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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Desert Dave, can you enlighten us on the Subs silent running mode - I assume that this will reduce the chance for spotting submarines and maybe even allow units sail right pass submarines without seeing them? Also will air units always spot all naval units within range or will there be a chance that they miss spotting a unit, with a greater chance for not spotting a sub (as subs were harder to spot than surface ships). In my mind the chance for not spotting a unit should increase as the range increases and one of the biggest influences on the battle for the Atlantic was the ability to spot German Wolfpacks from airbases in Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland. Properly played the game looks like it will provide an incentive for air units to be stationed in these areas in order to protect the Merchant Ship Convoys. [ April 17, 2004, 12:51 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. Finally, a reason to fight the Battle of the Atlantic. Thanks for the information Desert Dave.
  3. Where is the Empire State Building? and the Brooklyn Bridge? It should be added to the New York City Hex design. [ April 16, 2004, 11:40 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  4. Thoughts on Partisans First, the main benefit of partisan units to the allies was that they forced the Axis to devote sizable forces to the garrisonning of conquered countries. Even a small partisan unit of a hundred men could tie down a few thousand axis troops. HC's Yugoslavian partisan units recreates this effect very well as the Axis must commit 4 units to Yugoslavia or partisan units start appearing. Secondly partisan units were most effective when they received supplies, training and equipment from the allied forces or their had government prepared for partisan activity. Third, the numbers of partisan fighters largely depended upon their perceived level of success. The best way to recreate this is to have the chance for partisan units increase if the partisans control a city hex. The more city hexes that partisan units control the greater the chance for partisan units to appear. Example the normal chance for partisan units is 15%/75%(75% during winter months) when they don't control any cities and are tramping about the woods. If partisans control one city this may increase to 50%/90%. If the partisans control two cities the chance for partisans increase to 75%/100%. If the partisans control three or more cities then the chance may increase to 100%/100% - producing one new partisan unit every turn - as the partisans now appear to be winning the war against the occupying power. Thus as partisans liberate cities the chance for new partisan units rises. As the Axis liberates cities from the partisans the chance for new partisan units declines. [ April 16, 2004, 11:17 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  5. Also, you should be able to link events to a particular scenario. I would not want events designed for WWII to show up in WWI or Ancient Rome.
  6. Native Revolt - If No Foreign troops in Nation then chance for Nation to Revolt. Example - Egypt, Algeria If No UK troops in Egypt then chance for Egyptian military to stage coup and sieze Cairo. If No Vichy or Axis troops in Algeria then chance for Berber Revolt. Unlike partisans these units would not be pro-allied or pro-axis.
  7. I would like to see the Allies have the option to activate partisans in a user selected country for a Cost - say 500MPP after it is attacked or 250 before the Axis attacks it. That way the Axis will not know where the partisans will pop-up and the Allies will have to make hard choices. Do they divert resources towards aiding partisans and if so where - in Spain, in Norway, in Greece? Do they lay the foundation for partisan activity before the Axis attacks the nation and accept the risk that the Axis may never attack that nation. Or do they wait until the Axis has attacked the nation and spend more to support partisan operations. [ April 16, 2004, 01:11 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  8. Another Different Idea for Active Neutrals Active Neutrals can accumulate and build units. Example: IF Axis DOW Vichy then Spain has a 25%chance to become an Active Neutral. As an active neutral the AI will accumulate MPPs based on the cities it controls and spend them to purchase additional units. If the Axis waits to long to attack Spain it might find that Spain has built several additional units - ie Corps. If not attacked within six months the Active neutral nation will return to Neutral Status and stop building new units.
