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Everything posted by easytarget

  1. i've read in the manual that hull down will appear above your tank or an enemy tank that has achieved this position i'm pretty sure i've never seen this, so either i'm never achieving hull down (something that would definitely not surprise me) or i don't have the right option on to tell me when i do it would be really helpful if someone could post a link to a movie that shows a tank being put into a hull down position reading the description of how to get there just doesn't seem to be getting it done for me guess i'm a visual person or something either that or just real slow on the up take of how to get a tank hull down p.s. this is of particular interest to me at the moment because i'm basically getting my ass handed to me by my brother in a PBEM of chance encounters - i'm the germans and i'm already down two stugs - with only one left, so if i don't figure out how to hunker down and pop up for shots i'm toast
  2. This will no doubt come off as a total noob question, but so be it. I've recently been messing around with quick battles, trying to set one up for a PBEM with my brother. Anyway, when I set it to armor for 1000 points I see a distribution of points I can allocate to infantry, support, armor etc. I proceed to try and purchase some infantry and no matter what I choose the program told me it wasn't allowed. So ultimately I set it up with armor only and some support. This was all well and good for killing the other sides armor, but for taking and holding victory flags it was problematic. The interesting part is the AI managed to select infantry just fine. What did I do wrong here? Clearly I'm missing something obvious about how this works.
  3. hehe, yeah the logic of forums work in perverse ways don't they
  4. Schrullenhaft is definitely more of the expert than i am on these things, but i'll give it a go i'd certainly consider falling back to older drivers if they worked and the current ones don't - the fps increases i experienced didn't blow me away i've used the 40's (most recent series of leaked drivers for nvidia cards) and found that AA and anisotropic filtering didn't work together - basically resulted in what you described above AA (antialiasing) and anisotropic filtering aren't essential, but nice to use because they do improve the graphics i'm running the 30.87 drivers and everything works perfectly - so you could pick those up at www.guru3d.com or fall back to whatever you were using before you updated - which is quite easy to do if you're running XP because it has a roll back driver feature hope that helps [ December 22, 2002, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  5. yep, that's no doubt the culprit since i've seen this on my system and did the same things you did namely uninstall and reinstall the game - it changed nothing and was a total waste of time as many threads in this forum indicate, the likely first thing to suspect is drivers that being said, it would be more than a little odd if you haven't installed a new vid card or changed your drivers
  6. you could liven things up here by entitling it tips and tricks (newbies welcome) and establish a rule that at least in this one forum the people posting in it would not flame broil each other when questions are asked i've been on sites sponsoring other games that are a good deal less detailed than this one that sported one forum where new players to the game could ask questions (any questions) w/o fear of being attacked by anyone this encourages adoption of the game - something you'd think both BFC and forum members here would be in favor of of course it helps to have an active moderator that is knowledgable keeping things running the way you want them to - and stickies at the top with FAQ's for reference hardly strikes me as much of a stretch or even a terribly novel idea, since like i said, it's done just about everywhere else any other gaming company runs a forum like this one
  7. btw, if there's something similiar in the way of a primer for units that'd be nice i recently cracked open the quick battle portion of the game and messed around a bit with purchasing units i quickly discovered there's a lot i don't know about what might comprise a good compliment of infantry and armor for a given battle and to be honest, most of the german names for the various units has me quite lost at the moment so i'm defaulting to AI choice - something i'd like to move beyond eventually
  8. thx for reposting this i for one think these forums could stand to work harder at initiating noobs with works like this everyone here benefits from more people buying cmbo/cmbb, if for no other reason than it provides more opponents something, at least imho, you can't have too many of
  9. Thanks for the reply! I'll check out the files and the web site. I know ultimately I'll get the hang of things by playing battles and seeing the different units in action. I just felt a bit lost on the quick battle set up page where you purchase units. Long list of names with little explanation.
  10. I'm sure this has been covered before and probably lurks somewhere in the archives, but I couldn't find it. I'm playing around with the quick battle part of the game working on setting something up to play PBEM. I thought it would be interesting to also try out the points purchasing part of quick battle. Problem: There are lots of units to choose from, and in the case of the germans in particular I'm a bit lost on what they are and what they do. Is there an FAQ thread somewhere around here that describes units? And even better, is there a thread that goes through which ones are best for what jobs? W/o some guidance on this I'm going to no doubt quickly discover that my purchasing is haphazard at best and I'd like to put things together with a bit of intelligence. The book is helpful in many areas, but has no listing of units and who/what they are.
