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Everything posted by Richie

  1. I work shift work. My lovely partner of 13 years, well, she's asleep in bed when I trottle in so's I get a few hours to answer my PBEM's. I try not to play when we get the chance to spend some time together.... Hang on... No... I play whenever she's not here... Did I eat Today? Let me see... Got up, shower, play CM, went shopping, play CM, went to work, came home, play CM, steal a little sleep, get up, shower, play CM.... Oh dear
  2. Actually, I find the hapless crews make excellent scouts. No more buwwets? hehehehe. Well I've got a vewy special job for you... :eek: I prefer Campaigns for this very reason. Suddenly troops become a lot less expendable when you might want them tomorrow. You don't get that mad suicidal rush in the last couple of turns to make ground like in some scenarios. I must admit I do sometimes sacrifice troops so more can get away, you know, slow the enemy down, the greater good...
  3. Considering victory conditions take into account casualties, yes, I too try and save their virtual little... :eek: whenever I can. (Besides, at least then I can sleep at night. )
  4. I have a couple of Questions: Given the scale of some Desert Operations, will 'design your own' encompass low fuel or enable vehicles to be set up Immobile or Out of Gas? If so will this affect turret speed due to hand cranking? How do I best replicate 'Out of Gas' if not? Will heat and dust be taken into account for mechanical reliability?
  5. Oooo, Ooo Ooo... Will there be 'Diggers'? Howzabout just some Anzac forces? Always happy to share the glory with the Kiwis. Please, not Commonwealth Minors :mad:
  6. Now there's a question... Will we be able to play CMBO scenarios in CMAK utilizing the better graphics? Now that really would rock. :cool:
  7. Thanks Moon. Ive ordered one from EB Games. $30 US is pretty reasonable... but $30 for postage to Australia :eek: ....
  8. Thank you Gentlemen. I wasn,t entirely sure the bmp's from CMBB (MikeyD's yeah?) would neccessarily be compatable for a straight insert, you know, different game engine and the like. :confused: I will definitely check out the Normandy pack too, Thanks Again... [ June 06, 2003, 11:02 PM: Message edited by: Richie ]
  9. Yes there are differences but you'll never regret spending the money. Plus there's heaps of top MODS out there to tart things up a little.
  10. I've made a search but I'm still unable to locate one. Would any of you fine gentlemen be able to point me in the right direction?
  11. I have to agree with Michael Emrys, Barbarossa, despite the planning was fairly hopeful to annihilate a country the size of the USSR in 6 weeks let alone six months. Intelligence was poor, few maps and no... NO preperations for Winter. (In the eyes of an ASL gamer, Excuse my blaspheme, Hitler hoped for a three and rolled box cars. YES I KNOW IT WAS WAR AND NOT A GAME. ) No, Germany did not win the airwar over the English Channel and hence it was viewed as non-viable. The logistics were terrible, but so was supply in the UK at that time. Was the invasion of Russia really imminent because of the RED threat? I understand Stalin couldn't believe it for nearly two days when it did happen. :eek: Yes if Hitler hadn't delayed or diverted troops they 'might' have seized Moskov. I 'think' if he had realized the reality of the situation he should have destroyed what he could of the English forces in France, and made plans and waited to invade the UK without the attack on the USSR. But he didn't... ...And we were asked "what do you THINK the high watermark for the Germans was?" You don't make war and hope for peace. I guess Hitler did. He lost.
  12. Can we order a copy from you guys? Will it run for me in Australia? Can't tell you how much I'd like to see an SE version.
  13. Out of interset do you consider Barbarossa as more viable than Sealion? Given history (and the attitude of some of the English as commented on) I can't say it wouldn't have worked.
  14. Gamey or Realistic? Win or lose, Realism for me thanks Full Fog.
  15. Indeed then Adolf Hitler was a fool. The German army took Paris and the French sued for peace. If he wanted the English to sue for peace then he needed to take London. He failed to take Moscow and then it all turned bad. If you strike, you should strike for the head, reguardless of what Hitler thought the English would not be intimidated to sue for peace. Yes you can bludgeon your enemies but the best result lies in the decapitation of the governing body. If Hitler failed to realise that Operation Sealion was essential then the tide was only ever going to go out.
  16. Everyone seems to assume the high tide was against the Soviet Union. I agree that if it happened then it was in 1941 at the gates of Moscow, but the real seeds were sewn when Hitler scrapped Operation Sealion. The Brits were the constant thorn in Hitlers side and the job was never complete, never more so than when he declared war on the USA. If you're going to start a job you want to finish it and make sure it's done... one step at a time. [ May 31, 2003, 10:18 AM: Message edited by: Richie ]
  17. If you buy CMBO you'll never regret spending the money. Yeah sure, there are differences but you're missing an entire theatre of operations. Kind of like the prequel to a good book. (say the hobbit) There's lots of MODS available, more in the future. Spend the cash Tiger, you won't regret it.
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