  9. Or allow for active neutrals. Example: If Norway is attacked by Axis then Sweden has a 50% to become an Allied controled active Neutral for X turns. The Allied player can move Swedish units within Sweden except for unit in Capital city during those turns, but can't DOW Sweden themselves. (prevents allied player from moving units out of capital and then landing Corps to take capital). Axis player does not know that Sweden is an Active Neutral. If Vichy France is attacked by Axis then have a 50% for Spain to become an Allied controlled Active Neutral Nation. Allied player can then move Spanish units for X number of turns. [ April 16, 2004, 12:10 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. No I have not, but thanks, I have will look at the Designer Forums for this (http://www.tdg.nu/) when I have free time. TOAW stands for the Operational Art of War, an old Talonsoft game. -------------------- In my mind there are several types of events; 1. Political/Strategic - are based on the actions of the players and which nations have been attacked and conquered. 2. Tactical 3. Decision Events - where the player must make a decision or decide from several choices presented. Spain requests Arms with which to field an extra corps. Does the UK give Spain the equipment. Yes/No. If yes then Spain gains 1 Extra Corps and UK spends 75MPP. 4. Random Events - Example: Location of randomly selected Axis HQ is spotted due to interception of radio traffic. 5. Chrome Events - No effect on game - Example: Death of FDR at specific date or Queen of Belguim escapes to London when Low Countries Surrender. A key element is that you may not want a specific event to occur all the time. Perhaps 1 in 20 games, 1 in 100 games or 1 in 1 games. [ April 16, 2004, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. According to the screen shots you can activate partisans for any nation. I would like to see a Partisan Tech where for each level of Tech you could 1. Activate the Partisan option for a country or 2. Increase the chance for partisans in a country where partisans are active or 3. Activate partisans in your home country. For example: Tech 1 Partisans - the Allies may decide to activate Partisans in Norway. Tech 2 Partisans - the Allies decide to increase the chance for partisans in Norway from 15%/25% to 30%/50. Tech 3 Partisans - the Allies decide to activate post surrender partisans for the UK. (this means that if the UK surrenders partisan units have a chance to appear in the UK, forces Axis to garrison the UK). Tech 4 Partisans - the Allies decide to activate partisans in Spain. A key element of this is that it forces the Allies to make choices. They can't support partisans in every conquered country. They must pick and choose which partisan units to support, supply and train. [ April 16, 2004, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. Yep, but only if its TCIP, email me at edwinfager1@msn.com. But bewarned, I like to try out unusal tactics.
  13. "Advanced event engine that will allow players to script/create custom events like troop transfers, supply, territorial surrender and annexation rules" 1. IF UK Surrenders THEN 5% Turkey Annexes Vichy Syria, Neutral Iraq, and UK Egypt, 20% Turkey Annexes Vichy Syria and Neutral Iraq. (Effectively prevents the Axis from gaining Iraqi Oil and balances the game) 2. IF Axis DOW Switzerland THEN 10% Spain joins Allies. (A reason not to attack Switzerland) 3. IF AXIS DOW Vichy France and Axis DOW Sweden Then 10% Spain joins Allies. (A small penalty for being overly aggressive) 4. IF France Surrenders THEN 10% Turkey Annexes Syria. (Changes the map a little and makes it harder for both sides to take Iraq). 5. IF Italy DOW France then 100% French Corps in Beruit Moves to Suez Hex XX,XX. (prevents loss of French Corps when Paris Surrenders) 6. IF Axis DOW Romania AND Axis DOW Hungary THEN 5% Turkey Annexes Bulgaria. (Bulgaria joins Turkey to protect itself from Germany, happens only 1 in 20 games) 7. IF NO Units in Libya AND Turkey Controls Egypt THEN 25% Turkey Annexes Libya. (A very rare event that changes the map and weakens Italy) 8. IF Denmark Surrenders THEN 2% Popup - Governments of Norway and Sweden signed a Mutual Defense Treaty. (happens only 1 in 50 games, just enough to be a surprise) 9. IF Axis DOW Norway and Event 8 = True THEN Sweden DOW Axis.
  14. Thanks for the update on the AI and the potential for a cunning and nefarious AI.
  15. I would allow the AI to know whether there are any units in a country. Example: No Units in Romania then the AI might consider a sea invasion from a Russian port. (I did this to a recent opponent). AI moves to coastal hex Turn 1. Invades and captures capital Bucharest on Turn 2 and Gains much needed plunder. Another strategy that the AI never uses. I think that there are about a dozen routines that could be written for the AI to take advantage of these cases, of course the AI would not execute these routines every time, otherwise the enemy would never leave an opening. 1. Russian Bucharest Invasion.(if no units in Romania) 2. Allied Libyian Invasion.(if no units in Libya) 3. Russian Swedish Invasion. (if no units in Sweden) 4. Allied Roman Invasion (if no units in the Boot) 5. Axis Canadian Invasion (if no allied units in Canada) 6. Allied Lisbon Invasion (if no Axis units in Axis controlled Lisbon) 7. ................. They for the AI is to move to a coastal hex where it cannot be spotted before invading.
  16. Roman UK, Excellent points. Especially as you said it would increase the value of Strategic Bombers. For it to be effective long range tech effect should benefit a bombers attack range (not the spotting range!) at a ratio of 5:1. THis would allow Long Range Bombers to make those historic long distance attacks into the German heartland or the Romanian oil fields without giving a player unrealistic intelligence about units in the intervening hexes. Example: Tech Level 2 in Long Range would increase the range of Air Fleets & Carriers Air Fleets by 2 and the attack range of Long Range Bombers by 10 hexes/tiles/squares. I also agree with your aversion to hard limits and much favor limits based on resources controlled for the reasons that you stated.