  11. ok, just to make sure we're on the same page on what the problem is are you right clicking on the units you want to give commands to and getting this red box instead of a list of commands you can issue the unit?
  12. no contest - nvidia i just gave away a radeon 9000pro out of disgust benchmarks never tell the whole story - playing actual games using the card in question is irreplaceable - i've liked every nvidia card i've used and i've hated every ATI card i've used as you can tell, i feel rather strongly about this
  13. like most things it's all about price and speed you'll no doubt find straight sdram vid cards are quite cheap since they are running the older cheaper straight sdram cards running ddr-sdram will be more expensive and also faster if this is just about running CM, i'm not sure the cost difference would be worth it in terms of performance increase - i suppose it just depends on what the cost difference is - after just a cursory search on the net i found the PNY GF4 420 w/ 64mb sdram for as low as 49 bucks - that strikes me as a pretty good deal for what you're looking for as i've mentioned elsewhere, i'd definitely stick to an nvidia chip set - beyond that, the memory speed between ddr and sdram is strictly a cost benefit calculation you'll have to make since i've run CM on a GF1 and on a GF4 and seen little or no FPS difference, i'm pretty certain vid memory speed is not going to be that significant a factor in the over all performance and in either case it will be light years ahead of whatever you're running currently
  14. Looks like CMBB demo made the first update on Tuesday's Bluesnews. Might just get a couple quick twitchers to take a look see. http://www.bluesnews.com/ (check out Tuesday's update - 1st item) [ December 18, 2002, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  15. since msn appears to be the connection, you'd have to think that just perhaps the ISP is the problem wonder if anyone else with MSN will pop in and we can get some further confirmation
  16. that you'd prefer a non-mx version goes w/o saying don't know he has that many choices though for a PCI slot card but even an MX version for a PCI slot beats the crap out of integrated video and CM is hardly graphics card challenging - just for kicks i pulled out my old first generation geforce card to see how it would handle the game - smooth as glass
  17. that's the cool part about the vid card i put the URL to above, it is a GF4 - admittedly it's the MX420, so it's the lowest end of the GF4's but hey, it's still a GF4 - and even at the lowest end, this card would more than handle CMBO and CMBB i run CMBO with as many mods as i like on maps as large as anyone has ever made on a GF3 Ti200 that is underclocked no less - no hesitation
  18. i downloaded it and will give it a go when done i'll make a point of reviewing it btw, you mention that first go thru you should use default set up on defense i found when i loaded it up (just to look at the map, i'll probably play it later this week) the default was for the AI to be allowed to freely place units instead of sticking to the scenario default is that what you had in mind?
  19. cool btw, ever eat at chris madrids or blanco cafe? man i love those two places...and to think, they're just a block apart
  20. don't know that much about outlook express, but is there a way in the settings to turn it off? sounds more like something you'd expect from NAV scrutinizing attachments to email
  21. i bought the combo and have started by playing cmbo first think this guide, even though it's for cmbb, would be useful for cmbo? at the rate i'm going, it's going to be awhile before i get to cmbb
  22. need some specs on your hardware what vid card and drivers for example?
  23. the vid card i put the link to in my above post may be in the upper range of your price range but it has the following going for it: 1. it's an nvidia based card - that means drivers are available that are known to work with CM (in my case i'm specifically thinking of the 30.87's which not only work with fog, but also work with antialiasing and anistropic filtering - both of which make the game look better) 2. the card i referenced is by PNY - they are a known quantity over the last couple years in the vid card biz - although most know them for RAM) 3. newegg.com is a company that's safe to order from over the net - they offer 2nd day fed-ex for free - they are price competitive - while you may be able to find cards cheaper elsewhere - sometimes saving 5 or 10 bucks will buy you only headaches 4. outside of playing CM, i assume you may play other games as well - when it comes to drivers, ATI has routinely gotten it's proverbial ass handed to it by nvidia - nvidia releases more drivers in a month than ATI does in a year - this dramatically increases the possibility that you'll either have a faster performing card, or the opportunity to find drivers that work
  24. what was the problem with using 30.87's? i'm using them and i'm getting both to work and from a performance stand point i don't see that much difference from the 40's
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