden AFVs opening up on Panzers. One complete wheatfield was on fire. The other thing that saved me was that one of my Maxim's went (absolutely HAD to) have gon FANATIC for long stretches of time. He was in a house in good cover. A Tiger II destroyed the house. He continued to fire from the rubble for some time, holding up the half-tracks. it was impressive. He eventually was captured, but I was glad he was alive in any case! What's the Soviet version of the Iron Cross? He should have received it!!
  20. Scariest moment against AI I ever saw, was when, in a QB, entire AI platoon was in this 40-meter wide "horseshoe depression" about 9 feet deep or so, with trees all around it which provided the AI with plenty of cover, and they weren't coming out, so I decided on a three squad human wave attack on two German squads set-up in some trees in the back of the depression. The Soviet farm-boys start up on the human wave, are slowly walking, then they're picking up speed, yelling "HURRAHH!!!!!" I'm thinking "They're UNSTOPPABLE"!!! Almost to those troops in the trees! Just 5 meters to go...a few more steps....."PHROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM". That's the last sound those boys heard as a hidden German flamethrower in the depression, cooked them. Took out three squads.
  21. That looks right, if you're going by "Time spent doing the activity". Of course, if it's distance covered, Sneak is number one easily. I don't know what "Human Wave" is, probably close to Assault.
  22. :mad: To all the comments. Especially the first two. OUCH!
  23. This assumes it's the same distributor. They might have a different one for the book, with slower S&H. The delivery time said 3-6 days. So chill.
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