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Everything posted by 76mm

  1. Not certain, although I was recently playing a scenario in which a two man German tank hunter team took one casualty. When I saved and exited the game (to load some mods) and when I can back to the game the casualty was gone. In a previous game I noticed it with a SU-76 crew. I will pay more attention and get some screen shots.
  2. I really like how the game now shows a unit's casualties in the unit panel, rather than having them simply disappear. However, as far as I can tell, if a unit takes a casualty (which is shown in the unit panel) and then you save and exit the game, when you restart the game the casualty is no longer shown. If this is what is happening, it seems like a bug, shouldn't the casualties shown throughout the entire scenario? [EDIT] While I really having having the casualties shown, I'm not sure if I need the word "Casualty" spelled out. Maybe one of the modders could just replace with text with a red "X", and we'll get the message...
  3. I also play WeGo and strongly suggest that you give it a try. The difference between RL and the game is that in RL there are other intelligent life forms to make those life-and-death decisions which need to be made, and in game it can get overwhelming to try and do that for every single unit. Of course many play realtime and enjoy it, but its not for me.
  4. I didn't know this game had Agent Orange! Unless you mean the "Hide Trees" hotkey? Absolutely not cheating, but note that you're not actually clearing any vegetation, just hiding it so that you can see what's going on.
  5. I completely understand; not long ago I felt the same way, but now the standard camera tools feel very natural to me. A couple of tips that worked for me: 1) first, to maneuver the camera to a unit, I click on the unit and then hit the tab key, which locks the camera to the unit. You can then adjust the height (from grass level to almost in orbit) to see what you want, and use the arrow keys to pivot. 2) I forget if it was standard (or I fixed the hotkeys), but I use the WASD keys to move the camera right/left/forward/back. Actually I usually use the mouse for this. 3) there is a key which instantly gives you a "wide angle" view. Hit this key to see the "big picture" and then hit it again to go back where you were. As mentioned, there are also new camera modes (FPS and RTS) but at this point I haven't tried them.
  6. While I'm not sure, I don't think that fields were abandoned in this area; after all, as the Red Army moved into Belorussia and Ukraine it took tens of thousands of local men into its ranks, and surely they were not all partisans, so presumably many of them (and the women) were doing farm work in these areas.
  7. Thanks for the map, great work. I've haven't made any maps for CMx2 yet, so take my comments with that in mind. Generally I agree that overall the map is too "tidy"; in particular: 1) the riverbanks seem too clean, more bushes/trees would help. 2) there are too many fences, and they are too well-maintained. I don't think that most of the fences on the map would exist, and if they did, they'd have probably been build pre-revolution and by now would be generally falling down. 3) You need more "junk" of all sorts scattered around the town; I haven't looked at what flavor objects are available in CMRT yet, so can't recommend anything in particular, but rural Russia (OK, Belorussia) is not a very tidy place. These are of course quibbles, your v1 map is good indeed! [EDIT] I took a look at Google Earth to see what the riverbanks looked like, but of course there are two Nemantitsas NE of Borissov, and neither of them looked particularly like your map (no stream, etc.). Plus the resolution is very low, so overall the exercise was not very helpful.
  8. I've just finished (finished playing, not finished the scenario!) Dawn Patrol. I'm not a fan, for the reasons you suggest. I'd be curious if many have had success (as Sovs) in this scenario?
  9. Great, OK. Anyway, I like the mod alot, but still need to memorize what all of the various symbols mean...
  10. Here's a better shot where ID'd targets have the modded icons and FOW targets do not:
  11. hmmm, I had the basic text editor on, so didn't have any buttons...now fixed. Here is the first pic, in which the unedited german FOW appears: Here is a second one, in which your modified icon appears for an ID'd German target (red circle), and the unmodified icon appears for a FOW target (blue circle). Note that in the game, there are another two FOW targets near the other icons, but for some reason they don't show up in the screenshot: EDIT: Figured out the picture thing, see above...
  12. Here's what I'm seeing: https://p3plcpnl0259.prod.phx3.secureserver.net:2083/cpsess6983544931/frontend/godaddy/filemanager/showfile.html?file=tacicons.bmp&fileop=&dir=%2Fhome%2Fvervecom14%2Fpublic_html%2Fgames&dirop=&charset=&file_charset=&baseurl=&basedir= Although recently I saw another infantry unit with a modified icon, so I'm a bit confused about what is going on... also, can anyone tell me how to post an image rather than a link on this forum? I don't see the various formatting buttons I'm familiar with from most fora.
  13. Strange...the German icons are in my User Data folder, but so far I don't see them, although I'm just starting the game and so thus far only have contact markers. I play on elite, and I think in elite all inf-type units are only shown as a generic inf-marker (ie, not as HQ, AT, etc.). Could this have something to do with it? I should know more within a few turns once I've spotted some enemy troops.
  14. Quick question: I've installed this and while playing as Sovs it shows the Sov icons for my side, but the standard, original symbols for the Germans--is that correct, or should it use your German icons as well?
  15. Um, once again, the text you quote neither specifies any "physical impact" or "Psychological impact". Please give us some numbers of tanks destroyed, or actual Sov quotes about being "suppressed" by the so-called Devil's Wheel, and there is something to talk about. I've read much more about Stalingrad than Kursk, and in Stalingrad German air in fact seemed to be rather effective, even by Sov accounts, but your sources for Kursk have thus far not really given any specific or helpful info.
  16. No, once again you DON'T seem to understand. It is not the "forum experts" who know better, but the people that the Stukas attack (ie, the Sovs) that would seem to know best how effective they were. Oh, but wait, I guess they are "ignorant and stupid" too, so they don't count... PS: you do sound like Steiner, maybe you went to school together or something?
  17. uh oh, sounds like the niche proposed by volksgrenadier has already been occupied by another game developer... Tough break for battlefront I guess, but good news for volksgrenadier, because now he doesn't have to wait to play his game.
  18. I think that is a bit simplistic; actually, I think Stalin's role gradually changed because: 1) Stalin finally understanding that most of the generals were already fighting as best they knew how, and arresting/shooting the unsuccessful ones wouldn't necessarily improve matters; 2) already by the fall of 1941, Stalin began to gradually appreciate that at least some of his generals were more or less competent, and some were completely incompetent (although plenty of deadwood remained throughout 1942 at least); and 3) Stalin understanding (after Kiev, Kharkov, etc.) that he himself was not a great military leader, and unless he put the talented generals in charge the war would not end well.
  19. I've checked out that tutorial, but am already confused within the first paragraph, where he says: "In my refined concept, I figured the map would be about 1.5 x 1km...What I want to do now is be very specific about where exactly the boundaries are going to be. The best way I’ve found to do this is to lay up the relevant mapping into Google Earth, and use that to select the boundaries." What does he mean by "laying up" the relevant mapping to Google Earth? I guess he means to overlay a map on top of Google Earth, but how, for instance, do you line up the scales on the overlay map and Google Earth?
  20. You can also order books on Ozon.ru. Not sure if they deliver outside of Russia: http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/6143551/
  21. Certainly an interesting idea, in that it would allow Battlefront to crank out modules and new games much faster, since they could dispense with doing all that pesky research and modelling stuff--they could restrict their research to sources to Carrell, Hassell, and perhaps selected Nazi fanboi comic books, and they could just make up the underlying data to match the results in such sources. Much easier!! Of course, such a move would lose them a significant part of their current market, but they could crank out a lot more games, and as we know from the Eastern Front quantity has a quality all of its own.
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