  17. Infrastructure seems to me to be most important for the Axis as it would allow Germany to respond to threats on both fronts.
  18. I would allow the AI to know whether there are any units in a country. Example: No Units in Romania then the AI might consider a sea invasion from a Russian port. (I did this to a recent opponent). AI moves to coastal hex Turn 1. Invades and captures capital Bucharest on Turn 2. Another strategy that the AI never uses. The AI should also know when a city is not guarded. In one game I took Rome via sea invasion when it was left ungarded (a very, very lucky gamble) and no Italian naval units blocked by way. In another game when the unit guarding Bagdad left it, I advanced to sieze Bagdad with a corps that was patiently waiting out of view of the guarding unit. I think that there are about a dozen routines that could be written for the AI to take advantage of these cases, of course the AI would not execute these routines every time, otherwise the enemy would never leave an opening. 1. Russian Bucharest Invasion.(if no units in Romania) 2. Allied Libyian Invasion.(if no units in Libya) 3. Russian Swedish Invasion. (if no units in Sweden) 4. Allied Roman Invasion (if Rome not guarded and no Italian naval units in area) 5. Axis Canadian Invasion (if no allied units in Canada) 6. Allied Lisbon Invasion (if no Axis units in Axis controlled Lisbon) 7. ................. In addition the AI should know if there are no allied naval units in the Mediterrean. If this is so then the AI's startegy should reflect this. [ April 15, 2004, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. 1. In SC1 you could abandon Egypt and the AI would not invade and you could leave the UK bereft of any troops and send your entire navy to the Mediterrean and the AI would not invade. 2. In SC1 the Axis would never invade Norway or Sweden. 3. The AI would never attack Denmark on turn 1. 4. The AI always uses the same basic strategy to defend France, never evacuates units to the UK and never scapping a few ships to purchase a French armor unit or more corps or even a HQ unit. 5. The UK AI never attacks Ireland (a standard human allied strategy) Are any major improvements to the strategic AI planned? [ April 15, 2004, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  20. Roman UK, you comment about oil resources brings up an old thread. I believe the thread was related to limiting the movement of armored and air units to the number of oil resource hexes that one controlled. For each oil hex you controlled you could move X Armored or Air units their full movement allowance. This allowance would be assigned to the first 5 units moved. Amored Units not in supply would have their movement allowance halved 50% of the time. That thread also suggested Synfuels as a tech. Synfuels tech increases the oil production of each resource hex - mine or oil. This change would make control and bombing of oil resources much more important. Of course the problem was how to reflect this limit vs a vs the UK which had no native oil wells.
  21. May I suggest - the ability to purchase air defenses for individual city and resource hexes. For example: Air Defense: You can increase the Air Defense rating of a single city (or resource) hex by 1 (max) for a cost of 125MPP. This would represent an investment in concentrating anti-air units to protect important cities. For example - as the Brits I might invest 125MPP to increase the Air Defense Rating of London by 1, but not invest resources to protect Manchester which is usually out of range of the German airfleets (until they develop Long Range Aircraft). Even so, it would be more economical to research Anti-Air as that tech advance would protect all city and resource hexes. also purchased air defense assets can only add 1 at most to a city's air defenses. [ April 15, 2004, 03:11 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. Or having the intell screen affect by an intelligence tech - the higher tech level the more information the intell screen shows Tech 0 - Units Killed/Loss Tech 1 - Number of enemy units by air/navy/ground Tech 2 - Enemy Tech Levels and investment areas Tech 3 - Name and Location of Enemy HQ units (as the enemy would track the location of your commanding generals) Tech 4 - Cities without a garrison
  23. Les - I also agree with everything that you said, war is unpredicatable and the enemy & your scientists will rarely do/develop what you expect. Thats why I like the current luck system in SC1. pzgndr - "nother goal of SC2 is to better balance all of the tech areas to make player decisions REALLY tough". I agree for as you said in SC1 its a nobrainer to invest in jets (although I just finished a game where I had Rockets Level 5 (it was pure luck- 1 chit - never happened before). ------------------------------------------ What I would like to see as mentioned by Exel is a chance for random related techs - example you have 1 chit in Jets and you make an advance but the advance has a 5% to occur in Rockets instead or you are researching gun laying radar and you have a 5% to get an advance in Sonar instead. -----------------------------------------------
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