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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. It does. I know by now such statements are not written in stone, but it's something to hold on to.
  2. Well, that's a problem I haven't solved yet. Depending on which site is victorious, i withdraw units and don't use them for several turns. But if one uses one's imagination it's still fun.
  3. Yes, and downplayed the consequences for the release of Fire and Rubble to keep the community happy. That's all rather obivious. We could indeed face another RtV drama, let's prepare ourselves for that. I'm far from bored. Yes, there's always enough content in the other CM games to play with. Lately the superb Goumier mod by mjkerner for instance gives me the opportunity to play a series of great quick battles. and yes, there's so much more still to explore, but that's not the point. It should be possible to inform about a very general period of release (Autumn) without the usual indignant reactions. Btw, people, John Tiller Software (Panzer Campaings) has a sale going at the moment. Nothing spectacular, but it might be worth to pick up a couple of titles. I enjoy using playing Panzer Campaign in combination with CM by making small quick battles. A dream team.
  4. Really don't understand your attitude. I'm not asking for a release date. I'm asking whether everything is on schedule for an autumn release. Not such a strange question, given the fact the AAR is upon us already. Autumn means still another four or five months. You could answer by describing the development of the scenarios, campaigns, artwork etc. like you did some time ago, instead of telling people to 'ride the wave, dude...' You can tell that at the start of the development of a game, not after a wait this long. The only 'inside joke' I can see here is the unreliability of BF release dates. Gaming sites like Wargamer most certainly see it that way.
  5. But seriously, Elvis. You guys are game developers, not weathermen.
  6. Things are coming along quite nicely for years and years now, my dear wart.
  7. So you still can't even predict the season the module will be released in? Ah, well.
  8. What do you mean with the previous release? I did buy r2v if that's what you mean, so in that case you are indeed mistaken. I've always considered the R2V module to be an annoying obstacle on the road to Fire and Rubble. And although I admit R2V is quite nice, I still think it caused far too much delay. So if you're trying to insinuate I'm only interested in pressing for a release instead of the module itself you're twice mistaken. Opening pre-orders isn't the only useful response. I'm asking whether a autumn release is possible. That's not exactly asking for a release date, is it?
  9. Let's hope so, but we don't even have pre-orders yet at this moment. Elvis@, can you give us an update please?
  10. I'm sure the community would appreciate an update on the current status of Fire and Rubble. Can we expect a release in the autumn?
  11. I have played some quick battles with your Arab ruffians, MJ. Thoroughly enjoyable and stunning work!
  12. Never underestimate God. You're doomed. Just kidding of course. Good hunting!
  13. You're a cruel man. O please God, make that 251/22 kill that T-34 of Elvis..
  14. MJ, I read that when I add the Sten mod it uses the m1a1 Thompson. Does that mean when I leave the Sten mod out, my troops are equiped with the Thompson?
  15. Btw also a BIG THANK YOU to Falaise for his contribution in this magnificent mod! We are fortunate to have such talented people in our community.
  16. What a superb mod, MJ! Easy to install (great option for the weapons too) and it looks absolutely stunning. Everything I've hoped for. Can't thank you enough for this. Much appreciated! Now off for some nasty battles between these Gourmiers and the Gebirgsjäger. Btw love the sandals too!
  17. Busy week. Didn't find the time to install the mod, but hope to be able to check it out this weekend. I can imagine MJ is somewhat annoyed by the lack of reactions after all the moaning, but I really looking forward to playing with this mod on.
  18. The Eagle has landed. I repeat: the Eagle has landed.
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